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11/25/2022 9:38:27 PM

Can you please make Well of Radiance be affected by suppression grenades in PvP?

It is literally impossible to counter a Well of Radiance Super without a big AoE damage super or a Golden Gun. It takes way too long to destroy the sword placed in the ground (if you even manage the god-wonder to fight off the aim assistance dragging you off onto players). Players inside it have ridicules healing and overshield regen (which is fair since it is a super), but the fact the Super is ALSO insanely hard to shut down, makes it more broken than any other super ever was in the past in pvp. When a Bubble Titan dies inside or outside the bubble, the bubble goes away. You can still be debuffed and killed inside your bubble pretty easily unless you run a shotgun or are not alone in there. It prevents bullets to go in and out, making it basically a shell. Meanwhile with a Well of Radiance, 1-6 players can have a super easy time shooting at people while being basically invulnerable due to high healing and overshield unless they have a super. Considering that Well of Radiance is ALSO Tier 5 super and recharges fast AF, especially with Phoenix Protocol, it is very often usable and also very, very effective compared to other super abilities. The only Solution that doesn't nerf the Solar subclass or makes it unfair for any other class is to let enemy Suppression grenades affect the Solar Sword for a reduced duration (duration on Players is 10s, Sword should be affected only for 5s). That way Void subclasses become more important in PvP, Well of Radiance isn't nerfed in PvP and it still requires a bit of skill or timing to have a grenade ready to ruin that Warlocks day.

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  • Does throwing a suppressor grenade affect a bubble? If not then no.

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    4 Replies
    • Arbalest, Lorentz, any sniper, any heavy, any super, team-shooting.

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    • Witherhoard lmao. Kill the sword, not the people in it.

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      1 Reply
      • Try arc titan storm Bades easily destroying the well with no effort :D well is so shitty in PvP and so easy to destroy

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        3 Replies
        • You aren't supposed to be targeting the player but the Well itself focus your fire on the Well if you don't want to then just avoid them they can't leave Well without losing their regen.

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            "I'm good at all positions, thank you" - 9/19/2024 7:52:02 PM

            No. Think outside the box. I have no problem fighting a well user on any of my classes. It's way to easy to kill them actually lol.

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          • Terrible take. It just sounds like you’re bad and lose a lot lol

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          • Nah -blam!- that noise. Warlocks don’t need a single nerf anywhere in their kit. They’re the least played class for a reason

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            6 Replies
            • Edited by l Xemnas: 11/27/2022 6:23:19 AM
              Well can "easily" be sniped. Any linear fusion can shut them down. An aggressive sniper or an adaptive with vorpal can also kill anyone in a well. I'm curious if a shot from jotuun is enough to deal with wells. Outside of trials, the well can also just be avoided, completely negating what ever threat it may pose. Edit: Did some testing with a friend. I was wrong about vorpal adaptive snipers. They can work against enemies in a well, but only at 60 resilience or lower. Aggressive snipers will always work.

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              10 Replies
              • You can Arbalest the poor -blam!- out of his well and you're complaining? Also they don't even get an overshield anymore. What the hell is this post?

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                • pls no, dont nerf well. let it be as it is for the 7 players playing warlock in pvp

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                  • Never had a problem with well users.

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                    5 Replies
                    • You're a Titan. Just throw an arc nade on the Well.

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                    • What would be better is if they just buffed daybreak and lowered the cooldown they literally are forcing players to use well because who is going to use a crap super with a 10 and a half minute cooldown I know I won't it's not worth it

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                    • OK err not gonna read all that but sounds ridiculous. Why nerf well of radiance if it's working as intended. Another crying hunter no dout. Ruined the game

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                      8 Replies
                      • Destroy the sword

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                      • skill issue

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                      • [quote]It is literally impossible to counter a Well of Radiance Super without a big AoE damage super or a Golden Gun. It takes way too long to destroy the sword placed in the ground (if you even manage the god-wonder to fight off the aim assistance dragging you off onto players). Players inside it have ridicules healing and overshield regen (which is fair since it is a super), but the fact the Super is ALSO insanely hard to shut down, makes it more broken than any other super ever was in the past in pvp. When a Bubble Titan dies inside or outside the bubble, the bubble goes away. You can still be debuffed and killed inside your bubble pretty easily unless you run a shotgun or are not alone in there. It prevents bullets to go in and out, making it basically a shell. Meanwhile with a Well of Radiance, 1-6 players can have a super easy time shooting at people while being basically invulnerable due to high healing and overshield unless they have a super. Considering that Well of Radiance is ALSO Tier 5 super and recharges fast AF, especially with Phoenix Protocol, it is very often usable and also very, very effective compared to other super abilities. The only Solution that doesn't nerf the Solar subclass or makes it unfair for any other class is to let enemy Suppression grenades affect the Solar Sword for a reduced duration (duration on Players is 10s, Sword should be affected only for 5s). That way Void subclasses become more important in PvP, Well of Radiance isn't nerfed in PvP and it still requires a bit of skill or timing to have a grenade ready to ruin that Warlocks day.[/quote] Super doesn’t have overshield regen. Absolute skill issue.

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                        6 Replies
                        • Or...instead of nerfing warlocks. Lets stop with the super tiers bullsh*t A natural counter to well / bubble is instant cast supers. (And some roaming supers) But since you arent allowed to get one of those supers before radiance or bubble (if you even get your super at all) Well becomes a free win especially in trials with capture zones.

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                        • No

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                        • Witherhoard and solar/void grenade works for me.

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                          • why silence and squall doesnt work on it .-.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Edited by Auronio: 11/27/2022 10:08:27 AM
                              No, Warlocks should keep their well. In PvP just wait it out. Edit: I should add - as a Titan I believe in PvP its strength (extreme durability and survivability) is also its weakness. It can't move and is stationary same like my bubble. Bottom line - don't challenge a well or a bubble and just wait. Imho.

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                            • Well is fine as is. Its strong in zone capture but all you really have to do is notice when someone has it and don't use your super until they have theirs. And there's a lot of supers that can stop it. At least it doesn't move.

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                            • -blam!- no.

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                              12 Replies
                              • Lemme tell you if well takes a hit the warlock population will go to basically 0

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