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9/23/2022 3:13:59 PM

Fellow Titans, are you enjoying Arc 3.0 Striker?

Hello Guardians, expecially you fellow Titans. I was wondering in general how do you feel about Titan Striker with Arc 3.0. Are you using it? Both for PvE and PvP or only for one? Have you found a proper functional build? Do you feel it can compete with Solar, Void and Stasis or is it still underwelming? Personally speaking, I'm still using Solar and Void for PvE but always Arc in PvP to take advantage of the dash while Sniping/run away from bad angles, Shoulder Charge for 90°-180° movements and Blinding Grenades. Basically because dash and Shoulder Charge grants me better movement and Blind nades are very good both for run away or for grant easy gun fights in certain situations. What are your opinions?

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  • I see a storm grenade nerf in some way. Whether it’s heart of inner most light or a grenade cooldown nerf.

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  • Overall the new striker is nice and all but I’m still really disappointed in how terrible fist of havoc is as of right now.

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    • I like arc 3.0 but currently iam in love with a solar build. Infinite concicration (hope i spelled it right) spam is just way too fun in pve. Now that it works with heavy handed. Just casually 1 shotting champs in legend & master content.

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    • Edited by Lazareous: 9/24/2022 11:47:38 PM
      I've been enjoying it in pvp using knockout dune marchers and ballistic slam. You either take out a group of people bunched up or damage someone and clean up with a shotgun or a melee and get your health back. It's not fool proof though

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      • Stiker main since D1. Mostly like it. My biggest gripes are maybe 3 things. 1. I HATE the increased jump height while amplified/speed boosted. It makes jumping with speed booster a disorienting experience and high disadvantageous to the whole concept. 2. Juggernaut should have never been brought back. It was broken in D1 and makes Titans too tanky at close range in PVP. I guess that's fine though since Hunters can disappear and can counter invis possibly. Still think it's a bit too much, but Hunters have a slew of bs like this as well. Warlocks are just meh, non-issue. 3. No trample, no double grenades.

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        • Always mained arc titan in pvp and 3.0 is a huge improvement and a massive game changer with all the new perks you get on this subclass so for me its a ++ on pve i main void because of the defensive perks as in higher tier activities you need to play more defensive as almost everything can 1hk you

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        • I find that a storm grenade build is top-tier for add-clearing, and also for increasing DPS. I was always getting the highest number of kills when I was attempting the totems challenge in master KF. Downside is that only your melee can heal you, but that’s alright since most of the time everything’s already dead from the grenades.

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          • I was a Titan main back in D1 but switched to my Hunter at the start of D2 because without a dodge I found Titans to be my weakest class. But I’m enjoying Arc 3.0 on my Titan so much I’m thinking about making it my main again. It’s got a dodge, double lightning grenades and one of the best if not the best panic super in the game. The only downside to it is the increased jump height when you get the speed boost.

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          • I haven’t touch pvp, so keep that in mind. All I seem to be doing is using HOIL with improved storm grenades and thrust to cycle between the two. If I’m being honest, Arc titan feels more like a grenade focused subclass rather than melee focused with the recent changes. Thunderclap is cool, but I only use it because it can be used at range.

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          • Not really it’s ok,but nothing special nothing that makes me want to jump back in the game as soon as I can

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          • 1

            SuperTony - old

            Don't get use to it. It's going to get nerfed

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            8 Replies
            • Wish titan has a super u throw and forget like blade barrage, gathering storm on hunters, nova bomb, vortex whatever is call on warlocks. Hammers take to much time to do them for the petty dmg, and well one is just a bubble and I dont see me using striker without thundercrash.

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            • I dig it. I know storm nades have taken the spotlight but, thunderclap has really grown on me. I like having the option to do a quick hit or heavy truck hitting melee.

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            • I love all the 3.0 reworks. I'd say the weakest spec at the moment is actually stasis. But that's an issue with it being the oldest of the current format. At lest that's my opinion.

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            • All my builds are centered around grenades except the arc. Since there’s not a lot of grenade synergy I use The thunderclap and skullfort with some bountiful wells mods Melee wellmaker and we’ll of ions so ever 2 melee kills whether powered or amped gives me my Grenades and dodge back n with skullfort I get health n refill my melee off one kill so I constantly have my abilities. But I think the funnest build I have is the stasis and my favorite for high tier solo play is void and solar for high tier group play

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            • No Survivability, skullfort will heal you but only with a shoulder charge or thunderclap , both are very situational, and more often than not you will still die ,they shouldn't have taken away the bottom tree melee that was just a regular punch and could be used standing Still, thunderclap won't work if your near an enemy , and you have to run a certain distance for shoulder charge It's fun for low level content, but I use void anywhere enemies are actually a threat

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              3 Replies
              • the dash thing is good. everything else is meh

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                • Shoulder charge WITH Thundercrash was all that was needed for me and impossible with arc 2.0. The slide/evade and speed increase are just cherries on the sundae. Combined with HOIL makes him unstoppable. Flippin love it!

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                  4 Replies
                  • solar is the easy mode for titans inside pve when it comes for not dying, with lorelay still supper strong, and arc 3.0 is super good for pvp with cqc super strong brain dead ez to use

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                    3 Replies
                    • Yes, i'm in love with the new Warlock. I can cast thunderstorm and dodge like a hunter which match perfect the Titan's identity.

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                      • Striker ability is trash now I can understand reducing the length of the super but to take away health regen on kills with a super that requires you to be in the enemy’s mouth for it to work is counterintuitive to say the least

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                      • I haven’t tried it in PvP yet. I have enjoyed it with PvE. I am able to complete legendary lost sectors with it. I am not used to the new “dodge/ shift” as it doesn’t work like the hunter dodge I am used to. Having a frontal shield while sprinting is nice, especially when Amplified and moving extra fast. Using something like Dunemarchers, Skullfort, or MK 44 is really fun and can help a lot. I also like that they get a ranged melee, although like the “shift “ it takes a while to get used to standing still to use it.

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                      • I've not particularly enjoyed Arc, but I do have a highly functional and powerful Thunderclap spam build with Skullfort that's made high tier content a joke. I'm a Void main, but I've actually been playing a ton of Solar this season, primarily utilizing Phoenix Cradle and Severance Enclosure. The amount of sustain available in Solar is too potent to pass on. I've coined my Thunderclap build "The Infinite Ovation". I'll be streaming it all weekend for anyone who cares to see the specifics of the build and if you too want to infinitely Thunderclap.

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                      • Dont know the difference too much since i only play void/solar titan in pve, but all i know about Arc is shoulder charge and ever since they took the OHK away, i slapped on Peregrine Grieves and went right back at it

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                        • It has top dmg in pve double lightning nades can hit 10 mill dmg on rhulk. In pvp u have a new dodge plus shoulder charge as movement options and lightning nade are also very good. In my opinion striker is top tier in both pve and pvp.

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                          • Lord Shaxx: Thrown more grenades

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