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9/7/2022 8:59:50 PM

Stasis Alternate Supers

I was wondering if at some point we can have an alternate super for stasis. I like stasis hunter, but i'd rather have the option of switching to a roaming super. The super is good on it's own but it's just more of a fun factor thing.

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  • Edited by P Diddy, Invader of Buns: 9/8/2022 9:09:24 PM
    If you are a warlock, the best super is ager’s 😂

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    • I want Shadebinder to summon the iceberg that smacked the Titanic.

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      • I feel all supers in the game should have both a roaming super and a one and done super. Maybe Ill go as far and even say all classes should have a third supportive super but that might be overkill.

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      • If they ever do something, for the love of Pete can Titans get something besides a freaking melee roaming super?! Let us spawn a giant atlas globe of crystal that rolls toward a target and explodes or something like that… something one and done. Tired of all the roaming supers. Be more creative Bungie!!

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        • I'm honestly disappointed the 3.0 subclasses didn't do make new supers for each class granted they were never advertised that way (excluding hunter because come on the same super for 3 different trees lmao). I would like to see warlock do something crazy for solar like create a barrage of solar lances then they explode spreading scorch and ignitng targets (yes their own blade barrage with a twist) Arc just needs damage buffs Void just give the lance variation. Stasis I could see them toss their staff in the air and launch stasis projectiles and if they kill an enemy on impact it creates a whirlwind ice that flies in several directions.

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        • Wouldn't the blizzard super count as a roaming super since it moves around?

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        • I just want a "glacial freeze & slam" super like old D1 fist of havoc, similar to the way Elsie Bray did do it in the cinematics.

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        • + Anything other than "Make a mess all over the place while blocking everyone else's shot" for the Titan would be welcomed

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        • Stasis Hunter super roams after you throw it.

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        • No A_dmg04

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        • Whatever is it got hunter I hope its either a ranged roaming super or a team support super giving heavy damage resist to teammates

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        • Warlock - Eternal Winter Stationary super AOE Warlock throws her Staff at a specific location and instantly freezing the area then the staff summon a giant stationary winter storm Melee - Penumbra shards - shatters stasis crystals and frozen targets and slows non frozen enemies Hunter - Storm Reaper Roaming super Weapon- Stasis scythe Regular kills spawn seekers Heavy attack - sends out a stasis wind blade the freezes a targets Heavy air slam - slows enemies Shattered dive aspect equiped makes it a instant freeze Titan - Behemoth howl *Stasis version of Well of radiance *Support AOE super Titan summon a winter storm in his location that surrounds him granting teammates reduce damage and weapons boost inside the storm *Stasis weapons grants more 5% more damage while standing inside the storm

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          • Hunter: shoots ice cubes from a sling shot. Warlock: rides a magical ice breathing hobby horse. Titan: the power to have the best, easiest to use class in destiny and still -blam!- about other classes because they died one time.

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            • An alternate melee option for each would be nice too. Warlock -Melee: Shatterpoint: Fire a high speed ice spike from your staff, which deals greatly increased damage to frozen targets. Shatters stasis crystals and frozen enemies around the point of impact. Capable of dealing precision damage. -Super: Avalanche: Release a massive burst of frigid wind, slowing and freezing enemies in a cone in front of you. This wind is followed by a shattering blast of stasis shards from your staff. Titan -Melee: Frost Breath: Blow a slowing wind at enemies in a cone in front of you. -Super: Ice Age: Create a stasis field around yourself, slowing and freezing enemies that get too close. Allies (including the user) in this field take reduced damage and deal increased damage to combatants affected by stasis. Hunter -Melee: Fang of Winter: Throw a stasis kama blade that freezes enemies with a precision hit. (Has a windup animation like Weighted Knife.) -Super: Frigid Fury: Roam the battlefield with two stasis kama blades. Light attacks slow enemies on hit. Heavy attacks shatter frozen enemies and stasis crystals in a radius around you. Pressing block creates a large stasis crystal in front of you. I also hope that each of the light subclasses get a 4th aspect option. Just to have the same amount of options across the board.

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            • I would love a new Stasis Super for Hunter. I'm really not a fan of anything that takes player agency away. The tracking with Squall can be pretty frustratingly bad sometimes.

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            • I would love to have a Well of Radiance inspired Stasis super for Warlock. You thrust your staff into the ground, [b][i]freezing[/i][/b] nearby targets and causing a [b][i]slowing[/i][/b] field around it (about as big as bubble or Well, maybe a tad bit bigger). Your Stasis Staff now fires enhanced [i][b]slowing[/b][/i] projectiles (like a better, beefed up version of Bleak Watcher that applies more stacks of [i][b]Slow[/b][/i]).

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              • Edited by Mace-4k: 9/8/2022 9:29:49 PM
                I still want my OG D1 Fist of Havoc back. Just a one-time slam where you stand. If I can't have that, give me a Statis Fist of Havoc where titans hit the ground, dealing damage in a radius around them and/or freezing/generating stasis crystals around them. Call it Tundra Smash or something.

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              • Hunters get nothing, they deserve to be removed from the game entirely. Too many of em like d2 is infested, crawling around crying and whining about all the thing they want then when they get their way they cry some more. Pathetic

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                • I think they said something along those lines is coming in season 19.

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                  • It would be nice for titan because like normal it was just another version of run around and punch and slam. Or swing whatever new weapon the super is even though it's the same attack as a different super. It's also why I'm not super hyped for the strand titan but I'll hold off on that until we see more of it

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                    • Edited by Burma Jones: 9/8/2022 2:42:24 PM
                      Hunter super: Per SGTBrownT[quote]Hunter alternate should be like og bladedancer. Dual wield the Kamas, light attack does slash/shatter damage & slows targets in the aoe of shatter, alternate fire sends waves of stasis freezing targets.[/quote] Maybe add mask of bakris style phasing to shift while in super too. Warlock super: On cast, a large aoe is summoned and instantly freezes any target inside. Over the next few seconds, the aoe grows and at the end of the few seconds the entire aoe explodes in massive shatter damage. While it would be the pve/boss damage super choice by design, it could be good for pvp but very risky. Titan super: Buffed up concept of diamond lance. On cast, gain a stasis overshield that deals shatter damage to nearby targets as it is damaged (think of ice crystal armor breaking as it's damaged) and also reflects minor damage to attackers. Left click throws a lance that kills on direct hit, deals heavy damage and heavy slow on indirect (aoe shatter) hit. Smallish aoe, relatively fast projectile. Right click summons a stasis barrier that slows nearby enemies and deals bonus shatter damage if hit by a lance. You get 4 lance charges and 2 barrier charges. Lance charges restore on super kill.

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                    • Hunter alternate should be like og bladedancer. Dual wield the Kamas, light attack does slash/shatter damage & slows targets in the aoe of shatter, alternate fire sends waves of stasis freezing targets.

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                    • Edited by Ferus Lux: 9/8/2022 11:40:26 AM
                      Titans should get a Stasis Greatsword (called something like Entropy's Edge) they drag along the ground like Pyramid Head as a roaming super, but if you hold the activation buttons, they stab it into the ground as [b]Storm Shelter[/b], dissolving the blade into a special duskfield that boosts weapon damage and creates Stasis Armor around allies who pass into it. Warlock should fly up and begin pulling in Stasis shards magneto style, like a comet and then crashing down diagonally where aimed, causing massive shatter damage and a lingering slightly larger duskfield for 10 seconds. I'd deada[b]s[/b]s call it Extinction or Judgment but maybe that's too edgy. Hunters should get a giant Stasis Scythe as a roaming super with sick Whirlwind combos and the ability to throw the Scythe and have it loop around to you boomerang style. Kills create Shards that seek out allies, granting them overshields. Winters Culling? Have no idea what to call it. Something with 'Abyssal' or 'Reaver' in it maybe 🤔

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                      • I say for a roaming super on Revenant they could go two paths If they wanted to give it Ninja then do like a katana thing If they wanted to go reaper with the whole scythe thing, a Stasis version of the scythe from Haunted

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                        • For revenant how about a mid range super. Toss the kamas and have them explode like flak. Hits slow enemies and deal increased damage to frozen targets. Instead of a teleport how about a fast dash attack with the wind at your back, slowing nearby enemies. Basically a fast, hunt you down type super similar to Dawnblade. For Titan I’d like a ranged 1-off super. My thought is to maybe hold to aim and summon a wave of stasis crystals ending in a special stasis spire that detonates at the end of the super, shattering everything hit. The Titan can then keep pouring more energy into the spire to increase its damage and blast radius but locking themselves into a position. Could have it summon some small crystals around you though on cast instead of the freeze radius, just to provide some cover/chains. For warlocks my mind goes to an inverted well that rapidly slows enemies and provides damage resist, but I also saw someone on here put a summoning thing. Summoning an AI is such a cool idea so long as their attacks actually deal damage to enemies. If not for something like this, then something like strand (I want to summon an ogre for strand tbh)

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                        • For Hunters it’d be cool if you could throw the sickles and teleport with a mask of bakris looking effect, with some type of cooldown/range limit so it’s not completely abusive. Titans could make a tough stasis bubble made of crystals that freezes extra fast on touch and synergizes with the rest of the stasis stuff when broken. Warlocks could slam their staff into the ground and summon huge coldsnap serpents that aggressively attack and freeze opponents.

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