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originally posted in: Solo competitive feels pointless
6/24/2021 7:24:51 PM
Comp needs to be removed, this game was never meant to be played sweaty. No dedicated servers and terrible lag makes this pvp an arcade above all else. Trials should be removed too, its a pointless mode where majority of players are literally tossing themselves off the maps to complete bounties. The cheaters are the ones with god rolled trials weapons which is messed up.

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  • I have godroll Trials weapons and all I do is play pvp, their definitely is skill gap although the abilities are easy to use

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  • Majority of players? Na. If so I would have more wins lol.

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  • Thinking that the destiny PVE experience is fun enough to be worth the time sink is laughable at best. PvP is the only thing remotely entertaining in this game.

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  • Edited by Spectra: 6/25/2021 9:24:37 AM
    The ultimate sweaty name ;) I agree. I like doing pve to get new weapons and to take a break from the crucible. I haven’t done many raids in D2 but I know those are fun. But the general pve gameplay is not enough complex and diverse to be entertaining in the long run and removing pvp won’t help either. And to prove this just look at the past 2 years where pvp has not had any attention paid to it except for some sandbox changes and yet pve did not change much. This game has failed to evolve since Forsaken and I really hope that Witch Queen changes that. This game needs both pve and pvp, that’s what makes it so unique and fun. And to Infamous... I hope they bring back Combined Arms and make it even better ;)

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  • Completely agree. Until Bungle puts on it's big boy Developer pants, adds in Regional Dedicated Servers, and drops their insistence that Halo Era 2008ish Peer to Peer networking is viable, well the game is doomed to be a Fecal Storm for PvP.

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  • What funny is you clearly know nothing about destiny because destiny 2 was originally meant to be a competitive based game for PvP but they didn’t stick with D1’s original loot style and gave fixed rolls instead and ruined supers and abilities until they have only half fixed this game. You saying that PvP shouldn’t be in the game shows your just a trash can with no thumbs. I agree crucible is bad but it needs to be fixed. At the driest points in destiny 1 and destiny 2 PvP was the only thing keeping it afloat so you need to take your childish behaviour elsewhere since you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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  • Never has pvp kept this game afloat since never has pvp numbers ever out played pve numbers. Pvp had been left alone for the most part yet pvp still out numbers pvp even in content droughts. Your delusional if you think pvp keeps this game going. I'd like to see actual numbers on how many players actually stay in pvp cause it ain't the 400k that's shown.

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  • If you actually read what I said rather than getting defensive I said in the past when this game was at its lowest and the same goes for destiny 1. Ofc not now because crucible is in a bad spot. So read and understand what I said before you speak on the matter.

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  • It never did before noir will it ever. You guys wanna act like pvp is some big thing but it isnt and never will be big. It's the same crap day in and day out. Why because everything about pvp has been catered to a small group of players, and it's why pvp has been turned into a complete joke. Destiny pvp will never be the sole reason the game is still active.

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  • Hahaha I just realised your account is 3 years old you’ve never even played destiny 1 lmaooooo no wonder you don’t have a clue how important PvP is to destiny and how it helped it during its worst times. By all mean keep being ignorant byeeeeee.

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  • Bravo I joined the forum three years ago doesnt mean I didnt play d1 genius. Yet again pvp still NEVER carried this game. This game would die if it ever wasted time on pvp instead of pve which is the blood of destiny.

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  • Sure it didn’t you just probably never played the game enough to see that keep being ignorant you fool. Thinking Poh is what kept destiny going during the drought no it wasn’t it was trials but sure you ignorant turd.

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  • Trials is played by 3% of the community in d2 its doesnt carrie anything. Hell they keep having to change it just to get players to even touch the game mode. D1 trials whole better still never carried the game. This will always be a pve game every season is focues on pve not pvp what does that tell you genius. If bungie wasted a season on just pvp the game would tank.

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  • See you keep talking about destiny 2 like I’m talking. About that I’m talking about destiny as a whole. How do you think hush, nkuch, and Kruzer got popular cuz destiny 1 was Heavily PvP why was primal made you fool you generally know nothing and you’re too ignorant to see the bigger picture. D2 year 1 wasn’t just randomly made into a PvP focused game it’s because PvP was so popular in D1. But sure you keep telling yourself that fool.

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  • Its hilarious how you think pvp means anything because streamers play it and make little videos. Sorry but none of the pvp videos are different, it's all the same thing just a different name attached to the video. Destiny has never and will never need pvp to stay relevant, it would do far better without pvp. Then there wouldnt be constant nerfs to everything because of whiny pvpers.

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  • Not wasting my time on your nonsense you whining about PvP is the very basis of your claim you hypocrite all you’re doing is complaining right now when I know for a fact I’m right. Idiot bye muted.

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  • Who's whining I've simply proven how little pvp actually is needed towards the game.

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  • Alright mate you keep telling yourself that. Keep being ignorant it’s a great way to live when you’re in denial. Bye fool.

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  • Well you clearly didn’t play during the drought of HOW up until TTK that was one of the worst points in destiny and trials kept it going ofc you wouldn’t know that since you think pve is the only important thing in destiny which is why you’re wrong destiny is one of the unique games that made PvP just as important and pve and why it was so successful but poor development choices made by bungie had made crucible bad.

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  • I've played the droughts and pvp has never kept this game going because the numbers always dropped never increased during low content times. Pve is destiny and it always will be, pvp is the side car on a motorcycle, you know it's there but only gets used rarely. Sorry but dont blame the developers because they gave in to the whining in the community.

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  • The developers don’t really give in to the right players anyway because they listen to people like you so by all means over destiny’s and it’s developers are the goldmine for the standard of AAA Games even though all the problems are bungies doing not the players. Ignorance at its finest byeeee.

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  • Streamers and sweats cried for an easier time in pvp they got cbmm. They continued to cry because it was optional so nobody but them played cbmm. Season of arrivals saw cbmm forced onto the player base and pvp has declined ever since. Videos are made about supposedly broken weapons and armors leading to there nerf which ruins them. All this is done by the players who demand the developers put them at what they want them to be, so yes it's the players fault. If bungies developers didnt listen to a small group like they've done for years destiny would be a AAA game instead of the joke it's turned into by certain players.

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  • Sure it’s definitely the players fault although you have no idea the issues behind this game and why it is the way it is. Stop crying about the players and sbmm it’s there to hold trash players hands if that’s your argument goodbye you ignorant fool.

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  • Oh little angry over nothing it's to be expected tho when people dont like the truth. Bungie may make mistakes but most the time it's the players fault for why this game has gone down. As for sb sorry but itll always be the better matchmaking setup since it actually works. Even bungie admitted that the change in matchmaking negatively impacted pvp which was why they tried to fix the mistake. Cbmm is nothing but a way for higher level players to farm lesser players and avoid each other as much as possible. Imagine wanting to play pvp but only of you can play lesser skilled players it's a sad joke.

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  • Hahahaha you truly are clueless if you think the player is the reason destiny is so bad. Lmfao gtfo here you generally know nothing.

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