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Edited by Blimgauss: 10/23/2020 6:53:00 PM

Crucible players should consider not buying Beyond Light.

As of now, I don’t plan to purchase BL. And if, as I am, you’re dissatisfied with the state of pvp, and with Bungie’s plans (or lack thereof) for it, you should consider not buying the expansion. Other than a few cursory changes to the crucible director, I’m not seeing ANYTHING to indicate that Bungie is even pretending to care about crucible. — Connections and matchmaking have gotten even worse since playlists went from sbmm to cbmm. I’m on the east coast of the US, with solid internet (and play totally wired) and I’m literally playing guys in France and Britain. With no region lock, CBMM IS MEANINGLESS. — P2P. It’s garbage and everyone knows it. Bungie can talk until they’re blue in the face about their glorious hybrid p2p model. Bottom line, if it was actually good, every other shooter would use that, instead of dedicated servers. But, literally every other shooter uses dedicated servers. — Trials. I mean, just look at it. They should be embarrassed. Nearly a year later, and still no anti cheat. Terrible rewards and bounty structure. Almost no incentive for anyone but the very sweatiest players to even attempt trials. Adept weapons on the horizon, sure, but again, this only benefits the very top players (and that’s disregarding the fact that Trials should have launched with adept weapons). — Weapon balance is a joke. I know, I know — destiny will never be balanced and isn’t an esport. But even for this game, the current balance is bad. The state of special weapons (especially snipers and grenade launchers) is ridiculous, and practically no sandbox adjustments have been made since the 600 auto rifle buff. 600 autos are going on almost a year with the same TTK that got Luna’s and NF nerfed? It all gives me the impression that when it comes to PvP, they’re not trying. At all. — Comp has zero unique rewards for hitting max rank. Zero. It’s honestly hard to believe. Not even a unique shader. — Are we getting new PvP maps? Bungie’s silence on this indicates that we probably aren’t. A major expansion with no new PvP maps? Wow. They [i][b]really[/b][/i] don’t care anymore. And no, old maps from D1 don’t count as new. This is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Feel free to add to this list. I’d love to have a reason to buy the expansion. But I mainly play crucible, and from what they’ve revealed about their plans for it, as a crucible player I have very little reason to give them $50 for a new DLC. They say “we’re listening,” but at the end of the day, money is the only thing Bungie understands. And I hope all crucible players will consider this before dropping $50 on a DLC that, at least so far, looks like it does next to nothing to improve the PvP experience in D2. EDIT: Believe it or not, I am aware that there are other PvP games out there! I’ve played almost all of them; at the end of the day, I like this one, and I want it to be as good as it can be.

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  • Edited by Hatter: 10/27/2020 4:30:07 PM
    I'm a PvP main and I'm getting it. The pve story looks highly interesting and fun, and I like 140s and testing out new things. I'm just excited to use my God rolled ancient gospel and lumina as a 140. Thanks, but I'm good ^^ Course, I don't play because I find destiny competitive. I work. I'm busy most of the time. So I play for fun. If I wanted a true competitive game (which I really don't) I'll go play a dedicated pvp game.

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    1 Reply
    • Match quality is definitely in the toilet without skill consideration in 6v6. None of my friends will play. It gets boring stomping on Noobs or sweating against gods. There's no consistency and connections are garbage.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by RussellMania: 10/22/2020 10:50:52 PM
        After reading those sandbox patch notes, I agree. No new game modes, no new maps, no changes to Trials reward structure, no changes to team balancing, no incentives to play comp, and the yearly sandbox update didn’t really address anything other than MT.

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        21 Replies
        • I’m a casual player, but I’ve always held my own in PVP. Whatever they did recently, it’s broken. Every single match is dominated by 1 to 4 players, and 4 plus man fire teams vs 6 solos is idiotic, but it’s more common than not in the 20 or so rounds I’ve played. And all I want is my freaking Ace of Spades. I’d love to play some PVP, but in this state I’d rather skip it. @bungie: Either fix it, or stop putting loot behind a Crucible requirement, because I’m about to just quit entirely. There’s too many other good games to play to deal with this nonsense. Side note: Gambit is fun until some turd spends the entire match invading and wiping out my entire match-made team. How’s that supposed to be fun, or fair when level advantages are enabled and they’re 150 levels higher?

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          • This sandbox change is pathetic. Seems to follow the general ideology of equalizing TTK between all primary weapon types, which is -blam!-ing dumb. Bungie seems rather clueless regarding the link between forgiveness/ease of use and TTK. Literally no reason whatsoever to use anything other than a 600rpm AR even after the nerf. Still will have a 0.80s optimal TTK, their competitor in 150 HCs have been nerfed to 1.00s, ARs are far more forgiving by nature of the spray, their range, and the ridiculous 50 round magazines. Might see more pulse usage or Jade Rabbit now, but frankly Bungie's map selection favours mid-range engagements heavily, which ARs will dominate. To top it off, nothing was done to address SMGs largely (new Rasputin model can hang decently on PC from what I hear, though not nearly so well on console) being trash (ARs are just better at everything), or fusions outside of high impact frames being basically worthless, or the broken nonsense of Bastion or Arbalest (these last 2 are console specific problems due to the nature of movement limitations, field of view limitations, and console increased aim assist) As if tuning the body shot damage on 600rpm ARs means a damn thing on console where the game gifts you crits for anything landing on the upper torso. All in all, PvP this coming season is shaping up to be nothing but a dumpster fire on console.

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            3 Replies
            • It's a total shit show. I can't understand players who take D2 PvP seriously. I'll play occasionally with clanmates and friends but it's too janky and inconsistent. Refusing to use dedicated servers just shows greed combined with stinginess. A triple A game, full $60 price tag with some of the most expensive dlc, as expensive cosmetic micro transactions and seasonal battle passes went the cheapest bargain-basement route with P2P instead of dedicated servers. It's disgraceful.

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              9 Replies
              • I encourage everyone to speak with their wallets. If you feel Beyond Light isn't worth the money, cut Bungie off as they deserve. Sunset my gear, sunset my business.

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                2 Replies
                • I too am not buying the dlc till I know it's worth it. So probably never *sigh*

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                  • Agree completely. They are absolutely nerfing Hand Cannons into the ground on console. And at the same time barely adjusting the 600 rpm autos. If there was another good no BR PvP game I'd jump on it. Until then I'm stuck. It's a joke that they aren't dropping new trials weapons and armour. Reskinned adept weapons is a slap in the face and does not respect the time I've spent in Trials. Zero new maps. The removal of wormhaven. The over use of Jav. Never having endless Vale in the trials rotation. Beyond disappointing

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                    5 Replies
                    • Focus on a fun PvE experience and leave Crucible as side content/something to every once in awhile. It was never ment to be competitive or carry the franchise.

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                      • I almost always wait and see. I have not bought Beyond Light. I'm primarily a pvp player, who also loathes trials. adept weapons are only a draw for the few that go flawless which wouldn't be me. Plus the weapons sunset so waste of time. I mostly played comp and quickplay but i've stopped doing those. I've been excited about Cyberpunk 2077. i over the cyberpunk genre. Love Blade Runner so I'm getting that first and i'll play Destiny free and if there are not new pvp maps and improvements, or something else in the game that peaks my interest i won't buy it. But i'm not expecting any of that. Most of d2 i haven't bought dlc.

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                      • Feels bad they sunset PvP [spoiler]almost[/spoiler]

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                      • 2
                        I can guarantee you that Bungie will continue to make quests that require PvP like the incompetent fools they are. I swear Bungie does not even play their own damn game.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Edited by C1B3D: 10/26/2020 7:13:29 AM
                          They not care about PvP, but pretending like they care if they nerf popular PvE weapons because of PvP. Bungie is such a joke.

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                        • well you did get something the return of adept weapons to trails and more forced nerfs on weapons . what other shit do you want

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                        • Why would crucible players buy anything? Pvp hasn't had a meaningful update in over a year

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                          • Bungie never read their own forums, better off posting on reddit.

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                          • Good post. I agree that CBMM has not seemed to do anything to improve the networking experience. Perhaps is just a fundamental flaw in Bungie's net code.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Great post. Beyond Light will completely kill crucible and ill just laugh and say called it.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Looks like another hand cannon meta for probably a year with no PVP specific rewards outside of Trials. I'll still be playing, but using 140 HC's vs 600 AR's isn't going to be a big exciting change.

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                                1 Reply
                                • Lmao you're hardly a PvP player from looking at your stats, and judging from them you really have no clue on whats good or not for the game as your input requires more experience and understanding of the fundamentals. Just sit down and play your strikes lol stop trying to talk for the real pvp players,

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                                  18 Replies
                                  • Yeah I'm not, i got the gears i need. 4 years of grinding is enough.

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • Those are some valid points, I’m not pre ordering but I’ll consider buying the regular version after it comes out, but we’ll see

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                                    • [quote]As of now, I don’t plan to purchase BL. And if, as I am, you’re dissatisfied with the state of pvp, and with Bungie’s plans (or lack thereof) for it, you should consider not buying the expansion. Other than a few cursory changes to the crucible director, I’m not seeing ANYTHING to indicate that Bungie is even pretending to care about crucible. — Connections and matchmaking have gotten even worse since playlists went from sbmm to cbmm. I’m on the east coast of the US, with solid internet (and play totally wired) and I’m literally playing guys in France and Britain. With no region lock, CBMM IS MEANINGLESS. — P2P. It’s garbage and everyone knows it. Bungie can talk until they’re blue in the face about their glorious hybrid p2p model. Bottom line, if it was actually good, every other shooter would use that, instead of dedicated servers. But, literally every other shooter uses dedicated servers. — Trials. I mean, just look at it. They should be embarrassed. Nearly a year later, and still no anti cheat. Terrible rewards and bounty structure. Almost no incentive for anyone but the very sweatiest players to even attempt trials. Adept weapons on the horizon, sure, but again, this only benefits the very top players (and that’s disregarding the fact that Trials should have launched with adept weapons). — Weapon balance is a joke. I know, I know — destiny will never be balanced and isn’t an esport. But even for this game, the current balance is bad. The state of special weapons (especially snipers and grenade launchers) is ridiculous, and practically no sandbox adjustments have been made since the 600 auto rifle buff. 600 autos are going on almost a year with the same TTK that got Luna’s and NF nerfed? It all gives me the impression that when it comes to PvP, they’re not trying. At all. — Comp has zero unique rewards for hitting max rank. Zero. It’s honestly hard to believe. Not even a unique shader. — Are we getting new PvP maps? Bungie’s silence on this indicates that we probably aren’t. A major expansion with no new PvP maps? Wow. They [i][b]really[/b][/i] don’t care anymore. And no, old maps from D1 don’t count as new. This is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Feel free to add to this list. I’d love to have a reason to buy the expansion. But I mainly play crucible, and from what they’ve revealed about their plans for it, as a crucible player I have very little reason to give them $50 for a new DLC. They say “we’re listening,” but at the end of the day, money is the only thing Bungie understands. And I hope all crucible players will consider this before dropping $50 on a DLC that, at least so far, looks like it does next to nothing to improve the PvP experience in D2. EDIT: Believe it or not, I am aware that there are other PvP games out there! I’ve played almost all of them; at the end of the day, I like this one, and I want it to be as good as it can be.[/quote] Yep, pvp is straight trash in D2. Adept weapons are the new Pinnacle weapons that will be even harder to get.

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                                    • Yeah most of my pvp friends list just hung up their skates. About 30 or so.

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • 140s should have been folded into 150s not the other way around. As is for any one thats done the math autos remain king of TTK unless they got another nerf coming. pvp ttk meta for autos is done at 60 resilience, 140s and now 120s are calculated at 50 resilience. Let that sink in. soo another year of summoner and gnawing.

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