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Edited by Dan_The_Noob: 12/6/2019 2:56:23 AM

Sidearms, Linear fusions, Swords as Special weapons.

Yeah, make them special.


Nah, -blam!-'m.


Make some special (comment below?)


Sidearms and Linear Fusions are largely unused. Can we just make them special weapons again, like D1? Give Sidearms a little more bang. Linear Fusions a little more ammo. Swords I am just throwing in because of their lower "tier" on peoples preference list as a way to get them more access... they are already nicely tuned for the special slot in terms of ammo... maybe animation change and a damage tweak might be needed in this case. thoughts?

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  • Linears, yes. Sidearms and swords, no.

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  • Sidearms as specials would make them even more unused (if that’s even possible) so keeping them as primaries is a necessity at this point. Linear fusion rifles seem to be good in the heavy slot, though. Seems like precision, long ranged weapons are scout rifles for primaries, snipers for specials, and linear fusions for heavies. Perhaps buff their damage if needed but I believe they’re best in the heavy slot since nothing else seems to fit “long range” engagements for heavy weapons while also having a decent ammo pool. Swords are particularly useless as heavy weapons primarily due to most bosses being impossible or difficult to attack consistently with a sword, leaving them to be more add clear weapons where the risk of dying is minimal. A heavy weapon that can’t damage the boss effectively is a very useless heavy so either change the boss encounters or make swords a special weapon (the latter of which is much easier to do).

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    6 Replies
    • Sidearms were special in D1.

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      • All swords need are more PvE damage (and more interesting perks), and maybe more range in their lunges. And a little more ammo from a heavy crate(at least for legendary swords). Linears should either move to the special slot, or have their precision damage increased. And maybe more aim assist if we can avoid that breaking Gambit again. Sidearms could use a slight damage buff in PvE, and for PvP I want better maps before saying they absolutely need buffs, besides maybe some more aim assist. They have a nice ttk, but sometimes it feels like you’re aiming at someone and shots vanish. On top of that, Shotguns are better on most of the maps because most of the maps are still the same CQC 4v4 designed maps from Year 1.

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        • Linear fusions definitely not. Unless they got a nerf to damage/bullet magnetism

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        • I agree with everything . . . but sidearms. They should be primary

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        • Sidearms as specials is an interesting concept. I don’t think they should all be moved to that, but definitely most of them. Any that are semi auto single shot. A two to three magazine count reduction, increase in damage, and obviously, for PvP only giving enough bullets to get two kills provided you don’t miss a shot. I think I’d even consider trying them if this is what happens

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          • Sidearms are perfectly fine the way they are.

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          • Legendary linear fusion rifles and queen breaker should be special. An exotic sidearm as a special maybe. Legendaries no. An exotic sword as a special maybe yes. Maybe have it deal more damage than a melee but not enough to kill a guardian with one swing. Legendaries no.

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          • I read swords as special and immediately downvoted with a -blam!- no. XD

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          • Also a special ammo sidearm similiar to the erianas vow hand cannon would be awesome!

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          • Have damage adjustments done to swords and yes! Turn them into special weapons. It would definitely turn the tides of meta. Swords offer that 3rd person advantage so you can see if someone around the corner with a shotgun is going to rush you. Having more ammo as a special weapon means more time to block and slice up up foes.

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          • Linear - yes, swords and sidearms - no

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          • Make Linear Fusions special. Other than that, I think the others are fine.

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          • 1

            Gansito - old

            If swords and LFR's turn Special, you know there are going to be nerfed im damage for better accessibility right? Youd be better off to buff them up. As for sidearms, they need a range or damage buff. One of the two.

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          • Never understood why people avoid sidearms. They were always handy in D1... even moreso in D2 with how much tighter the map space is in D2's Crucible. I have single-handedly defended zones with them on some maps quite effectively. And with them being primaries in D2 you now have a bigger ammo pool to just unload on people. Guess people just don't understand them or something?

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            3 Replies
            • Swords and Fusions yes, but sidearms should remain primary and get massive buff.

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            • Honestly, just buff the damage/ammo capacity of swords and linear fusions and keep them as heavy weapons. Keep sidearms as primaries too, just give them some buffs as well.

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            • Sidearms should stay primary weapons. They never really worked too well as special weapons, so the change to primaries was a good thing. Linear fusion rifles aside from Sleeper Simulant should be special weapons. They were in Destiny 1 (I'm counting Queenbreaker's Bow as the first and the one the rest were based on), and they would fit much better there than in the heavy slot. Swords I feel work fine in the heavy slot, but they would probably be fine as special weapons too. It could go either way. Personally, I would like them to stay heavy weapons since we already have close range special weapons (shotguns) and no other close range heavy weapon. They add more variety in the heavy slot.

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              2 Replies
              • If the accuracy and damage of Linear Fusions is tweaked right, I can see them going into the special slot along with Arbalest. I haven't checked lately, but I think Linear Fusions are the least used weapon type in the entire game after all of the Gambit tweaks. It doesn't help that their damage is getting outmatched by all of the other heavy weapons and the options are limited in their own weapon class. I like where swords are though. They're just really underrated and lots of players don't know where it would be good to apply them. They could use some more variety in stats though. Like, there's two different types of Adaptive swords in the game. Those are Raze-Lighter Adaptive and Worldline-Zero Adaptive (faster swing speed). Almost all of them are Raze-Lighter Adaptive, but there are two legendary swords from Year 1 that are Worldline-Zero Adaptive. We could use more of those with random rolls. Well, I'd use them at least.

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                • Making Linears special would just make them less intuitive snipers. As a heavy they at least have a damage advantage.

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                  • Please god not sidearms

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