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1/29/2018 3:08:32 PM

Reflection II...beng part of the problem

I know this isn't game feedback but this is where I interact the most. This isn't the first time I've had to take a step back and review things. It seems I have peaks and valleys in my emotional state with these forums. Once again it's taken input from people I respect to see things clearly. My view on the toxicity here still stands but I'm seeing that's its drawn me in and enveloped me. If I've taken things to a personal level with anyone I apologize. We may be on different sides of a discussion but those actions are not warranted. I understand that while the means may differ we both want the game to improve. I've deleted my recent Tweets calling anyone out by name. I will still oppose, speak out to, and challenge the things I feel are contrary to making the game or community better. I will just do it with more tact or simply just report. I still don't agree with the way some are expressing their 'feedback'. I think there's confusion with [b]passion[/b] and [b]anger[/b] and it's made people come across as just bitter. Maybe some are. I'm not here to make 'enemies'. There are some with whom I will never see eye to eye with and I have a hard time coming to terms with that sometimes. I will endeavor to be better. LoganX

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  • Its human nature to get frustrated or to lose your cool. We don't see eye to eye all the time, but our interactions have always been respectful, and mostly positive. IMO, with this game in particular, it's not set up to have a good community. The design of the game kind of pits players against themselves. Because of lack of separation of the competitive PVP from the rest of the game, its really the PVP population vs. PVE. Without optional matchmaking and other features to help facilitate participation in high-difficulty endgame content, its really those who have established groups vs. those who don't. And it constantly feels like it is us vs. them when it comes to the players/community vs. the developers of this game. All-around, not good. That doesn't take any blame away from individuals, as we can all control our own behavior, but I certainly am more than sympathetic to the fact that trying to be a productive member of the community can be really frustrating.

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by Octopus: 1/29/2018 11:33:44 PM
      So you went tweeting your problems with forums here? Lmao, that's really low, even for your standards. Now this (thx to odin) is just crazy. Hope you wasn't crying, while posting it.

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      36 Replies
      • I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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        6 Replies
        • I'm going to assume that I am one of those referenced, if that is the case, I accept any apology that I may or may not be included in. Our passions can get the best of us, it's understandable. I forgive recent statements you've made about me and now we can move on.

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          15 Replies
          • Not sure what prompted this. I've always thought you were pretty fair.

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          • Logan for life! Do you sell merch?

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            4 Replies
            • It's the forums, if people get too bad... I tell them to go -blam!- themselves and mute them. We've gotten into it over the years, but I've never taken it personally.

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            • Takes a mature person to admit any wrong doing especially of his own volition. We should all strive for this. 👏👏

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            • You need to refocus your chi

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            • I can’t recall a single time that we agreed on something, but I do like the nature of this post. I look forward to the increased level of decorum in our future arguments.

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            • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 1/30/2018 12:41:36 AM
              [quote]If I've taken things to a personal level with anyone I apologize. We may be on different sides of a discussion but those actions are not warranted.[/quote] You mean like stalking that you have been doing for 3 years? People don't change over night and this one post doesn't cut it. I'd say you have taken things way too far that it is out of control. I see you removed the link. You are a sick person that needs to get help. When I leave this forum I forget about everything and go about my day. You? you bring your issues with you. Go get some help man, this isn't funny at all. [b](The only reason this post was made is because you got caught)[/b] People like you are the reason why I keep my 9 year old off the open net. Click on gallery

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              114 Replies
              • Did you take your meds today?

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              • "I don't remember so good since I drank my thermometer." - Cletus

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              • This world is becoming to sensitive. "This generation is a bunch of pussies" - Clint Eastwood

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                1 Reply
                • Apology accepted This game SUCKS and Bungie HATES fun😃😃👍🏻

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                  3 Replies
                  • Edited by Suite-D: 1/30/2018 2:23:11 PM
                    Should we start a victim of bungie forum support group?

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                    3 Replies
                    • If this helps, this is how I see reputation. Take care to be open about it and understand: -how you are seen here on this post -how you were seen on the afflicting post(linked by somebody) -where you stand for the future //This text I have written is not very pleasant, so I will hide it. This text contains critical imagery! Read at your own risk!// [spoiler][i]I see reputation as each individual you meet in life walks along by you. In their hands, every person carries a container(the size of a normal paint canister) of boiling hot black ink. People who are either neutral or friendly towards you walk peacefully by without deviation. However those who dislike or hate you, decide to "apply" that boiling hot ink on you. Perhaps that one guy dips his hand into the ink and slaps you in the face. Maybe another person doesn't see eye to eye with you and kindly gets a paintbrush and coats you with some. Your reaction may leave you screaming in agony, and someone may not appreciate that. So, they turn around(previously passive to you) and dump the entire can on you. You can do nothing about it, and you feel the everlasting sting. Progressively, you become stained and horrendously burned, however it will not kill you and you will feel it, beyond human limits. Person after person you stay standing waiting for the next individual to show you their spite their hatred, all in a form you are now aware of. Smear after smack after spash after sprinkle after shower after spread after scoop of boiling black link leaves you stained, scorched. You can feel your soul beg to leave your now regretful, disfigured body. You shout for forgiveness but those who love you are confused and and those who hate you walk away satisfied. No longer able to stand, you fall to the ground and lay there, your friends and enemies walking away together. The ink finally cools and leaves scarlet fissures throughout your body, amid a deep sea of obsidian. You hope, one day, they will visit you again, and know who you are. ~x614hamstercatx [u]Hcat Ramblings of a Crazy Titan Volume IV.[/u] [/i][/spoiler] You and I are neutral, I have no hate but I remember our history. Tell me logan, how do you think you look? Can you do better? Do you remember me? Will I know you next time?

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                      5 Replies
                      • Good for you. Good luck.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Welp, now I’ve seen everything.

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                          10 Replies
                          • [i] There must be both dark and light. I will do what I must to keep the balance, as the balance is what holds all life. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is passion, yet peace; serenity, yet emotion; chaos, yet order. I am a wielder of the flame; a champion of balance. I am a guardian of life. I am a Gray Jedi. [/i] - Leor Danal, a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away

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                            2 Replies
                            • You know how an enemy takes down his bigger foe? Divide and conquer. Don’t let the state of this game break this community apart. Agree to disagree and move on. You will literally be falling for the most obvious trap if you don’t. I have faith that you people are smarter than this.

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                            • While I agree with your attempt at bringing peace here. I think there are just too many people who want to see bungie burn at this point. 4 years of being lied is hard to take.

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                              15 Replies
                              • We hate you? I hate you.

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                                1 Reply
                                • Edited by gallp13: 1/29/2018 10:29:57 PM
                                  Logan, You set a fine example for us all. Thank you. I have reflected on your words and echo your example. My apologies to any I have offended. I will try harder to discuss the issues and not annoy my colleagues. Great leadership Logan.

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • This is the kind of healing that we need If we are going to come together as a group and help Bungie get back on track.

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • Edited by Laser Kittens: 1/29/2018 7:26:13 PM
                                      No matter what or how some may take it, a public apology is what it is. By that I mean, one could just as easily change accounts and pretend like nothing happened. He's not a company that has to protect his assets with a confession and apology. As one who is out of the loop in your dealings my opinion stands on shaky ground, but major props for the post and a like to boot.

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