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Edited by Isakole: 7/2/2017 6:18:20 PM

Destiny 2 Clan Cap

I'm disappointed Bungie. This article on the clan limit for Destiny 2 is heartbreaking for my clan, Ethereal Ravens, we had expected bigger and better with the upcoming game but we're still stunted in our growth because of the clan cap choice. While it hasn't been revealed how the activity loot table will work let me break it down why this clan limit with the loot table will destroy what we have built. Take any clan with multiple divisions, from Dames of Destiny to Ethereal Ravens, and look at what we're facing in nearly all of the scenarios I can imagine. [b]Clan Limit[/b] The limit itself is restricting and has been since the launch of Destiny which has caused large clans to make separate groups, networking them together with the Alliance feature which is nothing more than a drop down menu. Combine the limit with the fact that both PS4 and Xbone take up equal space, which means you can really only have 50 members on each console. With D2 coming PC people are going to take even more space if the logistics work the same. This clan limitation is damaging right now. I myself sit in Ethereal Ravens Staff while I have members in five other divisions, so I don't even see who's online in the very clan I created. All because of this cap. Going into D2 this is going to be a nightmare because the Alliance option is being taken away, how will I navigate between the divisions? Will I even be able to maintain Founder status for all six divisions of Ethereal Ravens? Do I have to choose one of my staff to transfer ownership to? This limitation will only become more suffocating. [b]Clan Limit + Loot Table [Situation 1][/b] While I have no idea how the loot table will actually work in D2 I'm taking the liberty of creating assumptions. Let's assume that six of my members, two from three different divisions of Azure Crimson and Muave, are completing the raid. Does the loot table recognize the completion just for those two in the Azure division so they have access to the loot? Would everyone else in the Azure division have access to the same loot despite not having the completion? This would turn the more active players, raidaholics as I call them, the carriers of their division which can create animosity towards the less active people. [b]Clan Limit + Loot Table [Situation 2][/b] Let's take another perspective on the loot table. Let's say that the six from different divisions get nothing at all from the loot table because they're not in the same "clan", or division. This means that the work they put in for the completion equals nothing and makes the game a moot point. Does the fireteam have to be from the same "clan"/division for loot? If so this means I have to reorganize the entire structure of my clan. Right now the divisions are set up by location to completely omit skill and activity to avoid elitism. Do I now have to pick who goes where? Half being raidaholics the other half members who don't have that much time to game? Or do I shove all the high activity players together and leave the low activity players to suffer and miss out? With this you are forcing me to put a quality check on each player and say "you're not good enough, sorry. Don't be married and have kids or pursue outside dreams and interests". [b]Clan Limit + Loot Table [Situation 3][/b] The last idea I came up with since the release of the article is this, rotation. Every week my staff and I would have to coordinate who gets to be in the "raid clan", a division that rotates people in and out for access to the loot table once completions are obtained. There are so many reasons this won't work but it all boils down to a logistical nightmare. [b]Clan Limit + Guided Games[/b] While we're excited for the Guided Games, to help those in need which is what we do, we're also stressing. To invite someone to the clan in-game because they had a great time with us is a wonderful idea, but what if the division the new person is supposed to be in isn't present in the fireteam? That means the new recruit has to wait for someone else from the right division to come on and invite them. If no one is available that means we potentially lose that person and stunts our growth even more. [b]I want to know why.[/b] Why is there a limit on clans to begin with? The Bungie Spotlight has been held by so many massive clans that you know we're out here with multiple divisions. To say its for the "tactical chatter" and "maintaining the family feel" are the flimsiest reasons ever created. You are tearing my family apart, a family that has been through so much together, a family that has been to each other's houses, graduations, and roomed together at conventions. I want to know why this choice was made. Is it a programming issue? Can the back end of the game not handle more than 100 people for an in-game clan list? This wouldn't make sense to me considering my friends list can populate with 900+ people on my PSN friends list. Is it a logistical issue? This doesn't make sense either since all of the game coding is done in-house and you know the sandbox's every grain of sand. [i][b]Show me the game breaking code that forces the clan limit.[/b][/i] A string that breaks the game irreversibly should be the only reason the clan limit exists to begin with. That is the only reason, any others are merely excuses. Bungie, do not make me split up my family by skill, do not make me choose who stays and who goes, do not force me to decide who I will take into D2 with me. We have laughed in the greatest times together, have dried each others' tears in the worst of times. We even have two Guardians who met only because of this game and are planning their own Destiny themed wedding. We are global, that cannot be ignored. Please do not make me abandon or cast anyone aside. Please do not make me choose who are my brothers and sisters, to hand pick out of the people who call me Momma Kole for who goes with me into D2 exploration and raids. [b]Solution[/b] Abolish the clan limit, please. If that is too tall of order at least raise the limit to a thousand players. Not only could my divisions collapse back to the original Ethereal Ravens clan but it would also solve every single situation I've presented. Please tell me why I'm standing here with my people staring into the Void and left wondering if we even have a future together as a family. [u][b]-EDIT-[/b][/u] There's been a numerous amount of replies stating that 100 people or less is fine and that a clan larger than that is impersonal and looses the family feel. That's not how most of the larger clans work. We have a Discord server with several channels for Raids, Trials, Crucible, and Destiny in general, one of our members can reach out to see who's online or doing what, to ask for help if they need something. Not everyone works an 8-5 job that's a set schedule, nor does everyone have a set time they're online playing. People have irregular job hours, college work, a spouse, kids, projects, and a myriad of other things than gaming. Life gets in the way, everyone knows that. Members of massive clans have the ability to reach out and see who's online, to get help when they have a free moment to raid, play Crucible, or complete a quest that requires other people. This freedom is why these massive clans exist. To have to rely on five other people to be on, or even twenty to be active, is stifling to any player. What if one of your five quits the game? Now you have to find someone new or hit LFG, the latter no one likes to do. For those that say massive clans are toxic, full of cliques, or are impersonal, I apologize you had an unsavory experience, but not all communities are like that. I hope you can find a better home soon, and before D2 drops.

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  • Im primarily a PC gamer but ive starting playing destiny on my console. Im a member of a large multi game community that has over 500 members, we all play on all types of platforms and games. honestly limiting clan members to 100 is stupid, if you console gamers want more support from pc gamers stop throwing ideas like this out the window. What works for you doesn't always work for everyone else.

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  • Just kick people from your clan if they are not active, that's what Bungie wants, to inconvenience people who are not on 24-7

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    • To everyone saying that 'you can't possibly know more than 100 people' or 'there's no way you're playing with that many people', you aren't getting the point. I'm in the leadership of a clan which is allied closely with Kole's with a similar amount of members, and multiple divisions based on geographical location. Some people may set up a clan to just have 10 or so people who are all good friends, and who will raid together all the time, and that's great, there's a close bond there, and everyone knows each other and their own play styles. We set ourselves up to be a global clan, much like Kole's did, where members from anywhere in the world could come and join, have a friendly place to call home, and be able to find people to play with no matter what time they logged on. Over time, these players will get to know one another and the bonds will form. I will absolutely admit that I have not played with every member of my clan, or know them all personally, but that's not the way clans this size work. We have people who will organise and run raids or crucible for different regions, meaning people who join a different division from me will still have the same level of guidance and friendliness wherever they are. This isn't to say that I won't end up playing with them at some point in the future, but the fact that I'm not playing with them now doesn't in any way diminish the need for larger rosters. I will most likely raid with people drawn from a pool of about 30 who tend to be on when I am, but schedules change and people come on at all different times, and this cap limits their ability to see I am online and invite me to join up. To all those saying just downsize, or kick people out, that's just entirely against the morals of a clan. You're there to help people and create a community, not push people away. I would challenge anyone speaking against this to try and run a clan of this size, and then tell me that this cap isn't a hindrance. All the comments on here from those in charge of 100+ clans have been overwhelmingly supportive of this idea. And it doesn't matter whether or not you think clans should be as big as these, because they already are, and Bungie is aware of this, and having a higher cap on members won't affect your little 10 man clan in any way, but it will damn well help ours. Rant over.

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      2 Replies
      • Bungie, This is not a new topic to all of us. Over a year ago I traded a petition for you to hear us, asking you to make this doable. You have yet to help us in this matter. Allow these communities to be #untied under 1 family name not several. Allow them to ensure the bond that so many of us have experienced and for those that are not so privileged be able to be involved with these family bonds we create for our community. Here our pleads to raise the cap limit!!

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      • The biggest issue I see is that this is completely against what Bungie said they wanted to foster in the D2 reveal. They said they wanted to open up the players to the clans by providing a platform that allowed a player to view and jump in with various clans. My thought at the time was very cool idea, that's great, nice to give solo's the opportunity to see who is out there and what they're about. I now see that they want to limit clan size so, how does that work logically? You want players to have that opportunity but, you're telling the clans they can have X number of members. The scenario: somebody finds a clan and it really sounds good, the person really clicks with the people they're playing with and want to join but, the clan has to deny them because they are full. How does that foster anything positive? Don't ever limit the amount of people that can enjoy one another's company. Do I play with everyone all of the time, no, would I give up being part of a group with all of these great people never. Bungie you made a game, and we all like it, stop trying to tell us how to live our lives and how to socialize. This is our community and we really don't want you telling us how to be in it.

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by SauceSe7en: 7/4/2017 4:20:37 AM
          After seeing some of the replies, I think I might have an alternative approach to this in general. 1. From what has been seen in screen grabs, D2 appears to be taking a seasonal approach and creating what COULD be (assumption) a level of clan competitiveness. Can't really go any further than that. There also seems to be loot associated with levels reached within the group. Who knows what that is, but the prospect seems interesting. What I find in this is that there are positives and negatives to a cap. Caps prevent larger clans from muscling over smaller groups by preventing them from running larger numbers of events and gaining an advantage. Caps however also create a situation where groups start pushing quality over quantity in competitive situations and that pushes against the core of what should be in Destiny. People should have access to end game, and I understand that is what guided games is for. What Kole is implying here is that with a cap, the divisions will need to be balanced. Large clan leadership already has to struggle with creating a balance where members can link together by geographical area and as the clan grows, these areas and members have to shift. This is going to throw the clan leveling system out of norms as people move in and out of divisions. Let me remind you, Bungie already said you can only be in ONE clan after the changes. Groups allowed free movement. Now those are gone. 2. Logistically, this is going to be a nightmare. I agree with some replies that it really shouldn't change anything other than being pushed off of the Bungie site and admin takes a larger role through third party. This brings up the point...what is the purpose of these new perks if you can't use them? These recruitment and social tools sound really awesome on paper, but we may never get to see them to fruition. What essentially will happen is that the founder will have to relinquish complete control of a division to one person whom they trust. What if there's a falling out? The whole division gets deleted out of spite and back to square one. It is now easy to effectively manage the clans with a single founder and multiple admin roles. If one person is unable to make changes or add someone to the clan, then someone else can jump in and take the task. The founder has overall control of the divisions and if any major changes need to be made, they can do that. Some of these clans have been built up over the course of the game. The great tools that are seen coming to us make clans easier to manage and place people in divisions that will maximize their experience and prevent the LFG chaos. 3. It's been said a million times, personal clan relationships are great and it's good to know the people you run with. This isn't Facebook and it's not social media. There are other outlets for that. We're not running a book club and carpooling to work, but we do communicate with each other and we do have a common interest, not being stuck in orbit while jumping on 4 different websites trying to find people for a raid that are actually willing to stick through the whole event despite multiple wipes, mishaps, bad ad control, what have you. That is what we are here for. Dedicated people with scheduled events and a chance to have someone by your side until the end. I joined a large clan because I got tired of waiting 30 minutes for smoke breaks or "hey, I might have a guy" only to find out it took me 5 hours to get through a kings fall. These are the people that get you through the thick and don't quit because the same guy caused a wipe twice. These people have been there for me through my child's birth, multiple transfers and call me every now and then to check up. They've attended RL events together, gone camping, attended graduations, mailed care packages and raised a good amount of money for charity. So yeah, we don't want to get split up by a cap, we don't want to get split up because of developer decisions, and we want to make sure that the people in this game are evenly rewarded for the time they put into events. Realistically, that post was all over the place, so if you've reached this point.......I may be in a clan with over 100 mofos, but I'd run with any of them any day and you can be damn sure I'd be there RL if they got in a pinch.

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        • Question ( and I'm really not trying to be an a-hole, so please don't take it that way.) Aside from not being able to have a group page on this side, what inconvenience are you gaining? You will still very much be able to use your Discord server. You will obviously still be able to help those people that aren't officially in the same D2 clan as you. They didn't actually change anything about clans besides what they're adding from what I understand. They just are removing groups, right? Now you've expounded on why larger clans DON'T feel less "close" than smaller ones would, even though psychology says differently. I'm not saying I don't believe you. Stranger things have happened. I will say that I don't think it's necessary to house all those people in one clan. Just as I said earlier, there are obviously no restrictions on you playing with people outside of your official D2 clan. I'm willing to bet there's more "community" going on in Discord than on this site. I could be wrong, but judging on my use of the two different sites, communication is a LOT easier on Discord ( something else Bungie could change for the better.) Point being, you're not missing out on anything aside from having a group page on this site unless I'm really missing something. I won't get into loot tables and what not since, as you said, it's all a guess which makes the conversation speculative at best. Speculative=useless. Again, not trying to discredit or be mean or whatever. I'm just seeing that as the only real downside here and can't understand why that's such a horrific thing?

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          4 Replies
          • I respectfully disagree with having the clan limit increased.

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          • The clan cap is not an arbitrary number. One hundred to 150 people is the maximum number of people that we can interact with in any given setting on a PERSONAL level. We evolved to function in social groups of about that size, and our brains are optimized for social interactions on that scale. Once a group gets larger than that, interactions start to become more and more impersonal...and more and more transactional and dysfunctional. Like LFG. For the type of interactions that Bungie wants to promote with this game 100 is almost a perfect number. No one is saying that you can't have more people than that on your friends list. But clans any larger than that will start to defeat the purpose that Bungie wants clans to serve in this game.

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            23 Replies
            • Don't get mad at me yours was ally to read I didn't read others what if you took you two clans you have integrated now and make two powerhouse clans mate?

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            • Makes me believe that bungie doesn't believe in their own player count for the upcoming game, or that they just don't believe in their game that much

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            • Personally I think it's fine clan loot in the first place should not exist I don't want the people who don't do anything getting free loot.

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            • Bungie just wants to -blam!- over clans as much as the people that aren't in clans. That's Bungie balance.

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            • I think there needs to be a larger discussion about the interaction between clans. Are there clan leaderboards (Not like that incredibly unintuitive thing they came out with last year) in the sense that I can see how my clan stacks up against another in event statistics. Is there going to be anything built in for clan vs clan crucible, especially in Iron Banner. Be nice to get a point system going to encourage competition. Also nice to know if there is a ranking system. Be nice to give raid leaders something akin to a Captain rank with other members being lieutenants and sergeants. Until then I will hold my tongue, though our clan has always remained managable and everyone knows everyone so it's nice and close knit. I will say that they did mention you don't have to follow their system and could easily create a website to house and administer the larger contingient of your clan. Of course that still begs the question how do you signify in game that they are members if not through Bungie?

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            • Bump again to keep this going

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            • 6
              I think that your problem has less to do with an unlimited number cap, and more to do with the need for a workable interface. As a clan director, you need the ability to control and manage your auxiliary groups, see which of your members are online, and (I imagine) have the ability to make any and all executive decisions for your group. That, is completely understandable. However, there are plenty of features with D2 that we still do not know about, and some considerations that should be made, especially given the size of your group. So let's try to clear some of this up. [b][u]Disclaimer[/u][/b]:[i] I'm not saying that all of this couldn't be avoided by simply making the group cap unlimited[/i]. Also keep in mind that any of what I say below contains equal amounts of conjecture when relating to D2. [b]We don't know the full story with what comes with D2 yet[/b]. All of what I'm posting below, and commenting on, is how to approach this situation with the tools that you have available here on Bnet. Historically, when groups of players the size of what you are leading come together, they usually leave this website and manage themselves autonomously. You and your group are likely a minority given your size. This system is set up to function for smaller groups of people and the numerous clans that they are a part of. It's also important to remember that we've never had the features available to us that are present now, and moving into D2. But, given the current state of things, you're likely going to have to work with what you've got. At least for a little while. [quote]The limit itself is restricting and has been since the launch of Destiny which has caused large clans to make separate groups, networking them together with the Alliance feature which is nothing more than a drop down menu. Combine the limit with the fact that both PS4 and Xbone take up equal space, which means you can really only have 50 members on each console. With D2 coming PC people are going to take even more space if the logistics work the same.[/quote] This is a good point. It's very limiting to have to separate out everyone, and that a single clan's cap is affected by members joining on different platforms. With that being said, a possible fix for this is easy. What you need to establish is a home group for all of your clan members to join. Here, everyone that is a part of the Ethereal Ravens can interact and post about anything. Past that, what you need to do is have your separate "clan groups" split by the platform they play on. Because rewards have never been, and highly likely will not be shared across platforms with the upcoming loot bonuses, it is critical that you pair like-groups of players together for clan memberships. An example of this would be PSN players complete a raid as clan "N", XBL and PC players that are a part of clan N are not going to get those downstream rewards, only the PSN players will. There is no reason to have any other members other than PSN players as a part of clan N. Group your clan members accordingly. [quote]Going into D2 this is going to be a nightmare because the Alliance option is being taken away, how will I navigate between the divisions? Will I even be able to maintain Founder status for all six divisions of Ethereal Ravens?[/quote] I am unsure if we definitively know that the alliance option will be erased. If that has been said previously, consider me unaware, but if Bungie has not outright said it will be eliminated, hang tight. You will be able to maintain founder status of all of your groups as long as you have created each one of them, here on Bnet. That means that you will be in control for when your moment to push the button on the D2 clan transition arrives. You will not have to delegate any of this responsibility to any other member of the Ethereal Ravens. [quote][b]Clan Limit + Loot Table [Situation 1][/b][/quote] This one I am not going to touch too much on. Why? Because we simply do not have enough information on these mechanics yet to warrant worrying about downstream loot. Here is what is important to know: Everyone who directly participates in an activity is still going to get loot. *[i]More than likely[/i]: Everyone who is a part of a clan that has members complete a raid, guided game, or any other selected activity, is going to get some kind of indirect, downstream reward. This could be based on how active individual members are within a clan. It could simply be that rewards are given to everyone just for being a part of that clan. [b][i]We don't know[/i][/b]. We can assume that downstream loot will be rewarded to those on the same platform only. So even if all of your clan members were in one unit, they will not all be rewarded. [quote][b]Clan Limit + Guided Games[/b] but what if the division the new person is supposed to be in isn't present in the fireteam? That means the new recruit has to wait for someone else from the right division to come on and invite them. If no one is available that means we potentially lose that person and stunts are growth even more.[/quote] Although I agree that this could be more seamless and refined, this has a really easy solution. Tell whoever the new recruit is to join your specific group on Bnet. I'm almost willing to bet that they have a mobile device or computer in very close proximity to them to be able to manually complete this task. Yes, it's more work than it needs to be. But, if I had to guess, any player who would be hesitant to join the Ethereal Ravens because they didn't receive an in-game invite, is likely not a player you want in your clan anyway. [quote][b]I want to know why.[/b] Why is there a limit on clans to begin with? To say its for the "tactical chatter" and "maintaining the family feel" are the flimsiest reasons ever created.[/quote] Again, here is where you have to keep in mind that your group is likely a minority due to its size. What the clan system caters to is much smaller, an amount that is closer to an actual "family-size", not the massive unit that you oversee. It is more probable that you are going to play with the same 10-20 people (or less) consistently, than all 100+ players that might inhabit a larger clan. Again, this is purely insight, not an imposed structure of how this system should be. [quote][b]Solution[/b][/quote] 1.) Own each auxiliary group of the Ethereal Ravens that needs to be created, or is currently in existence. This makes you the founder, you will have direct control over these groups. 2.) Make sure that all of your members are connected in one single group, while individual platforms are split into their respective clans. 3.) Hold onto your butt until we have more information, but do not stop posting and voicing your opinion on the games. Without that voice, these games are not refined into what works best for everyone. I truly hope you end up with the solution that your are looking for, and are able to make your group function the way you want it to. -JBX

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              1 Reply
              • THIS IS UNRAGEOUS ITS OUTFAIR! Bungie seriously needs to step it up, I thought that the clan system was going to be better. Hopefully they are.

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                4 Replies
                • Guided games is just a small band aid on the HUGE gaping wound that is Bungie's match making👎🏻

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                  7 Replies
                  • Edited by TruthHurts: 6/30/2017 5:25:56 PM
                    I agree. Good post. I feel like whoever does the false overhyped advertising is a genius but the person in charge of the decisions is a chimp, an ass, or something lol.. like why? Why cap clan limits to such a small number or force people to play the way they want (strict skill trees, 2 primaries, no matchmaking for solo players). Why reset all the progress some of you wasted your time on? Why vault space? Why be cheap with the servers (30fps)? Actually nvm, that last question is for money. But still, seems like anyone who still defends bungie lacks self respect. They don't care about their fans.

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                    1 Reply
                    • I agree 100% this is going to make huge issues with our clan as well. I'm part of the Olympus Community, a group that runs around 300 active but will be much larger when D2 comes out and our people come back. I don't understand why we are losing functionality as we move to D2 like with the alliances. There are many large communities and you encourage us to be in community but then you cut the legs out from under those of us who gave built a large community. I just don't understand. We have always been an open community, happy to take and help people through content that they aren't able to do but now we are going to have to divide people by skill which will go against the philosophy of our community. There is time, bungie I know you listen to your fans, please fix this.

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                      • Edited by Rich00p: 6/30/2017 3:00:24 PM
                        A 100 member cap is all well and good until you start building a successful thriving community. Simply getting a spotlight causes a massive influx of members which in turn brings it's own challenges, not least a considerable amount of administrative work which, lets face it we'd rather not be doing in favor of actually playing the game. The tools you provide us with Bungie, are poor no way around it. So much so that those with 100+ members are forced to look elsewhere to provide an infrastructure for their clan, a simple message board and forum are not sufficient to administrate a large community, so we outsource to a clan site provider to make sure we are all in the same place [b]somewhere[/b], we'd rather it was here but for some reason it's not possible. A huge amount of administration goes into maintaining a multi division clan, as Kole has already highlighted, why not take the opportunity to make it a little less of a chore for us? at the very least provide us with some decent tools to manage our rosters that don't take a zillion years to load, maybe start by allowing split platforms, [b]something[/b], [b]anything[/b] to make the job easier? Clans like Resolute, Allegiance, Insidious Knights, Ethereal Ravens and countless others, these are the backbone of your community Bungie, why force them to look elsewhere? it seems like the features and the game are growing, but your infrastructure are lagging (no pun intended) behind.

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                      • Ive run with OP and been with the family for several years. Her concerns are fairly well grounded, but there are additional issues i also saw in this. One: From the weekly update, it appears that we may only be allowed one clan. If alliances are split, this will place admin responsibility on one person for founder control for each group. This could affect how we recruit and assist members in need. Two: The logistics are chaotic and counterproductive. Bungie wants to streamline the clan process, but woukd make in game and website features not applicable to larger groups. This would force some groups into third party websites and create more accountability issues. Some of us already have these sites, but the plan for in game functionality made us excited about the prospect of streamlining and easing the process for our members. No more necessity for discord and 3rd party site at your side while you game. Three:This is going to force a selective recruiting process. One thing that has made many clans cohesive and family based is the ability to attend to all needs for members regardless of skill level. End game content no longer has to be a luxury only available to those based on skill or stats. If we keep the cap and force a divide, those on the 100 threshold will be forced to cut ties with those based on participation or stats. This is unacceptable and counterproductive to Bungies stated mission. Isakole makes valid points here and the weekly update stands to show that, while Bungie excited the crowd with their plans for clans, their actions are not reinforcing their claims.

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                      • I think we need to make the point that holding clans to a 100 member limit has the undesirable property of causing all of us to ratchet up our activity policy to very high levels. In other words, people who take a break, or don't play frequently, or only play after the expansions, will likely find themselves removed when they return. Even though we explain that this is not personal, removing someone is often met with feelings of being rejected and resentment for the specific clan or clans in general. This does not foster the small group discussions that Bungie refer to, it dilutes them. Further, It causes admins to unnecessarily fret over the removal of inactive members for unreasonably short periods of inactivity when we would rather just have our friends remain. My view on this comes from 2 years experience as a clan founder. I strongly urge Bungie to take another look, and at least offer a better explanation for why clan size should not be increased to 200 or 250. Currently this looks silly and not well thought out. I have personally lost good clanmates and even people I consider friends this way. Forced to make a tough decision on removing someone to make space, I later see them playing with a different clan tag. Current members start asking me why I booted them. I then need to apologize and explain that Bungie had a 100 member cap. Nothing good comes of this. Unless there is s technical reason why it can't be more we would like to know why it needs to be this way.

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                      • What a crock. I think the reason I spend hours a day, offline, planning, scheduling resolving issues, implementing award systems and planning tournaments isn't so I can interact with 200 ppl per day. It isn't so I can feel special about myself, I have 2 beautiful sons and an even more beautiful wife for that. It's so when these members that have been gone for a while due to work, personal life shît or sheer Destiny drought boredom do come back around they still have a home to go to. When a guy/gal that's been out for a while pops up in our Discord, they're not met with scorn or penalties. They don't have to sign back up to anything. They say "Hey ya'll! Good to see you! It's been a while. Can someone help me with a NF?" And we do. While we do, we catch up. "How have you been, how's the ole lady, oh yeah the crucible has changed dramatically again". It happens everyday. People cycle into and out of Destiny constantly. That's my biggest problem here. For all the ppl that say "you only play with 5 different ppl" well, yeah, with me that makes 6 and that's a full group. But it changes everyday. I don't have deep personal connections with probably 50% of our members. Lots of those signed up and never said a word. We'll have to clean out the division rosters soon, Kole. But the point I'm making is that the other 50% I do know. Ive spoken to at length, gamed with, get phone calls regularly from, know their spouses names or met them in public and gave em a big ole hug and and shared a beer with. The 1000000000 members clans are ridiculous. It's easy not to give a shît about someone if you've never met them and just peace em out of the roster to open a space for an active player, but for the clans that are just over the limit like ourselves and some of the others in this thread, this is shit. Absolute shit. At this point it feels like Bungie is just using the clans that have built these personal connections to bridge their piss poor in game matchmaking system at the expense of other players' months or even years of work at establishing a home and a place to play video games with friends. and thats exactly what we are and thats exactly what we prove to our members everyday. Rant probably not over.

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                        • Bump. I don't even clan and I don't plan to. But this is some weak ass shit right here. Was weak in D1. Will be weak in D2! Why limit social groups when you claim this to be a social game?

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                        • So I have seen a lot of the same argument against the OP that goes along the lines of you can't possibly play with over 100 people so stop complaining. These people are missing the entire point of the post and before I go farther yes I know Kole and have been in different groups with her. The problem is that this is about communities not individuals. It is very true that a single player will likely never play with every person in a large clan/alliance like we are part of. That doesn't matter in the least bit. The idea of the groups we are in is that no matter what your play time is or how much that changes over the course of days/weeks/months you will always have someone there to be in your fireteam. You know what you are getting in comparison to LFG because each person in the clan has gone through the trials and tribulations of destiny. There is a common way of completing raids/crucible strats/etc because regardless of region or timezone the admins of the clan are taught a common approach. A person shouldn't have to go find a new clan because they got a new job and instead of working a normal 9-5 they now work during night. That is the benefit of clans like Kole's; you remain part of the family and still have the opportunity to play with like minded people and if you get a chance you can still play with the people you used to before your life changed. The bottom line is the people that are opposed to the OP either have never been in a large clan or the large clan was run very poorly. You need to think of it as a very well run organization with a great CEO rather than a group of individuals playing a single game together. [b]The point is not to play with each member of the clan but to give each member of the clan the opportunity to play anytime they can with people they know and can trust[/b]

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