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Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 11/4/2016 5:57:55 PM
An Engram Full Of Bees
An Engram Full Of Bees

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Tower High (34): Hollow's Beginning

[quote]For all other Tower High posts, you can find them all linked on the [url=]Overview Post[/url].[/quote] [b]Solis[/b]- That. Was. AWESOME. [i]Solis drops his backpack on the ground and sits next to everyone else.[/i] [b]Solis[/b]- I got so much candy. [i]The Sunbreaker opens his bag, which is overflowing with an assortment of colorful, glowing glimmer sweets.[/i] [b]Sunny[/b]- That's a lot. [b]Solis[/b]- What did you get? [b]Sunny[/b]- Not much. Piece of celery. Salted gummies. Ms. Morn gave me a rock. [b]Solis[/b]- That sucks, man.... [b]Sunny[/b]- Tell me about it. [i]Solis awkwardly rubbed his neck.[/i] [b]Solis[/b]- I'm glad to see you're doing better, by the way.... We missed the real Sunny. [i]Solis winked at the Sunsinger.[/i] [i]Sunny smiled.[/i] [b]Sunny[/b]- Thanks... [i]Solis nodded.[/i] [b]Solis[/b]- Hey! Bubbles! Find any Smarti– Oh god.... Uhhh.... [i]Bubbles' helmet is smeared with brown substance. The Titan is stuffing his face with strange candies, talking with his mouth full.[/i] [b]Bubbles[/b]- Alas, my hard work and trick-or-treating was not met with.... beautiful.... delicious..... SMARTIES. But Cayde gave me some really good chocolate, though! [i]The Titan stuffs another handful in his mouth and continues talking.[/i] [b]Bubbles[/b]- He calls it unchocolate. It smells really bad, but the taste is exquisite. [i]The other students look at him in awe.[/i] [b]Bubbles[/b]- Hey Solis, you want some?! [i]The Titan holds out a handful of the brown....stuff. Solis covers his mouth.[/i] [b]Solis[/b]- No thanks. I think I'm gonna barf. [b]Bubbles[/b]- You sure? It's [i]oozing[/i] with flavor. [b]Solis[/b]- How bout you, Strike? What'd you get? [b]Strike[/b]- I got some raisins from Ms. Morn. [b]Flint[/b]- HA! Please. [i]Flint takes a small box out of his bag.[/i] [b]Flint[/b]- Check these out. [i]Ascendent[/i] raisins. Got em from the Speaker. They're like normal raisins but bette– [i]Strike snatches the box from his hand and smashes it on the ground. Wisps of light seep from the box as the glowing raisins evaporate. Flint looks at the ground, then back at Strike.[/i] [b]Flint[/b]- ........... [b]Strike[/b]- Descendent raisins. Get it? [b]Flint[/b]- .........I hate you sometimes. [i]Nightly walks across the hall and stops in front of them.[/i] [b]Nightly[/b]- Hey, have you guys seen Violet or Storm lately? I passed by them during first period, but I haven't seen them since. [b]Strike[/b]- Yeah, Ikora pulled them into her office earlier this morning. [b]Solis[/b]- What for? [i]Strike shrugs.[/i] [b]Strike[/b]- Not sure. But I think it had something to do with that book report. [b]-------------------------------[/b] [i]Storm and Violet are sitting side-by-side, looking up at Ikora. The room was dark, but they could see the Book of Sorrows in her hand.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- It's not a book report. [b]Violet[/b]- Obviously. [b]Storm[/b]- Knew it. [i]Ikora chuckled.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- I had a feeling you two would figure it out eventually. [i]She takes out a piece of paper.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- All Advanced Placement classes. Perfect test scores. Grade Point Averages unlike anything I've ever seen. In short, you girls are the top-ranked students in the school. [i]Storm and Violet remained silent. They already knew that too.[/i] [i]Ikora sat down in her chair and slowly exhaled. After a moment of silence, she placed a spiked, black hand cannon on the table. The gun had three barrels, and a three-eyed skull was engraved in the grip. The gun glowed with a vile, green aura, lighting up the room in a strange swampy hue.[/i] [b]Storm[/b]- Woah.... This feeling.... It feels like.... Death? [b]Violet[/b]- No. [i]Violet looked closely at the weapon.[/i] [b]Violet[/b]- Darkness. [b]Ikora[/b]- Precisely. [i]She picked up the gun and held it straight up.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- It's the Thorn. Or rather, a [i]version[/i] of it. A group of students found it while on a mission the other day. [b]Storm[/b]- With all due respect, ma'am.... What kind of mission? [i]Ikora let out a long sigh.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- It was a covert strike. An extra-curricular activity sanctioned by the Hidden. Their mission was to disrupt a Hive cult worshipping the goddess Savathuun. All went smoothly, but before returning to orbit one of them found this on a pedestal at the ritual. [i]She waved the hand cannon in the air.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- We learned of it last week, when one of the students decided to bring it into the Crucible for a friendly competition with his classmates. His team made an attack, and when he shot an opponent with the gun.... Well.... The student he shot is dead.... [i]Storm and Violet were shocked.[/i] [b]Storm[/b]- Oh no.... [b]Ikora[/b]- Indeed.... Her light was so corroded that her ghost could not resurrect her. Now, [i]normally[/i] we would confiscate the gun and destroy it. But like the Thorn- [b]Violet[/b]- It's a Weapon of Sorrow. [i]Ikora looked at Violet with interest.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- Yes. Well done.... And it is by such that our priority is investigating the weapon, to ensure that it doesn't harm anyone else. [b]Storm[/b]- What about the Tower's analysts? What did they find? [i]Ikora turned to the Stormcaller.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- ....No one understands it. After weeks of research, we've gotten nowhere. Master Rahool can't find anything, and even Banshee had no luck in reverse-engineering it. [b]Storm[/b]- But ma'am.... We're just students. What does it have to do with us? [i]Ikora sat up in her chair.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- This book report was fabricated for the purpose of finding out who could solve the mystery. As you can see, we're desperate. But luckily, you two are different from the others. You have a special.... Tenacity. [i]Violet raised an eyebrow.[/i] [b]Violet[/b]- Tenacity? [b]Ikora[/b]- Yes. I can see it in your eyes. You're curious.... You like riddles. And I knew, the moment you stepped into this office, that both of you had set your minds on solving this particular riddle. So... [i]She stood up and looked down on them.[/i] [b]Ikora[/b]- ...On behalf of the school, I'm asking you to help us. You'll have all the resources and laboratory equipment you could want. With your minds.... We just might figure this out. [i]The room was quiet, save for the hissing aura of the strange gun. Storm and Violet glanced at each other. After a pause, the two nodded and looked back at Ikora.[/i] [b]Storm[/b]- Okay... [b]Violet[/b]- We'll do it.

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