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5/12/2016 9:34:55 AM

Star Wars Battlefront 2 to include Clone Wars

So as many probably already know, Star Wars Battlefront 2 will feature content from new movies. [quote]Next year we’ll see Star Wars Battlefront back with bigger and better worlds, because we now have the new movies to work off [and] not just the historical movies that we used before.[/quote] The problem with this is that the Sequel Trilogy is not even finished yet. So there could possibly not be enough material to feature all these "bigger and better worlds". I think they should make Star Wars Battlefront 2 about the Prequel Era and Clone Wars. If this is something you want, please sign this petition: [url=][/url]

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  • We just need a way to avoid calling it "Star Wars Battlefront 2"

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    2 Replies
    • The new battlefront games should be given out in boxes of Froot Loops, and frosted flakes

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    • Doesn't matter, the damage has already been done. I could see how sick EA/Disney/DICE was going to act with Battlefront well before release so I saved my money. Given how wretched they acted, no second chances are permitted unless they give it away to those who bought the first season pass for Battlefront [b][u]EA[/u][/b] and/or give significant content for dirt cheep along with a sincere apology for the first.

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    • Figures. I knew they would limit the games just so they can charge another 60$ for a game in another part of the movies. Glad I didn't buy that waste. Bet it won't have space battles again.

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    • -blam!- ea We want a game thats better than star wars battlefront 2 (2004) We want the all eras combined We want all the game modes and maps was in 2 We want more vehicles We want classes We want a campaign We want galactic conquest We want space battles AND WE WANT A SERVER BROWSER

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    • Dice and EA have tarnished the Battlefront name. Anyone who considers Battlefront 3 comparable to first two are Tr8rs.

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      1 Reply
      • They should literally just remake Battlefront 2 (the real Battlefront 2) for current gen. After this money-grubbing affront to the Battlefront name, I have no faith in a sequel.

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        • While I'd like another story like battlefront 2, with a story following a group of clones (hopefully more fleshed out than bf2, because bf2 told it as a single group, but not individual characters) the group goes through the clone wars, the rise and fall of the Empire and rise of the first order. You could tell some great character stories just from the player standpoint about the jedi, other clones, the war, order 66 and Starkiller base. Is like to see that but the way battlefront EA turned out, I doubt we'll get anything besides a bare bones single player experience if any at all

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          • They won't I read they are still planning to stick with new universe..

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          • No campaign? No buy. No offline AI bot battles? No buy. No galactic conquest? No buy.

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          • *joyous screaming intensifies

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          • Edited by SpongyMallard7: 5/12/2016 2:05:01 PM
            Adding the Clone Wars won't save it. It will help, but its got a long way to go to be even on par with Battlefront 1 content wise. I'd rather buy Infinite Warfare if EA makes another lackluster Battlefront.

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            • Not buying. First was to much of a let down

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            • The way I read it, it didn't seem like they were talking about the Clone Wars when they talked about the "new movies". I think they actually mean they'll be including maps from Episode 7 (besides Tatooine 2.0) and Rogue One, not the prequels.

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            • 1
              I was alright with accepting the Battlefront we got, simply because it was a reboot, but if the next installment has the amount of content that this one had at launch, you can count me out.

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            • Battlefront 2 already? They should focus on getting Battlefront 1 right first...

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              • Battlefront 2 has been out are you talking about battlefront 3?

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                7 Replies
                • Will it contain actual PvE? Please? PvP is trash in Battlefront; PvE is where it's at.

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                • Star Wars Battlefront 2 to include Clone Wars in one misguided fan's fantasy. Eirikur imagines combining one of the most disappointing Star Wars games with the most disappointing Star Wars movie trilogy. The fan spends much his productive time day dreaming about playing Jar-Jar Binks in hero mode and tripping over terrain as a droid trooper. As of the time of this posting, Eirikur has not decided which side should always win in Fighter Squadron mode. "The importance of Battlefront is balance", Eirikur was quoted as saying, "and balance in Battlefront means one side always has the advantage." The fan has already contacted EA about possibilities for DLC content, because "we have to keep these game companies profitable, or they will stop making quality games like Battlefront".

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                • Edited by Killer_Turtle022: 5/12/2016 3:03:39 PM
                  You need to change the title to "Petition for Battlefront 2 to include Clone Wars" [spoiler]i also doubt this will happen cause the tyrant overlord known as Disney owns Star Wars now[/spoiler]

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                • Edited by Vox Mortuis: 5/12/2016 1:55:20 PM
                  But...they already made Starwars Battlefront 2 about the clone wars...11 years ago... Also...don't see a point in buying another battlefront title from EA.

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                • Change your title pls. Honestly, I hate how Disney has to dodge the prequels like the plague. The acting wasn't great but plenty of people want to explore the worlds they introduced. I fear the sequel will just be like the first with a few new maps on the same planets (plus those we haven't gotten yet, like Yavin), sprinkled with some Force Awakens locales for good measure. And no Clone Wars. Ugh.

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                • Man i thank jeebusistis for letting my playstation 2 live so i can play BF2 all the time. It will be exactly like the last one with better graphics and new maps that should've been used already in the first reboot. If only DICE and EA could hear you.

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                • With all the changes people want, we pretty much want a game EA has nothing to do with but that's never going to happen with them having Star Wars rights. Sadly Battlefront will never be what everyone wants. The only thing we can hope for is they take a page out of Acti's book and release Battlefront 2 remastered with the next one so we have a chance at getting a decent Battlefront game.

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                • Why do people still care? They already ruined it.

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                    So they are releasing another game already?

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