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originally posted in:Dark Angels of the Light
10/5/2015 3:10:58 PM

Trials of Osiris & Iron Banana

So, with the very exciting news that Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris have official release dates that are very soon, I'd like to see who is interested in the competitive PVP side of Destiny and wants to try to make some teams. If you're like me and love Trials and/or iron banner and want to start competing with a skilled team right from the get go, then comment below and we'll do our best to set up some epic teams! However, I understand that some people just can't get the PVP down but you still yearn for that epic chest piece from Trials. Well, fret not! Comment below too saying you need help and we'll have our most skilled players assist you through Trials. I personally love helping in Trials just as much as I love helping in raids, so feel free to message me if you'll be needing the help. I hope to be seeing some of you in battle Guardians! (Trials of Osiris: Oct 16th. Iron Banana: Oct 13)

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