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Destiny Australia

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publié à l'origine sous :Destiny Australia
6/10/2020 2:38:19 PM

'Out Woop Woop' is recruiting! [AUS PS4]

[i]Out Woop Woop[/i] is a casual Aussie clan that aims for its members to be able to kick back and have a relax while playing Destiny. Whether you enjoy playing solo or are looking to play with a fireteam, are new to the game or a veteran D1 player, all are welcome! We only ask that you: 1) are friendly/chill af 2) are an active player 3) join our Discord server when you join the clan We're currently in the process of rejuvenating our clan for the new season, so things might be a little slow to start with, but the goal is to return to running regular raids and other activities once there is enough active interest :) Join here: [url][/url]

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