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1/4/2015 8:17:47 AM

I kicked a kid

I feel bad. Here's the story. We were doing VoG on hard and this kid kept messing around and dying causing us to wipe. Not a few times but more than a dozen. Everyone was pretty cool about it for the most part but eventually we lost a player and I made the command decision to boot the kid from the fire team. I wasn't mad. Wasn't talking down to himI don't have tons of time to play and I gotta get stuff done and hop off (wife, children...) so was that a bad move cause he's a kid. I don't know how old he was but he sounded young but he's a kid and kids mess around and don't listen and it's just a game anyways. Leave a comment and let me know if that was a bad move or justified also feel free to share your own moral dilemmas you have come across while playing destiny. After booting we finished it with a few new players but man I feel bad...I do like my new time breaker though.

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  • The young will have to learn to cooperate. Sucks when you have to McGhee the decision. I did the same on crotas end. We couldn't pass the first part because one kid arroyos go invisible and run away yelling at everyone to hurry up. Getting mad at us for taking so long whilst leaving a wake of thralls in our path. After been half a dozen and a dozen times, and explaining every time, that was it. So i think you did what you knew, and could do to teach, but at some point they have to learn. In raids we must cooperate or not move forward. Try not to let it bother you too long. It's good that it does though. Means you're not a total inconsiderate grump

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