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Destiny 2

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4/27/2024 1:21:29 AM

Hold the line in Onslaught with AOTB

Hold the line in Onslaught with AOTB Whether you’re a guardian looking for a group to hold off against the waves in onslaught, dive into a raid or even go against your fellow guardians in PvP activities. Accusers of the Brëthrën ( AOTB ) is an amazing community. -You’ll find active guardians any time by going to are PvP and PvE LFG channels -Looking how to run a raid or a dungeon we have a awesome system with experience group of sherpas. -There’s several active canes to join -Worried about when guardians will be on well you don’t need to there’s guardians on all different times -We even have monthly challenges to show off your skills -Theres also dedicated channels to get engaged with out side of destiny . Accusers of the Brëthrën sounds liked a community you want to join then Follow this link and join our Discord Server -> - Once you are in, register with Charlemagne and acknowledge the servers rules - A mod in the server will make sure you are good to go and you will be released into the community Any questions? If there is anything you need simply ask below or send a DM to DexterMan123456#1773 on discord.

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