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Destiny 2

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Modifié par IronSpagheto : 4/13/2023 3:30:34 AM

Speed Booster should be active for the full Amplified duration

With how little of a boost Speed Booster really gives, I think it would be fine to have it as a side effect of Amplified, active for the whole Amplified duration. It's a little silly that it takes around 3 or 4 seconds to activate while sprinting while Amplified. It makes the subclass feel slower, which is not what Arc is supposed to be. It would also be nice if it applied to normal walking instead of just sprinting. Really build into the movement aspect of Arc. Maybe this could be a fragment!

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    That would cause problems in PvP

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    4 commentaires
    • No it shouldn't, but it should definitely activate quicker.

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    • I’d argue that instead of making it always on, Speed Booster should grant you the ability to move at that speed or at least normal speed when a slow effect is imposed on you. Snare Bombs, Stasis Slow, knock back abilities from tougher enemies, anything that would slow you down and stop you from sprinting wouldn’t affect you while it was active. This way you don’t get halted mid fight and it’s a decent counter to the unholy number of ways your character can lose their movement speed. Obviously the Stasis Slow ability should still be allowed to stack on you even while it’s active so that if you reach 100 you do freeze and stop. However, the actual Slow debuff shouldn’t slow you down by any means. Instead of making it more accessible(which Id like), I’d rather it be a useful and distinct buff that is takes effort to get off and serves as a decent reward, especially with how easy it is to lose the buff. Just my two cents.

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