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Destiny 2

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Modifié par N!ck : 3/26/2023 6:07:27 PM

The difficulty increase that came with Lightfall extinguished my love for Destiny

I used to play D2 almost daily, casually playing vanguard ops and seasonal missions. I used to spend 10+ hourse a week playing bit haven't even played in the last days. This is not fun anymore since the introduction of negative power deltas with the release of Lightfall. Permanently being underlevel in missions that should be casual makes them feel like a chore. Same can be said about Lost Sectors and the Neomuna patrol zone. Playing them feels absolutly awful and way too grindy. I don't understand what went through Bungie's head when they introducted these changes. I feel like this makes the already awful new light experience even worse as vanguard ops and patrol zones seem like the starting point for new players. Please reverse these changes or make them optional. Edit: This post sums up the way I feel about the difficulty increase pretty much perfectly: What makes these changes worse is that last season felt like the perfect balance between challenging and casual play to me. Being able to relax in vanguard ops, a bit higher difficulty in seasonal missions and legend content and high butmanagable difficulty in master and gm nightfalls.

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  • I didn't play in almost a year because of a house move and lengthy renovations. i finally got a breather and decided to fire up the game on monday after hearing about lance. I saw it was a new season so I grabbed the new season pass. I wish I would have known all the crap they did with the game or I would have passed. At this point the game is like a good dinner with drinks, cost about the same, and the next day it ends up in the toilet.

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