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1/25/2023 3:30:41 PM

New Engine. It's Time.

Firstly, thank you to the Bungie devs for listening to the community and making some excellent changes and for scrambling to fix all the current and previous bugs. I see you and appreciate you. What I want to ask is, how difficult would it be for Bungie to migrate our data to a new, top of the line engine? Tiger has been incredible, but goven all bugs and even the sheer fact we needed sunsetting ahows that it's time to retire the engine and focus on the infrastructure. Get your Infra teams some help, and you'll see this game flourish with all the new possibilities. Can't help but wonder with the massive amount of money Sony gave them, that data migration couldn't be too impossible. I just want some of the old story content back in a relevant way and not have to earn everything back again with a Destiny 3 release. Destiny itself is now far more into the MMO side of the pool than ever before, so why not invest in an engine and foundation that will support that growth?

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  • Frankly, just how bad this year has been in terms of quantity and size of the games bugs it’s definitely time, I mean it’s incredibly easy on Nessus patrol to get behind and under the world with the implementing of things like strand I can only imagine that it’s going to get easier to do that in the EDZ and what not. If one of the bigger lightfall leaks is correct though it looks like Bungie isn’t planning for a new engine until after final shape and hopes to tough it out but I don’t know if they’ll have a choice at this point…

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