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Destiny 2

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9/26/2020 8:46:00 PM

I would like to give a shoutout to an anonymous player for carrying me through Whisper.

I’ve been wanting to get this weapon for a long time, and I saw this guy/girls fire team “Free Whisper carries” and I thought, why not? Nicest player, said they would solo it, told me to chill, and even asked if I wanted to do the heroic mode as well. I wish there were more players like you. Thank you! [spoiler]Not sure if this will get removed or not.[/spoiler]

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  • Anyone on Xbox, I can offer help like this person was helped. Some friends and I run a Sherpa discord with over 100 members now where people ask for help and the Sherpas and other members do what they can to help. I also stream PvE endgame help - Whisper, Outbreak, Master Nightmare Hunt Time Trials, raids over at Over 70 Whisper Sherpas and over 70 Outbreak Sherpas so far!!!

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