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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Wes : 3/29/2020 6:38:12 PM

Trials has a Lot of Issues.

This is going to be a long one. It's going to be a combination of a few other posts I and others have made but here it goes. 1. The Passage of Wealth needs to provide more tokens on win streaks, and it needs to be enough to in incentivize win streaks over farming low ranks on the cards. I'll be honest. I've been flawless, and I've farmed tokens at the low ranks. Why? Because token drops in general are skimpy and my tokens get taken away every week. So, I have to use the most effective method to get tokens. Am I 3 stacking and sweating like a mad man? No. One of my teammates ran triple snipers this last weekend. But, are there top tier players doing the exact same thing but just downright crushing early card games with the meta? Yeah. It is. And it makes people not want to play. People will exploit any system that encourages it, as this one does, and it makes people not want to play. The LAST thing Trials needs is a dwindling playerbase, unless y'all want game 1 to be exactly like game 7. This farming happened because the system encourages it. There is no incentive for muliple flawless runs on the same character. There is no incentive for win streaks. Nothing. If this were to change, the farming would end. My proposed solution with Passage of Wealth: 1. Increased bounty tokens from 2 to 5; and 2. Win 1 gives 5 tokens. 2 gives 10. 3 gives 15. 4 gives 20. 5 gives 25. 6 gives 30. 7 gives 35. Flawless gives additional 60 tokens; I think the adjustments above would greatly encourage wins over farming and would keep the lower portion of the card casual, as it needs to be. Game 1 should not be against a 3 stack on a 100 win streak because they've been farming tokens at win 1. 2. No post-game rewards and limited tokens. I've already covered the tokens, but this combined with no post game loot really diminishes the time investment/reward ratio. You can spend hours in Trials and leave with 4 drops from Saint and that's it. We need more tokens and post-match drops. 3. The sandbox. First and foremost, I would be 1000% happy with a Suros meta. Suros + shotty or Suros + sniper would be awesome. Why? Because Suros has limitations and there's no sniper in the energy slot that doesn't punish the user for a mistake. Suros has damage falloff, which provides breathing room for pulses, and has a low mag size and requires constant line of sight, which adds breathing room for hand cannons (Not saying they aren't good. I'm saying their effectiveness keeps getting squeezed and Hard Light spam can easily make a HC user just have to disengage entirely.) A Suros meta would likely result in more variety and a healthier environment than this Hard Light meta. Right now, Hard Light does 90% of the work for the user. It has 100 stability, 100 aim assist, 100 recoil direction, no damage falloff, doesn't require constant line of sight, and has a mag large enough to be spammed. The 0.7s TTK is jsut the cherry on top. Suros doesn't have a single stat at 100, has falloff, and has a mag so small that spamming is punishable. Hard Light just doesn't play by the rules of an auto. Whether you want it nerfed or not, the gun is easy. I love that it's so lethal. I would just prefer it if it didn't do all the work for the player. And to make things worse, Hard Light can be paired with Revoker i.e., the only sniper in the game that doesn't punish missed shots. On top of that, [i]at least[/i] once a game it [b][i]returns shots on hits and kills[/i][/b]. (See video below for proof) [spoiler][/spoiler] So we have an auto that requires little to no effort, and a sniper with insane range and low zoom that is pretty much a legendary Icebreaker. I guess if it's gonna refund misses, fine. But hits too? Come on. Heck. Make it return ammo on [i]just[/i] precision kills for all I care. I think it's bad when these two weapons individually have more than twice the kills of any other weapon. No other weapon even comes close to them. And I get that Trials exposes the meta. I get that 100%. But these guns don't punish the user, have few drawbacks, require little effort to use, and are very lethal. That's a dangerous combo. I think that's the big 3 for me. If you got this far, I'm curious to know what you think. Feel free to comment.

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