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publié à l'origine sous : Revelry: PVP Analysis & Feedback
5/8/2019 6:58:53 AM
As an super average pvp player, I had fun. Don't think the event was such a big deal as tonics were removed from comp very quickly. That should be the only place where people take the game so very seriously. Sorry you had a bad time, I can see your point but again, Revelry reminded me of D1 and I always had fun playing pvp in D1 :)

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  • Thanks a ton for your comment, Wicked. Unfortunately, the tonics weren't removed from competitive. Bungie announced they couldn't do that until after the event was over. What they did turn off from comp was orbs of light on headshot kills. I'm really glad you had fun :) - really. One of my comp team mates also had a good time whenever he really went down on the most OP things he could think of to use in the Revelry. I wanted to have fun as well, but this type of crucible doesn't do anything for me, so I was just getting bored. And thanks a bunch for understanding. I think there's enough space in the game for Bungie to create a QP Mayhem playlist where this type of crucible could be enjoyed by those who'd rather play crucible like in the Revelry. I'm a big proponent of this, even though I'd never play it. :)

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