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Recrutement des clans

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Modifié par ShinigamiX3I : 10/17/2018 10:59:31 AM

The Xenolith (Xbox), 170 + members, is looking for cool gamers in US and Europe

We’re a clan with active members, who will be willing to help out however we can. Although we do endgame activities, there’s no pressure. Can’t find an ep group? Raids too elitist? Don’t have 500 clears? We’re just players, looking to have fun, not compete. Biggest rules: 1. Be active on discord 2. Be cool 3. Never rage or rage quit clan activities ******Repeat ragers get booted******* We have willing sherpas who lead many raids a week, and in clan pvp contests. Most importantly we are a gaming community that enjoys having fun together. We have many European members. So if you’re looking for a European based fire team, we can help. Liking is not a prerequisite, but it’s much appreciated!! ******Please message below, and dm me on d2 app, I personally talk to all people who come in to make sure that our social community stays fun***** All new recruits do a trial week on discord to make sure that no ragers get in. This is not a test of skill, but just to make sure that you fit in our community. We are very protective of our social gaming community and only want cool, fun gamers. Most recruits get a clan invite in under a week. We are beginning to branch out into other games, creating The Xenolith in as many games as possible is our goal.

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