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6/6/2018 9:58:51 PM

What should have been.

I'm glad to see a huge change is coming to Destiny 2. 😌🤔 But in all honesty, this should have been in the game at launch. Atleast in Expansion 1 or 2. "Players want their investment in Destiny to matter, and they want to see that reflected to the content". 🙄 Yes, I agree. Don't bash him for saying that. But, first impressions are a lasting impression. Where were those words before? 🤨 I may regret this, but the damage is done for me. 😔 I will not get this Year 2 pass. No matter how good it is. This is what should have been, and now I have to pay for it, AGAIN??! Don't you make enough through Eververse! 😒🤔 There were 3 chances I gave, and all were a let down. Launch was disappointing, bigger on E1, and yet again on E2. Now, what we wanted is behind a Year 2 Pass. Now, I feel insulted and embarrassed to touch D2. 🙁 😩😞😐 I will only ask that you take care Bungie! Not of yourself, but the rest of the community.
#feedback #reveal

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