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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
2/20/2018 11:37:12 AM

[PC] Solo players, don't search anymore! Loliforever clan got your back covered!

Are you a solo player? A lone wolf? Don't like how people decide for you how to play your game that you paid? Don't search anymore, our clan needs you! Yes, you, you behind the monitor, searching for clan to be part of clan bonus without anyone telling you how to play. You got lone-wolf partners? Or you are duoing with someone, and want a place for the two of you? Or maybe you have not much time to game, but wanna be in a clan where you won't get kicked? Then join us, the clan is open, so you and your friends with same shoes can join too. Tho you are solo player, but wanna play trials of the nine? That's solvable too, we are doing in the weekends too with my friend. We started with low numbers, but we're lv5 clan already and soon reaching lv6! Wanna tell me, that this recruit text clichéd? Nah, who doesn't wanna partake in clan bonus enagrams? And lone wolf players are real, and will exist. I'm watching clan chat with companion app, if anyone has request or need help. Platform: PC/ Region: EU If you wanna join:

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