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11/28/2017 8:50:22 PM

Incoming Developer Commentary about Destiny.

Hey, there. Tomorrow, we had planned to conduct the final stream prior to the launch of “Curse of Osiris” to show off some of the weapons and armor the expansion includes. Instead, we are investing all our efforts into delivering some higher priority information about Destiny 2. You’ll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they’ll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you’ll also learn about how we’re reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks. That will appear on the Bungie Blog on Wednesday. Thank you, DeeJ

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  • Finally. But we'll see if they deliver...

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  • Remember when people asked for the vendor system to go from choice to RNG? When you had the freedom to use any vendor at any time with one currency? When your faction was there all the time? When getting new weapons was fun because the rolls could be different? When gear had an actual effect on your power? When Iron Banner was rewarding? Well I do, now do you remember when people said they wanted all of that changed in favor of more stupid RNG that freaking WoW? You don’t do you, me neither.

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    • When we turn in our casino chips have them at our light level or above, being at 280 getting a 270 item is worthless when there’s like 25 legendary primaries that are roughly the same

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    • I bet they backed down because the content they was going to show was re-skinned re-hashed content and they figured out that they cant fool us any longer.. they simply underestimated us, and they realized this when we found out about the XP jerkoff..

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    • Destiny 1 was one of my favourite games of all time. Even when there was nothing to do there was something to do... I love Destiny 2 but there is far too much that has been removed that makes the game feel empty. We want to play more, we want to grind more, we want there to be some meaning to what we do in the game. Weapon Rolls Factions Vendor Gear More Spaces Better reward systems These things are just a start! Give me a reason to keep logging on, because it's hard to defend a title that doesn't seem to want to be defended. Looking forward to this next lot of info. :)

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      • I'm not falling for it you ain't fooling me again bungo

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      • This was long overdue. I didn't need to see more pretty baubles. Destiny 2 is an undeniably beautiful game. If there was an award for best video game cinematography I have no doubt you could win. The sets, the props, the characters, the maps, the gameplay are absolutely EPIC. [b] Epically soul-less[/b]. Huge, expansive areas, twice as large as anything in D1. Areas that you should want to spend hours in.... yet they are utterly empty. Well except for the never ending supply of trash mobs. #basicshootertropes You said that the grimoire was taken out to be put into the game itself and yet when I scan something that should be stored and easily accessed through my ghost, I just get the option to scan the same thing over and over again, like I had never seen it before. I'm missing the stories within the story. You want new guardians to join? You need ghosts to find them and wake them up...starting as a guardian denies a new player that experience. Give us reasons to explore, objects to interact with, to rebuild, to see a difference being made in world. Did all the time fighting on Mars, Venus, the Moon amount to nothing? After three years we never could explore the traveller? 3 years to acknowledge the speaker was a charlatan? Please don't be the next better than that. I know you can be. I await your post tomorrow with eyes up.

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      • so we will get a very scripted written statement instead of a live on air discussion with the leadership..

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        • 1. The Mod System : * perk mods * cosmetic mods * theme mods - This should also be a thing for Armor , the system we had in D1 was amazing , Armor Ornaments and earn them through events matching the armor set to keep players invested. I hate the fact that the best/most shiny armor comes from Prestige Raiding which is a waste of life atm with the current lack of matchmake , 3d party LFG apps. - For example have players do 10 heroic events on earth to get an ornament for the earth set of armor. - We need a bigger variety of weapons/skins D2 looks like the alpha stage of D1 in terms of aesthetics Armor Sets and shiny Weapons who all had individual perks that made them diverse and awesome ! 2. PvE : - Needs more endgame activities , keep the players invested so they want to keep re-doing them , the token system is annoying and tedious why not bring back rank 1.2.3 or tier 1.2.3 for each grindy activity to have a guaranteed shot of getting that full armor set i.e Iron Banner , Faction Rally. Gambling and not mindlessly grinding in hopes of getting the last 2 armor pieces before the event expires it brings no fun , I repeat we do not need RNG on every single drop in this game ! 3. PvP : - Bring back 6v6 chaos , make more PvP maps/bigger maybe even slighty reduce the GCD on abilities pvp atm is not FUN , it seems watered down and besides teamshooting it doesn't offer anything skill/fun wise. 4. EXOTICS : - Make Exotics great again ! They are underwhelming at best they do not feel exotic or great in any shape or form. They need to be enhanced so that your character actually feels stronger / more powerful. 5. Sparrow Races : - They we're unique and awesome bring them back im sure the netcode is there they just need to be implemented , this game desperately needs more fun activities for players outside of the grind. Also add another SUBCLASS , more enemies , Diverse settings and when a DLC drops make it actually feel like an EXPANSION and when you say you are making the most REWARDING Heroic Event YET actually juice it up so it's not just 1 Blue drop and 2 Tokens like it was showcased in your livestream. These are just a few points from the top of my head , it's great that you guys are listening but now it's time for you to ACT.

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        • You cant fool me again.

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        • Btw, Weak abilities. Slow recharge times. Low ammo drops from enemies. No ammo synths. Slower guardians. Weak weapons. Oh you definitely took our light away alright... WHY

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          • Some people on here are making crazy/unrealistic demands. Let me suggest possible improvements that could easily (I think) be implemented; Four big ones, four small ones: 1. Perks on raid/trials gear. Nothing crazy, raid boots make you run faster on gauntlet, armor gives you one extra stack in the pleasure gardens (so 4 guardians with armor would get 16 stacks instead of 12), helmet gives you an extra 5 ticks on your psionic protection. Something like that. 2. Ornaments on raid/trials/banner/faction gear. I guess this is coming though... 3. A reason to do strikes, nightfalls, raids, crucible. I'm max light, have all weapons/gear, and I still really enjoy those activities, but there's no reward. Even something like kinetic mods and class item mods dropping in strikes, armor mods dropping in nightfalls or something? 4. Implement some kind of completion book or grimoire to incentivize repeat play. 5. Emblems to track raid completions/crucible KD (not KAD) etc. 6. Separate KD for each of your three characters in crucible. 7. Allow people to complete nightfalls after the timer runs out, just don't give them the nightfall loot (in other words, treat it like they just did a strike). 8. Allow us to use legendary shards to buy things from merchants (I guess this one is coming too). Anyway, I'm still playing, but if we can get some of these changes, or something similar, I might have more people to play with. Here's hoping...

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            • Modifié par Dragon_Wraith_ : 11/29/2017 6:51:27 AM
              Thank you for Bungie for taking the time to finally address our concerns with Destiny 2. Custom matchmaking for pvp and please bring back 6v6 for crucible while keeping 4v4 for trials. Make strikes worthwhile with strike specific loot. A better character progression system similar to destiny 1 not the dumb down version that we have in destiny 2. Bring back SRL and make it a permanent activity with leader boards, loot etc Make supers great again. Add ship and sparrows to vault collection along with another tab for raid armor and weapons. Have raid weapons and armor with perks such as extra damage to cabal or stacks during raid activity’s. If we are going to keep the token system use them to level up a faction vendor instead of getting an engrams that’s practically worthless. We could then use the excess amounts of legendary shards to purchase items from vendors that change on reset. Have faction activity’s a permanent thing instead of once every month or so and with the ability to change factions once in a week. Pretty much the same as Destiny 1. Make exotics feel exotic, I was so hyped when I got my first exotic in Destiny but in this one it was very meh. Either really improve your mod system or get rid of it completely it was really poorly designed with a very limited choice in regards to weapons and barely any noticeable changes in difference in armor. Shaders I’m sure this topic has been done to death. Bring back Destiny 1 system where once you got the shader it was yours forever however keep the system where you can change each piece of armor and weapon colors without spending glimmer all the time. Bring back raid encounter drops and if people want to go looking for chest in the raid let them look without having to worry about a key. So in short no keys for raid drops. Lost sectors, public events and random major encounters need better rewards instead on some glimmer and a token. Pretty sure you found that out for yourselves during your latest livestream hence the hashtag #TwoTokensAndABlue for the biggest and most rewarding public event to date and on the heroic version as well. Bring back after match loot drops for iron banner with a chance to get some iron banner gear after a pvp game. Same idea here use tokens to level up your faction while using legendary shards to purchase weapons and armor. In the two iron banners we have had since launch I’ve got 63 engrams and I still don’t have one whole complete armor set for any charter but I’ve had enough weapon and no specific armor drop to outfit ten characters. Iron banner should be fortnightly not once a month or so and should be made 6v6. Nightfalls the time should only effect your loot not be a wipe. Bring back achievement books so it gives us something to strive for. Bring back grimoire score from destiny 1. I know this is a big ask but an in game encyclopedia where all the characters, enemies, locations, lore etc is there to read up on. Witcher 3 and Mass Effect are awesome examples of this. When a weapon/character balance patch is released please just buff what needs to be buffed without nerfing everything else to the point of it being useless. In short let us play the way we want. Make power levels matter with iron banner and trials. Also with pve this could open up a time trials avenue with the possibility of a leader board if you could go back to an old raid and absolutely wreck everything due to a power gap. Decrypting engrams is meant to raise your power not lower them. Make lost sectors interesting instead of just another cave with a few enemies with not very rewarding loot. Give them so lore so we can find out what make these places so special. Better communication with the direction of the game while addressing issues such as a stale endgame, exploits etc. Not saying you have to respond to every post but it would be nice to know your listening instead of hearing what this twitch/youtube loves about destiny. All in all that’s my rambling done for destiny 2 while I don’t expect all or any of these changes to take place it would be nice and a step in the right direction for giving a reason to play again because like the majority of this community I want this to succeed and want a reason to keep playing it’s just as of now or the past month or so it’s just not the case.

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              • Honestly? If you just made this whole game back to what Destiny use to be that would be great. Allow us to snipe if we want. Run around with a shotgun if we want. Spam our abilities if we want. Let us play our own damn way. Don’t carve our legend for us. We want to do that our damn selves

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              • That’s an understandable decision. Best to avoid the tough questions and instead craft ambiguous responses to questions [i]you guys[/i] ask [i]of yourselves.[/i] -blam!-ing brilliant!

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                • "Hello Darkness my Old Friend"

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                • Your game is trash. EVERYTHING IS A RESKIN OR RECYCLED CONTENT. You gave us 5 days (113 hours for me to be exact) of total content and then want us to pay for DLC? D1 was a better game hands down played over 900 hours before I could even put the controller down wasn't even max light level yet. Why would I play your game if I can play free games like Warframe or Fortnite that are clearly better and the game developers actually listen to the community?

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                  • Modifié par PANDO1967 : 11/29/2017 6:40:00 AM
                    Could you pass this up the line to management, Since September launch I assume we've been XP screwed therefore in the sense of fairplay and Christmas isn't too far off how about all players issued the bright engrams they have really earned which is double received todate and a little bonus issue as compensation this is within your powers and is only fair and right, also enough with doubling XP to cover your tracks reset to 80k again is only right and fair this small jesture would be a good start to getting this game and community back on track before even the diehards give upon you, Come on bungie do the right thing

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                  • Incoming meaningless Al Franken level apologies...

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                    • I appreciate your response and I really hope you don't ruin the progress you've made by caving to the demands of the vocal minority. I love this game and believe you're on the right track and many of the requests would break the game for the majority of players.

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                      • While we all appreciate a decent PVP option i feel like the game revolves around pvp at endgame and pve suffers greatly for it. Things i would like addressed: 1. Loot reward system: Tokens are fine but the system is so damn boring. There is no epic reward after an epic battle, i need to horde tokens then run to an NPC to get a very boring reward for all those epic fights. Give me something epic and fun as icing on the cake for a fun battle, in all occurrences. Chests are pointless when the reward is always one token. why even have an item appear just put the token in my pile its so boring. Also Glimmer needs a use, a fun one...why not gambling for engrams? Look to Diablo for examples....a fun way to make useless currency a source of nominal entertainment. 2. Gear: Gear is static and boring. Armor is just a deco item without gameplay impact. extremely boring. Guns offer some gameplay impact but there's no variety among the same type. Why are some of the most entertaining and varied gameplay style guns locked into power ammo? I cant run around and melee, or do close combat shotgun work, because a rocket launcher makes more sense for a rare use. This removed variety and fun. Bring back varied damage ranges so i care about the 2nd -100th time i get the same gun. Everything after the first drop is irrelevant. 3. PVE Endgame:I don't have access to NM and Raids because there's no in game chat or community to form a group. The rewards for strikes, Public events, and game world quests and events (like patrols ect) are not noticeable or rewarding. Change this. 4. RPG system: Call of Duty has a more in depth skill and perk system and they dont attempt to be an RPG...just sayin...this probably isnt an option for a while i get it. Basically i want a game i can farm loot for thousands of hours, continually progress in some manner with decent reward mechanics. Make a separate ruleset for PVP where guns are standardized ect for balance if you have to. I just want stuff to do and a reason to do just farming boring tokens for boring rewards and haven't made progress in any measurable manner in weeks.

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                        • It's very good to see that you guys are responding. Positive stuff. I am curious though, will the answers be: A. "We've heard you loud & clear. Things are gonna change!" Or B. Starting <mm/dd/yyyy>, we plan on adding : - Strike specific loot - Random perks on weapons & armor via 2 additional mod slots per item - Separate Crucible gamemodes for Clash, Supremacy, Control, etc. - An "Arena" style POE type activity - Community requested blahblahblah I'm stating the obvious but if the answer is "A", you probably should just cancel ALL communication until you can give "B" style answers. Please make this right. This is a great IP with a ton of potential but you've gotta: - talk to us - don't straight up bulls#!t us - don't be even slightly shady... you know we're gonna find out then spread the info like the fiery oil jars in Assassins Creed Origins... see what I did right there? I hope this is a good beginnig to a good beginning. Thanks

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                          • If it's not absolutely earth shattering, no bs, raw, in depth acknowledgment about how the systems bungies put in place for D2 are so terrible then you might as well not do anything at all.

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                            • Modifié par Autumn : 11/29/2017 3:52:59 AM
                              Hahaha , should i seriously care about a game that doesn't have a damn "looking for group chat" and a general chat in a PC released game in 2017 ? If you are a true community manager , and have a small damn idea of what is a video game in 2017 , you should as soon as you arrive tomorrow at work , tell to your mates that it's one of the highest priority to give us : -Looking for group chat (with a 30 sec cooldown ability to talk in it ) so noone can spam . -An ignore feature so we can mute anyone we desire . -The ability to talk to anyone around us in planets , Hubs, etc . -And a general/chill chat so everyone can speak , add some friends , chill, and make this game alive , as it is right now the deadiest and the most unsociable game i've seen in my entire life . As for now you guys [b]aren't even capable of understanding that[/b] , so i don't even have any hope or believe of what you guys can do for this game . ULTIMATE EDIT: Wait when watching this [b]i'm sure you guys know what you're doing [/b]. [url][/url]

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                              • we dont need streams - we just need a good game like Destiny 1 was...

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                              • It would be nice if you actually address the concerns of the community instead of ignoring them like you usually do. The game has such potential and we all hope it becomes what we envisioned. Start with making players feel powerful again!

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