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11/28/2017 8:50:22 PM

Incoming Developer Commentary about Destiny.

Hey, there. Tomorrow, we had planned to conduct the final stream prior to the launch of “Curse of Osiris” to show off some of the weapons and armor the expansion includes. Instead, we are investing all our efforts into delivering some higher priority information about Destiny 2. You’ll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they’ll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you’ll also learn about how we’re reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks. That will appear on the Bungie Blog on Wednesday. Thank you, DeeJ

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  • Huge step in the right direction. Just listen to the constructive criticism and make Destiny 2 as fun as you can.

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  • I am someone who has spent heavily on Destiny 1 and 2 micro transactions and have two accounts. I havent read thus anywhere so I figured this would be a good place to post it: I noticed a flaw in the Fireteam coins. Bungie needs to fix the stacking experience. It just does not stack. I am better off playing solo than being in a party. We have paid and farmed for the bright engrams and expect to get what we paid. I hope, on top of the fixes, Bungie considers either reimbursing silver or compensating those of us who have invested financially in this game.

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  • Furthering everyone's points about the specific game fixes, please consider this analogy Bungie: "If you look at it from a sports standpoint, they basically looked at the people in Major league baseball and the people in Minor league baseball and said "how do we get it so these two divisions can play together?" They then pushed the fence back 200 feet so everyone on both teams had the chance at a home my opinion. But for the audience the thrill of seeing your favorite team get that home run is gone and the sport gets boring, And for the 2 teams playing; the minors see no skill improvement and neither do the majors because they're not playing people at their skill level." -- Youtube Commenter

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  • I am not asking for much but I think it would fix the game in the short term and would be realistic for bungee to do, I really hope you read this. -the ability to choose the pvp mode you would like to play along with how many players are in the game I.e. 3v3 or 6v6 -prestige Raid has increased light level drops -in pvp preferably trials light level matters -I know it’s hard to do but skill based match making in all pvp -references from d1 I.e. lord Salladin tells you that you are an iron lord -xur has higher light iterms and currency for him is much harder to obtain -difficulty to in increase light level is dramatically hardened -light cap increased Thanks, Cape499

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  • Damage control! Incoming!

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  • #WWPD get Patrick Casey in here to fix this shit

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    • 7

      In a constant state of Havoc - ancien

      I feel like you guys do the most amazing work. And I aknowlage the hard work that went into D2. The big changes and the risks that you as a company took. D1 wasn't without it's flaws but they were small and easy to overlook and it was an amazing game. D2 is itself an amazing game in my opinion, but when compared to D1 it isn't as fun Yet. I know that the simplifications in the game were intended to be a great thing. And you guys did amazing work with the art, story and over all feel of it. It's all about feeling like Destiny tho. The 6v6/ 3v3 were great. We loved them. And I feel like everyone would have loved 4v4. But 4v4 isn't as fun as the only option. The ttk being high is a brilliant way to encourage team work. Tbh hats off to you guys for the thoughtfulness and the idea. But again it critically wounded other aspects of the games. For me I loved the mechanics of D1. Not only for my own gameplay bit for how better players could use it to create amazing content. I miss Grenader Jake's the 1v3s. And LAB's epic gameplay. Cammy cakes random loadout challenges or Mr. Fruits wild weapon reviews as well as many other wonderful content creators work. My clan leader Zaking747's amazing 1v3s. They were all cut down and wiped out by the changes. Some stick it out but it's not the same. It all became bland and empty. And the weapons are all the same roll. A great idea in some ways but it was just not good once we tried it. On a personal note I miss your grim cards and lore books. They were amazing. They also fed great content creators imaginations. I love the new armor. But I had hoped the gear from trials and IB and old raids were somehow back in d2 in a fresh way. So much of what was stripped away left a void. And not a good void. More like the kinda void you see when I try to use d2 shadowshot. It's awful. Sorry to ramble. You guys are still my favorite. I love Destiny. I have faith that D2 will rise up and bring the community back. I hold no grudges nor do I feel like you guys messed up. Just didn't go the way any of us hoped. I look forward to see how we all evolve from all of the input and the positive feed back and how you shape D2 from here to bring synergy back to the whole community . Despite the recent difficulties you guys are still the best. Coooooo

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    • Everybody is making the issues over destiny 2's problems too complicated. The simple problem is we were expecting a step forward when we got a step back.. I love destiny.. It's easily one of the best games I've ever played. I would honestly say the only games better are last of us and the original half-life.. I couldn't wait for destiny 2, but was disappointed. Don't get me wrong.. Destiny 2 is a great game. The shooting mechanics are excellent, single player story is great, it looks amazing.. But it's just not up there like the first game.. This is a loot grinding game.. But the loot isn't worth grinding for. Rewards for activities truly sub-par.. Exotics just aren't.. Legendarys are generally rubbish. Yes there's a few great items but everyone has them and they're the only weapons you see. I don't want those weapons nerfed, I want more viable choices! Destiny 2 isnt just a stripped back version of the first game.. It's had a lot of the stuff I loved removed. That's not the sequel I wanted. We're all angry because we all know how amazing this game could be. Imagine a game that plays this well, looks this good, is this huge, is this imaginative and then add all the excitement from the first game. It could have been stunning. That's what I was expecting and that's why I'm pissed off and constantly frustrated when I play.

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    • is the blog post going to apoear at the top of this site, like the excisting post by deej?

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    • Most of the heavily enumerated posts detail specific changes and their points are certainly valid and probably represent a surprising degree of agreement. However, thematically what D2 misses is the feeling of being powerful. “Become Legend”? Really? Give me a break. Enemies should cower and scatter at the sound of a guardian’s footsteps. Instead they pass out those little cocktail weenies and have polite conversations. “Oh look—a guardian. Oh how the mighty have Fallen” (see what I did there? Lol). It reminds me of the epic first encounter in The Avengers where Loki meets Hulk and proclaims his godhood. Hulk rag dolls him and responds”Puny god!” That pretty much sums up a Destiny guardian. Bungie you have lost your mojo. And you took ours with you :(

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      3 commentaires
      • Modifié par DuBChiri2 : 11/29/2017 7:49:31 PM
        I expect at least average things from the post. I'll be huddling in the balance and weapons sections waiting for it to be released. The community is here to help deej, I just wish you and the rest of bungie were more...intimate with us :) If you ever need suggestions, I'm here to try and help and so are the rest of us :D I might not be able to code...but I can make a MEAN buff post stew.

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        • Unfortunately it seems like a good chunk of the problems are systemic and not easily fixable without a pretty large game overhaul. So my suspicion is that this will just be a few empty promises that don't really fix the major issues just to drum up some extra DLC sales, which I imagine is doing quite poorly in presales to prompt this kind of response.

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        • Anyone have the link to the blog so I can hawk that bish?

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          • Modifié par Crashdogg76 : 11/29/2017 8:59:13 PM
            This too

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          • Modifié par Crashdogg76 : 11/29/2017 8:59:20 PM
            And This

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          • Modifié par Crashdogg76 : 11/29/2017 8:59:27 PM

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          • -6v6 PvP -separate pve from pvp -Remove/change of token system -better exotics -remove shader system from economy system, so no consumable shader -better reasons to continue to play endgame activities -remove xp cooldown/ chest drop cooldown -Primary/special/heavy weapon -Faster special cooldown

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            • Is there a time when this link / vlog will be posted?

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            • Is this "the blog" where they will announce everything? I'm 40 years old and not familiar with twitter and these blogs i keep hearing about. How will I know when the blog is "live"?

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              • Modifié par THUNDERCHILD : 11/29/2017 4:37:43 AM
                Top men need to be replaced. The decision makers are hurting Bungie and Destiny. It is possible for a good person(s) to be elevated to a position that they simply arent ment for. It may be a hard truth, but it is truth nonetheless, and must be part of the discussion moving forward. The number of bad moves made in this game is ridiculous and inexcusable. I have been a loyal fan of this company since xmas morning 2001. Please dont allow a handful managment who have bad ideas to destroy Bungie.

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                • could i get a link to this blog

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                  • Genesis of the Problems with Destiny To all, I would like to say hello all fellow guardians and that I fully enjoy the Destiny Universe. Yes there are problems with major significance. To get to the heart of the matter is simple, follow the money. Simply put all the problems that we are currently experiencing are the result of the game design foundations of this current D2 game. The core of this game has been made around the principle of micro transactions and as a secondary thought wrapped in a destiny flavor/style for lack of a better term. All subsequent decisions that have been made about this game relative to static rolls on guns, XP throttling, bright engrams, power system, exotics, ship design, in game communications systems, in game drop rate related issues, story progression, changing game designs prior to drop date, pvp limitations, ect are all influenced through the idea of micro transactions and squeezing more money out of this system. Having fun relative to game design has been a secondary thought relative to the core issue. Can anyone on the game design side truly say that micro transactions/money, didn't influence every single direction of decision making, even at a small level/or major? It struck me once I learned about the EA Battlefront 2 issues, XP throttling in D2, and the micro transactions patent that was leaked a few weeks ago. It officially all came together. Even something seemingly as simple as creating skill ceilings and floors, per se, speak to some other objective other than a great video game to be enjoyed - that's right- steering the video game player to MicroTran. Its a form of manipulation when we design the games response relative to this end of MicroTran. Unfortunately this world is not made of unlimited resources and I understand completely some of the decisions that were made relative to "that " end in mind. With this understanding it becomes completely clear why, Bungie, as a team, made all of these decisions. The core design of the game speaks directly to the end goal in mind, micro tran. Now that we have more of the hidden details, we are able to understand this. For me, understanding helps me deal with things I am powerless to change. I feel that a lot of the communities frustrations center around this core fact that I just detailed above. I feel that some people simply don't understand how or why they feel the way they do because they simply don't understand how such decisions could be made if your trying to build a world class FPS game that should rival all previous games (including D1). Well if you take what I have said above, then it makes sense why the game was designed the way it was and why so many people are frustrated. I offer this as an explanation that you will never get from the Designer, yet rings true from where I am sitting. I hope we can come together and make some hard decisions and changes to this game that I love, in order to make it better. If we continue to make games that are money focused at their core and not fun/enjoyment focused then I guess Pandora's box has officially been opened. I offer this message as a pivotal point to the destiny community and Bungie specifically that we can no longer let Big Corporate America influence game design at this level as to present. If we do this may very well be the beginning of the end of this franchise. I should know what corporations do to people and decision making cause I am in one. I know that even the directors of game design, on many levels, are simply doing what they are told. If game designers don't do what their told then they will be replaced. I completely understand this bad situation you find yourself in. Yet something has to be done. If you decide to take care of the consumer and provide a product that they love then they will keep coming back. If not it will end very soon due to the free market. At the end of the day the decision is yours. I hope you make the right one. Eyes up Guardians! Hexacarbide P.S. - If your goal was to get a lot of free press about Destiny 2 recently , I believe your actions as of late have been wildly successful.

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                    • Hi, what time is this blog post? I am VERY Interested to hear what changes are happening. I hope they are inline with what some of the hard core players are calling for!

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                    • #MakeDestinyGreatAgain

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                    • When and where are we going to see this info get posted? The live stream would have ended by now.

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                    • where is this blog? Link please!

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