We just launched [b]Hotfix[/b] which contains a Sandbox tuning pass and changes to the Crucible. If you want an in-depth exploration into some of these changes you can watch our [url=https://www.twitch.tv/videos/120721482]live fire demonstration here[/url]. For those interested in the bullet points we have the full [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45661]Patch Notes[/url] up as well.
In the interest of full transparency, we do need to clarify something in this update. Our test team discovered that the changes to the Blade Dancer Perk Hungering Blade were being applied to several other Health Regen Perks. Here is a quote from Sandbox designer Josh Hamrick.
[quote]Over the last couple of days, as we continued to test the patch, it came to our attention that the changes we made to Hungering Blade were unintentionally shared among a number of additional elements (list below). While we considered delaying the hotfix to remove the shared change, we ultimately decided to live with the patch we’d made and tested. We believe that Hotfix is an important step forward to maintain the health of the game and that getting it out to you ASAP is in everyone's best interest. And besides, no one wants to show up empty handed on Valentine’s day.
List of affected elements:
• Hungering Blade (Arc Hunter)
• Transfusion (Striker Titan)
• Cauterize (Sunbreaker Titan)
• Lifesteal (Voidwalker Warlock)
• Red Death perk
• Suros Legacy Perk (Suros Regime)
• No Backup Plans
• Ward of Dawn cast
• The Ram
• Apotheosis Veil
• Embrace the Void (Voidwalker Warlock)
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be diligently watching and listening to what you have to say about these changes. While we will be unsurprised if additional tweaks need to be made, we are honestly super interested to see how these changes, intended or not, play out. We will be relying on you to give us your feedback as you grow accustomed to the feel of the game over the next couple of weeks. We will also be with you ingame, playing along and making our own notes… Apparently, I have to redeem myself for my stream performance anyway.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a 1st date with a potential Skorri fix…
The special ammunition nerf in this patch is one of the worst decisions made in D1. It was a precursor to the disastrous weapon load out system in D2. Now if you would just roll back this change in Destiny, that would be great.
Modifié par Man at Arms : 4/7/2018 1:00:22 AM
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[quote]We just launched [b]Hotfix[/b] which contains a Sandbox tuning pass and changes to the Crucible. If you want an in-depth exploration into some of these changes you can watch our [url=https://www.twitch.tv/videos/120721482]live fire demonstration here[/url]. For those interested in the bullet points we have the full [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45661]Patch Notes[/url] up as well. In the interest of full transparency, we do need to clarify something in this update. Our test team discovered that the changes to the Blade Dancer Perk Hungering Blade were being applied to several other Health Regen Perks. Here is a quote from Sandbox designer Josh Hamrick. [quote]Over the last couple of days, as we continued to test the patch, it came to our attention that the changes we made to Hungering Blade were unintentionally shared among a number of additional elements (list below). While we considered delaying the hotfix to remove the shared change, we ultimately decided to live with the patch we’d made and tested. We believe that Hotfix is an important step forward to maintain the health of the game and that getting it out to you ASAP is in everyone's best interest. And besides, no one wants to show up empty handed on Valentine’s day. List of affected elements: • Hungering Blade (Arc Hunter) • Transfusion (Striker Titan) • Cauterize (Sunbreaker Titan) • Lifesteal (Voidwalker Warlock) • Red Death perk • Suros Legacy Perk (Suros Regime) • No Backup Plans • Ward of Dawn cast • The Ram • Apotheosis Veil • Embrace the Void (Voidwalker Warlock) Over the next couple of weeks, we will be diligently watching and listening to what you have to say about these changes. While we will be unsurprised if additional tweaks need to be made, we are honestly super interested to see how these changes, intended or not, play out. We will be relying on you to give us your feedback as you grow accustomed to the feel of the game over the next couple of weeks. We will also be with you ingame, playing along and making our own notes… Apparently, I have to redeem myself for my stream performance anyway. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a 1st date with a potential Skorri fix… [/quote][/quote] Undo all the changes to the list of effected elements. No more subclass nerfs. I'm tired of nerf this and nerf that. How about you buff stuff to "balance" things. Please undo all the effect element changes. It's unfair to warlocks and for sure to blade dancers who have had their subclass nerfed into the ground.
Modifié par mosvalve : 4/21/2017 10:24:56 AMThis patch is garbage. Bring the game back to HoW status. In the interest of transparency , this is your biggest blunder yet...
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lol pvp'rs whining like thats a first... you should see the crap on the pve side... absolute joke and guess what the NEW update your gonna be hunting light, all your old weapons are going to need a new shard of sorts to upgrade.. dont give us more to do, make us do more like we all have 5 hrs a day to keep up with your crap already, he77 you cant find a place to get bounties done in a reasonable time to many morons who will run and cut you off, you have to fight the players to get them done... and im going to sit still for another full weapon upgrade light earning process... rrrriiiiggggghhhhttttt i am, and it bears and weighs heavy on the wallet when it comes to forking out another 90$ for another version of this bull.. after watching the roll out a freakin FASHION SHOW??? are your freaking serious???? how about building a game stop making us build our players to rediculous standards almost impossible to obtain... none of the crucible firearms get dropped in game...or rare if they do, you sell a story mode but force a pvp on your customers STOP IT!!!
Ok, so nerfing the special ammo and and specific super effects, that I'm fine with, but you guys could've at least kept clever dragons and grasp of Malok rate of fire the way it was if this patch came out, NOW you guys are nerfing sidearms because you see it's becoming more popular in the meta, bungie..... Seriously, if you knew this was going to happen, you should've done these nerfs.... Fist of havoc blast radius Nova bomb blast radius Stormcaller melee length Lightning grenade width and length Spike grenade width and length (Titan and hunter) Reduce damage on the wombo combo Turn off the damn magnets for the sticky grenades Remove tracking for Shadowshot, Hammer of Sol, Nova Bomb (they're too easy to kill with) (This one is my favorite) fix the self-res bullshit in elimination/Trials of Osiris Nerf skorri to 30 seconds for allies to gain faster charge for supers and must get a kill to reactivate skorri's effect for allies Add more flinch to the "No Flinch Beyond" Take off aim assist on all shotguns Bring back aim assist for the snipers (because shotguns and snipers were being used in that meta back in year 2 and keep the flinch the way it is by adding more flinch) meaning it was unbroken and evenly balanced Make thorn a thing again (omg PLEASE) Reduce ammo regeneration for invective to 10 second instead of 20 but reduce the ammo to 1 per regeneration (since it's a shotgun, obviously) Make specific weapon bans for Trials of Osiris each weekend (the weekend after, those weapons will be unbanned until the future Trials of Osiris ban list) Drop special weapon crate to 2 crates in elimination/Trials of Osiris instead of 4 Decrease range of fusion rifles JUST a little bit even with rifled barrel and reinforced barrel (don't overdo it) Increase damage of all autorifles (besides Doctrine family autorifles, so it can be used for the love of God) Increase damage for khvostov so it can be used (but remove the 900rpm perk and increase rate of fire for burst fire perk to match hawksaw weapon type) Increase damage on all sidearms (but decrease the range for close quarter combat and a little farther than the max range shotguns for countering) If I missed anything, everyone can add them into the comment, but other than that, consider the game well balanced if that was to happen!!!!
how do you exspect us to sit idly by while you ruin the one game we all have cherished and loved since the start, every step you think you make in the right direction is a step made by the one part of the community that doesnt understand how this game works. Why would you ever listen to the salty nerf community in this game in stead of actually listening to the youtubers and good part of the community. You know the thing that hurts me the most, is the fact that you think your game and patch testers actually know what the actual f@^*k they are doing, FIY they dont. this game started out with so much potential and kept it going all the way to ¨the taken king¨ but almost every other patch, nerf and updates after that felt like it came straight out of the salty keyboard warriors of the bad side of this game. another stupid thing is the fact that youre so -blam!-ing arrogant that you dont want to listen to the player base that play this god forsaken game day after day, but instead you listen to the people that play this game ones, put it down and start nagging about the things that they cant understand. BECAUSE THEY DONT -blam!-ING PLAY THE GAME. Bungie, when i first heard about destiny 2, i was so glad my heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest, but now. now i dont even think i want to buy it anymore, and i think im speaking for a big part of this community when i am saying that and also this, you cant rewrite a wrong with another wrong. @bungie and now to the part of the post that every player who plays this game will relate to stupid shit that bungie did: - nerf blade whilst hammers rome the game -nerf blade at all, it was at the bad side of the roamer supers already -not nerfing storm, when youre clearly at an insane advantage whilst using it. -Ghost bullets shouldnt be a factor in this game. (rng shouldt decide if you get a kill or not) -Destroying sunsinger, when every one JUST asked to get the viking funeral stack vanquished -making stickies to easy to use -nerfing snipers to much -nerfing shotgun mid-air accuarcy -nerfing golden gun (rlly bungie, rlly???) -nerfing special ammo -destroying most exotic guns in the game, making legendaries a better choice -making skeleton keys to hard to get -Titan t-rex arms (do i need to say more) -micro transactions (festival of the cost) -not making most supers in the game good to use in pve before 90% of every pve player in the game had done it all (golden gun, blade, striker etc.) -nerfing shoulder charge to much -stalling the clever dragon high cal nerf -not fixing the fact that no matter if you die in elimination game modes or not, you lose all your special after the round is over -nerfing most archetypes off guns to get complete "balance" in stead of buffing them all -making everything in this game slower because all of the nerfs there is so much you dont understand bungie, yet you refuse to admit it. GET YOUR SHIT TOGHETER
I was initially highly disappointed with the secondary ammo changes in crucible . However after giving it some time to set in, I realize that my initial disappointment was utterly well founded. FIX IT BACK !
Day 24 of shit storm... Still no word on what is going to be fixed. But at least soon I'm going to be able to replay all of the old raids that have always been there and have never gone away. In the meantime I'm sharing the above video. Because this is the thread that it should have been posted on in the first place. [spoiler]F*** You Josh.[/spoiler] [spoiler]🖕[/spoiler]
So still no update on when your going to readjust the health regen cockups! Just another announcement about more announcements 😣 come on bungo sort your shit out!!!
With this update, a Striker with Transfusion and Red Death is useless. Even with your recovery set to max, the rate between regenerating health and shields is way too long. The Red Death no longer heals you and gets you on your way quickly, but now gives you a bandaid and requires you to sit in the corner. The hungering blade changes should NOT have affected the other perks mentioned.
-blam!- you Bungievision. Don't you dare attempt to "fix" skorris, matter of fact stop -blam!-ing with everything. Hit the mother -blam!-ing reset button on every single patch you have ever done and return everything back to its original year 1 Vanilla state. Every God damn patch is more nerfs and destroying of the things we have come to love about this game. People bitch and moan that things are over powered, -blam!- em, cause back in year 1 essentially everything was balanced. To be honest things started going sideways with the first Auto rifle nerfs. If you buffed other primaries up to the Auto rifles all and I mean ALLLL this endless nerfing would have been avoided. Oh no something on a subclass was being used too much. Hmm let's see instead of nerfing what's over used see why the other options aren't being used and Buff them. I'm no coder but if I was in charge of play testing and monitoring the way the game guns and classes worked you would have been done making adjustments before Crota's End and a month after The Taken King dropped with the new subclasses. Yup claim to want diversity then pigeon hole us into a forced play style and meta for PvP, and because of that you screw PvE players over every single patch. Bunch of incompetent -blam!-ing morons. The best part of you ran down your mother's Crack and left a shit stain on the mattress. Could also say your mother should have swallowed you or had you all aborted. This is for all the sandbox teams and developers. You -blam!-ed up time and time again. If you can't handle criticism and someone's opinion grow some thicker skin and try to understand for yourself why alot of us feel this way. If this post gets removed by a Ninja we will know you're all pussies.
ok so basically you want to end the entire career of voidwalkers, sure. the reason the life steal build was so good was because you would have health for nearly every engagement. but now, that don't work no more as you can be easily beat in a primary battle even after life steal procs. thanks for screwing my rumble build
What was the point of merging storm callers running landfall when it was already nerfed awhile ago and ionic blink is the most common used perk
To say that you're "interested" to see how all of these unintended changes play out is just careless. How much did you test these hungering blade related changes? I'd like to know- genuinely. No snark there. What are the numbers? What are the changes exactly? It seems like your team tested the gun and ammo changes decently diligently. This community deserves good, quality changes that have been thought out, tested, and fleshed out fully. Not some haphazard "eh lets give it a go!" Withholding the unintended changes would have been a good move. Please fix it.
The only reasons for me to continue playing was getting the genesis chain(which i never got after ~25 aksis kills) getting fatebringer roll imago loop(i haven't found a single one with at least a firefly after spending ~300 or more skeleton keys), and pvp. I've been playing this game since 2015 and even in times of drought when not many players were online i was still there. I finished all of the raids, numerous times, i got all the exotics, and 99% of legendaries. I've been a fan of this game for a long time. Actually i never spent so much time in a single game as i did in destiny. And i appreciate the fact that i bought this game and the expansions only for around ~100 bucks, and for a game that gave so much content and for so long it's really cheap. From the beginning my main was the warlock, i was using stormcaller for a long time, before i discovered sunsinger, i started using it. It was a really good class for pvp before the nerf. After the nerf i decided to go try voidwalker and it became my favorite class in the game, even after i discovered all other classes on hunters and titans. And now you're nerfing it. So what can i say, thank you for the fun time that i spent in this game, but it's time to stop. You're awesome developers, but you don't know shit about how to make the game work. The only thing you've been doing during the two years i spent here is breaking things, and making them unusable. Maybe it's intentional. Maybe you already know that destiny 2 is shit, and at least it won't seem as bad if you destroy the original game before the release. Anyway, i'm quitting this game, and i won't be buying destiny 2(or whatever). I think i'm not gonna buy any of your games actually, because it seems that you like to play other "games" with your fanbase. Just don't forget, who put you there. Bye bye and fy))
[quote] Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a 1st date with a potential Skorri [u]f[/u]uckup… [/quote] [spoiler]Fixed it for you.[/spoiler]
Modifié par spitdeath455 : 4/4/2017 10:18:14 AMYpur on battle...You fired a number of rounds, moved rapidly away from the threat area as it became too hot and found cover in what appears to be a defensible position. With a racing heart and shaking hands you scan the immediate area, but don’t see any imminent threats. The situation is quiet at the moment. The situation is quiet at the moment, but you don’t know if the threat is truly over. What you do know is that you fired a number of rounds and aren’t sure how many remain in the gun. Common sense says getting that gun fully recharged—immediately—is an excellent idea. And retaining the partially expended magazine, in case it’s needed later, is also smart. So you pop in new clip but for some reason you have to chamber it even though it should have a live round still in it? The gun use is weak like go to a gun range or shoot your neighbor you'll see its super handy.
This is great. All you whiners out there are fraking children. Grow the frak up. Bungie REBALANCED a lot of stuff, meaning nerfs AND buffs were going to happen. You people are pissed off because your broken classes and gear are no longer broken, or less broken. Well, welcome to MMOland, where the meta is constantly changing. Keep ranting, people, you're everything that's wrong with this community. Hell, I'm sure many of you are the reason Gjallarhorn was nerfed in the first place. As for me, I'll be enjoying my non-meta, OFP Gunslinger, who FINALLY gets an elemental melee ability. Peace!
This has got to be the worst update to date, why have you been continuously nerfing the warlock class and boosting everyone else?! You added more danage to shouldercharge for what?! Like it wasn't op already. Also you might as well get rid of blink and add something else at this point since it seems like the ultimate goal is to make it liability. The classes are far from equal, you guys messed up. The auto rifle boost was okay but it's a little to far, and the reduction of ammo for clever dragon plus reducing it's fire rate has made the weapon useless. This update was a horrendous decision.
Modifié par ElusivePineapple : 2/17/2017 3:04:43 AM
a lancé un nouveau sujet : fix the healing perks immediately.(71 commentaires))
Ok.... Now im kinda mad. Why the fuk would you screw with the armor and health? If you have a max armor charactor it makes him/her special. Its hard to get max armor on any charactor. All we fricken wanted was a buff to Primaries and you screw everything up. You totally screwed shotguns and now crusible is a side arm spree. Seriously you need to undo what ever changes you made to the classes. I love bladedancer considering, i ran a hunter for a long time and blade is my favorite subclass.