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10/30/2015 2:27:23 AM

Destiny Social Experiment

Does anyone else get the feeling that destiny was a social experiment in gaming? Since the games launch bungies broken every promise, gone back on their word, and repeatedly changed the game for the worse. Yet we play on. I fully understand the game was completely redone in 2013 and what we got was a chopped up mess of the original game. The only way it makes sense for them to have done this much wrong is for it to have been an experiment. On us. The players. To see how much bullshit, and punishment we're willing to take. How many of you have had something in this game you loved ruined by patches, or new dlc. For me it was hard light, and hand cannons. We've all had our favorite things ripped up or completely removed from the game so they could squeeze more money out of us. What do you think guys?

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  • Modifié par takanome ranger : 5/9/2016 5:26:11 PM
    I was just thinking this. Yes it is/was. This is the real reason they messed around with the game, nerfed everything and gave a whole new meaning to the word "grind". By the way as of today, one user has over 7200 hours of playtime (excluding reef, other social areas and load screens) which is over 10 hours per day. Apparently they still didn't have a gally drop yet.

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