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2/25/2016 5:57:41 PM

Where are the year one crucible maps and strikes?

Does anyone else feel like the TTK maps are taking over the crucible? I have stopped playing crucible and destiny as much as I used to, because there is not enough variety in the crucible maps. For example, when Bungie pulled Thieves Den out of the rift rotation, everybody was really happy with them. But once Cathedral of Dusk came along, that is the only rift map that I ever get, except for maybe Memento and Black Shield sometimes. Some of my favorite maps have also been entirely taken out of every game type. I really miss Shores of Time and The Anomally (yes, I'm serious). Although some people didn't like them because there was too many snipers or too many shotguns, that is why I liked them. For example, if you tried to use a shotgun on Shores of Time, you were going to get sniped a lot, and vice-versa on the Anomally. These maps caused players to play to their strengths and weaknesses, which I really liked. Another reason why I don't play Destiny as much as I used to is because they don't have the old, fun strikes in rotation, except for the level 20 version. The strikes with Sepiks Prime, Phogoth, and the Arkon Priest were my personal favorites, and now I haven't played them in a while. The Arkon Priest was my favorite, because of the part next to the fallen Ketch. In this part, the strike always forced me to use my primary, because I would sit at the top and snipe until I ran out of ammo. At the time, I didn't like using my primary, but over time, I grew to like, the challenge of getting into up close combat with an enemy that had more health than a normal enemy. So please, please bring these maps and strikes back in rotation, and if not, at least consider it for a while.

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