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7/9/2015 7:45:38 PM

Why PvP is Stagnate and Will Remain so Unless All Guns are Properly Balanced

Lately standard Crucible has been divided up between two types of players, Team Try Hards, and Team Have Fun. I run Necrochasm in the Crucible, but own both Thorn and TLW. The main problem with why Crucible isn't an enjoyable, competitive experience is because people take it too seriously, and run only power weapons all the time. Unless you are immensely more skilled than your opponent, you're not going to destroy a Thorn with Necrochasm. However I don't expect everyone to give up their oh so important KD and try new things, so what Bungie needs to do is bring down Thorn and TLW and bring up Auto Rifles, and run a Crucible were every type of weapon is viable, but of course not every weapon. Bungie must first do 3 things: First Change: Do not allow any gun to become significantly more powerful than any other. Thorn should have been nerfed as soon as it emerged as an overpowered weapon. Suros had the same problem and should have been specifically nerfed a lot sooner, with an auto rifle nerf maybe coming later. However most auto rifles didn't need to be nerfed and Bungie made a severe misstep there. Bungie needs to make a distinction between a weapon class, and an exotic within that weapon class. Second Change: Balance each type of each weapon class. Low impact auto rifles suck, that much is obvious. What Bungie should do is optimize each type to be more usable by itself, and not blanket nerf an entire weapon type. Another aspect is the method. By now Bungie should understand how to make the optimal version of each weapon, and balance that type around that. High impact Auto Rifles should be balanced around the summoner, low impact around whatever is the best of that type. Third Change: After properly balancing the Crucible, Bungie simply needs to monitor the exotic weapons that are added to avoid allowing them to rise on their own. The crucible will naturally create its own popular weapons, but this list will be broader and more inclusive than the current meta. They also should vary up map types, talked about more here: The Crucible needs a change to be enjoyable, but killing hand cannons will just create the same problem with pulse rifles. As such it needs to be properly balanced.

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  • Modifié par Killer 13106 : 7/10/2015 12:16:40 AM
    *Disclaimer- just going to say that these are MY opinions before someone gets upset that I don't see the same picture as they do on how things should be (Even with me mentioning this is my opinion, I'm 95% sure I'll still get hate in some form because of this community lmao). I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm just throwing my opinion into the discussion* I'm going to have to disagree on buffing auto rifles. I personally feel that everything kills so quickly (fast enough in some situations that you literally have no chance of shooting back - double 111 headshots from TLW comes to mind). Even when (let's face it, hand cannons and shotguns will get their rebalance soon) the rebalances are introduced, players will just use the next best thing. So I personally think that if they nerfed all the kill times to the current kill time of auto rifles, that crucible would be a lot more enjoyable. There should be guns that are slightly better then others for certain situations, it's what should bring out variety. However the problem is all the maps have short and medium range encounters where Thorn (or other hand cannons) currently excel at, so if that's the case why would you use anything else? I get the notion you're trying to involve about having fun, however in most cases, players don't like to lose (this is why crucible gets pretty competitive for being casual PvP). Also as a side note, I feel a rotational game mode where no exotics were allowed would be fun (Granted this doesn't fix the problem, it would definitely bring a breath of fresh air into crucible).

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