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6/14/2015 1:35:41 PM

Explosive Rounds need a PvP Buff.

After using a Deadshot Luna with Explosive rounds, ( will full auto, and zen moment ) I've come to the conclusion that Explosive rounds where over nerfed and need a PvP buff desperately. Its extremely sad that Bad Juju( a high RoF pulse rifle with low impart) has more flinch then a Luna with Explosive rounds.... so here are the buffs that should happen to make Explosive rounds a Option in PvP again. 1. increase the flinch so that when trading with Other guns you are able to properly disrupt the enemy fire. 2. increase the damage on Explosive rounds so that body shot damage matches head shot damage. 3. Have explosive rounds lower the Aim Assits stat by a stacking X amount ( if you dont know how aim asset works go here [url][/url] ) if you have any ideas post below

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