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The Saints Defiance

« Defy the laws that constrain you »

  • Énoncé de mission

    Started by two Soldiers in the US Army. We have some really good players in PvP, so we are an all around group. We play everything! We're a real laid back crew and enjoy joking around. We're pretty decent at the game and will happily accept lower level characters in to the clan to help them out. Loyalty to the clan is a very big thing to us, we are not a stepping stone. If you wish to join, expect 3 things. 1. Lots of alcohol drinking, dysfunctional veterans. 2. Really great atmosphere and great players of the game. 3. Joking, lots of joking.

  • Abonnements

    25 Membres
    Nombre total des usagers qui ont rejoint ce groupe
    8 Nombre d'années à titre de groupe
    Nombre d'années depuis que ce groupe a été créé
  • Administrateurs

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