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    The Halo Project is the group that gets down to things. What we do is discuss problems with the Covenant, how we can upgrade our Spartan's armor, and why we can't kill that one guy that camps in a corner with a sniper rifle and a shotgun. Send me a message to see if your up to the test and become a member of The Halo Project Today!

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originally posted in:The Halo Project
3/8/2013 8:32:11 PM

What's your dream Spartan?

Tell The Halo Project what your Spartan would look like and post a picture of it.

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  • My Spartan would be a Spartan-IV for its advanced technology and available armor mods. On Infinity, I would be the support for the team in battle and out. The objective is always the priority, but the team comes first. I am more of a strategic player who approaches his enemies based on location. Enemies scattered? Divide and conquer, then when there is one left, lure him in. Enemies bunched up? Get a good line of sight to smoke out the first two, then move to the next one. In battle? I use everything on the ground and sometimes up high to my advantage. When it comes down to it, I'm a cold, intelligent killer. And if you're smart you know I'm dangerous.

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  • My dream Spartan already exists. Her name is Linda-058.

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  • My dream Spartan? One that is untouched by the filth of 343 Industries...

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    • Edited by ROFL Wolf1254: 3/8/2013 11:54:22 PM
      NAME: NICHOLAS -REDACTED- D.O.B.: DECEMBER 6, 2636 BIRTHPLACE: ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI SEX: MALE CLASS: SPARTAN IV CURRENT ARMOR CONFIGURATION: [url=]CUSTOM[/url] PERSONAL REPORT; CAPTAIN THOMAS LASKY: [spoiler]"I'm glad to have him aboard the Infinity, we could use all the men we can get. Based on his experience in the field, I'd say he's pretty sharp and thinks on the spot when it comes to dangerous situations. From what he's told me, he signed up as soon as he heard of the program. Not much of a talker from my encounters with him though. I don't blame him, after all that he's lost. He may not seem very social but he's excellent at what he does best. A skilled rifleman, and can do work with whatever weapon you give him, even if it comes to sharing sticks and rocks. He may be no leader or teamplayer, but he can follow orders pretty damn well. When he's by himself, I've noticed that's where he does his best work."[/spoiler]

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      • Full Name: Nathan (Shockwell – Family Name) Age: 20 D.o.B: 08/03/2511 Birthplace: The United Kingdom Gender: Male Species: Human Residence: UNSC Eternity Affiliation: UNSC Occupation/Rank: Master Chief Petty Officer Battalion/Regiment/Creche: Fireteam Gold Serial Number: S-013 Armor: [URL=]MJOLNIR Mk.VI "C"[/URL] [u]Appearance[/u] Height: 6”11 out of armour, 7”3 in armour Weight: 400lb out of armour, 1000lb in armour Personality: Although his height and status as a Spartan can be intimidating he’s actually a very friendly person although his armour and age can give people a bit of prejudice towards him, but it is usually quickly forgotten since he can get on with virtually anyone, although this attitude is usually masked over by his more serious side, after all he is a Spartan and he takes the condition of his team very seriously, and when he’s on the battlefield it’s almost like he’s a totally different person, he snaps into a deadly serious mode and he becomes one of the finest Spartan warriors alive, he also highly respects rank and order, giving appropriate salutes and calling them by their rank, he maintains a state of politeness even if they’re screaming profanity right into his face, due to his sociable nature at times he’s found that many people like to talk to him to let out their feelings or if they just want a shoulder to cry on, Nathan listens and understands and gives them a reassuring hand if they need it Background: Nathan was born in 2510 to two retired Orion soldiers who both served in Operation: Trebuchet who gave up their military career to raise their son. Nathan was actually born in the middle of battle, his mother didn’t know she was 9 months pregnant at the time and her body didn’t show much, so on the 8th March 2510 Nathan was born in the midst of war and chaos, his father was on the other side of the battlefield when he received the news, Nathan was named after the sergeant who helped deliver him as a thank-you of sorts. Nathan grew up in a small town not far from the main city and his parents didn’t try to shy him away from their careers, they were very open about what they did and that did cause some minor controversy at the schools but nothing too serious to get him pulled out, his parents knew that a good education would go a long way so they spent their time making sure he was getting good grades and attending school, Nathan had the upmost respect for his parents and he loved them so much, although he wasn’t the outdoorsy type his parents didn’t try to change him in that aspect, as long as he was getting a report and grades from school they thought that this was his reward in a way Nathan had a nice little group of friends at school and he fitted in nicely to the school, he was loved by teachers due to his attentiveness in class and he was the light of the party in his group of friends, the only place he really failed at was when it came to physical exercise, over the years his indoor lifestyle had started to affect his body, he had picked up a few pounds and was a chubby kid, one day during another boring day at school Nathan was pulled out of class to talk with a woman from the government, she introduced herself as Ms. Shaley and pulled a thin A4 sized paper booklet and slid it across the table, Nathan looked at it to find it was his test paper from a national exam a few days ago, the woman then brushed her hair out of her face and went on to mention that his scores were much higher than the average score of most students and then complimented Nathan saying that he is among the few children who are ‘Gifted’ to which Nathan gave a shy smile The woman then did an unusual thing as she just blurted out ‘one hundred and seventeen minus one hundred and four’ and then Nathan, immediately replied with the answer of thirteen in a machine like fashion. Ms. Shaley smiled and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, she then thanked Nathan for his time and said that he would be seeing more of her in the future, she then collected her handbag and walked off and a small object fell from her bag, Nathan walked over to the small item and picked it up, he looked at the small knight chess piece and then chased after the woman to the school’s main door holding the chess piece up to her, she took it off him and thanked him for returning the piece before leaving the school One week later he was taken by ONI and replaced by a clone and then stuffed into a pelican with all the other candidates Nathan woke up to a cold metal floor, taking a breath in the cold air felt like it was freezing his lungs, feeling breathless he coughed and rapidly blinked his eyes trying to focus on his surroundings, he was cold and scared as he seen other children starting to wake up making familiar faces as him, he felt scared and he really wanted to see his mum or dad right about now, the pelican’s cargo door opened and the kids were pushed out of the pelican and marched into a big amphitheatre, he felt a big hand slap him on the shoulder and push him down onto the bench, looking up with a tired and confused face the man had no expression in his face, his steel eyes staring right into Nathan he looked away scared of the man who just let go of his tight grip on his shoulder Looking up he then saw a familiar women in the centre of the room, she cleared her throat and spoke to the children ‘As per Naval Code 45812 you are hereby conscripted into the UNSC special-project codenamed SPARTAN II’ Nathan was still dazed and tired, he tried to soak in the information but his mind was rejecting it, he looked around and watched as a child tried to stand up but she was shot right back down by the man stood next to her, her bottom lip began to tremble and Nathan felt empathy for her, but his attention shifted back to the women who continued to speak ‘You have been called upon to serve, you will be trained and you will become the best we can make of you, you will be the protectors of Earth and all her colonies’ this speech made Nathan perk up a little, it did the same to the girl next to him, Nathan began to picture the Superhero vids he used to watch so avidly and then the women dropped a bombshell that knocked a chunk of enthusiasm when she said that he would never be able to see his parents again, he hoped for that to be a lie but he knew it was the truth, not long after that he was pushed out of the room with the rest of children, they were escorted to a bunk room where they all slumped into the beds drifting off into sleep In the early hours of the next morning Nathan was met with a man shouting into his face, screaming at him to get up, Nathan raised his head wearily and saw the silhouette of a man who then brought a long thin stick and jabbed it into his chest, Nathan got a frightful shock and sat up immediately, his eyesight became clearer and he could make out the features of the man, he threw the covers off his body and got out of the cot, then a booming voice filled the room ‘I am Chief Petty Officer Mendez, the rest of these men are your instructors, you will do exactly as we tell you at all times’ Nathan looked at the man who rudely awakened him and he replied with a nod, then he and the other 74 Spartan children were herded into the showers at the far end of the room, the showers shocked Nathan awake as he jogged back to his cot and threw on clean underwear, socks and training sweats with his tag ‘NATHAN 013’ stitched into the chest, he then put on his combat boots and marched outside quickly not wanting to get shocked again Then began to tough and gruelling work out laid out for Nathan and the other children, due to his chubby physique he began to tire quickly, but whenever he slowed down he was given a jolt of ‘encouragement’ by one of the trainers, he threw up more than once during the workout and after the final workout – leg lifts he was given a sweet and well deserved rest, he lay on the floor for a while just taking in as much oxygen as he could, sitting up just to retrieve the bottle and gulped the contents down, saving a little at the end to splash his face with, not long after that they were on the move again with a run that seemed endless, he began to trail behind so an instructor gave him another bout of ‘encouragement’ to keep up with the rest, they soon ended up at a what seemed to be a UNSC structure and the flag confirmed it, and there at the top of the step was the A.I Deja They were quickly ferried in for class, to which Nathan and other groaned at, taken into the building he wolfed down the milk and crackers and then he watched the holographic vid of Thermopylae and the Spartans who fought off wave after wave of Persian troopers, they were hopelessly outnumbered but somehow they managed to become the victors, Nathan was amazed by the spectacle and it started to sink In why that women said Spartan II yesterday, then he was ushered outside and had a two mile run to the ‘Playground’

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        • Captain America, since he's pretty much the OG of the Super Soldiers. And would make a SPARTAN piss his trash can armor.

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        • quuue prooo

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        • Edited by Kafuu Chino: 3/9/2013 5:38:44 AM
          Name: Connor Date of Birth: 2523 Age (As of 2558): 35 Homeworld: UNKNOWN Gender: Male Class: Spartan III - Alpha Company / Accepted offer into Spartan IV Program Rank (as of 2558): Lieutenant Commander Affiliation: UNSC - Lupis Team (formerly), Fireteam Wolf Serial Number: A-173 Mjolnir Armor (as of 2558): Mjolnir Mk. VII, upgraded with Gen II firmware Primary Color: Blue Secondary Color: Steel/Black Helmet: Mark VI(A) Rogue Chest: Mark VI(R) Recon Shoulders: Mark VI(R) Recon Left Forearm: TACPAD Preferred Weapons: Precision rifles, pistols, sniper rifles Weapons: Two Kukri knives Armor Ability: Cloaking Other abilities: Has been known to pilot several aircraft with great skill. Applies freerunning in combat. Fighting Style: Connor is a superb marksman and sniper. He and teammate Tala are a formidable pair, especially during infiltration missions. Connor is known to cloak, silently taking out enemies with his Kukri knives. In combat, Connor and Tala utilize freerunning techniques, in order to get to an excellent sniping position, to evade enemy forces, or while on the attack. Connor and Tala are both deadly in close quarters combat, both in hand-to-hand and with combat knives. Deadly especially in solo operations, he is a formidable assassin. It is possible that Connor could be considered hyper lethal vector. Personality: Connor is often quiet, but frequently talks with Lupis Two, Tala. Unlike most Spartans, Connor enjoys taking the time to get to know his teammates on a more personal level. He has been known to work exceptionally well with non-Spartans, such as the Marines, and tries to aid them as much as possible, even halting progress on an objective in order to aid other soldiers. As the Human-Covenant war progressed, more teammates were added to Lupis Team. Connor uses all of his teammates strengths to his advantage, and has proven an excellent leader. Service Record [spoiler]After losing both his parents in the initial conflicts of the Human-Covenant War, Connor was put in an orphanage. He later volunteered into the Spartan III program, due to his desire to avenge his parents. At Camp Currahee on Onyx, he trained alongside other members of Alpha Company, especially the future members of Team Wolf Pack: Shane, Jane, and Robert. Connor and another recruit, a girl named Tala, became good friends, and showed superb teamwork with one another. Instead of becoming part of Team Wolf Pack, the two were put into special training, similar to the Headhunters and Noble Team, and became a two Spartan team. Team Lupis was formed, and they received their Mjolnir armor, a variant akin to the Headhunters' and Noble Team's. The two saw action against both Covenant and Insurrectionists. Before Operation: PROMETHEUS, another Spartan from Alpha Company was added to the team. The Spartans did not take part in Operation: PROMETHEUS, possibly sparing them from death. Later, two members of Beta Company were added to the team. In 2551, The team of five received their Mjolnir Mark V armor. Lupis Team took part in the Battle of Reach, in which Lupis Five was heavily injured with severe plasma burns. Nearing the end of the Fall of Reach, the team evacuated and headed for Earth. A Spartan from Gamma Company was added to Lupis Team. After receiving Mjolnir Mark VI, Connor and his team participated in the Battle of Earth, at New Mombasa. After Lupis Five recovered, Lupis Team participated in the UNSC counterattack on Earth, and later helped deal with the Flood's arrival to Earth. Connor and the team took the fight to the Ark, along with other UNSC and Sangheili forces. After leaving the Ark, Connor and his team later received Mjolnir Mark VII, and was given the choice of participating in the Spartan IV Program. Accepting the offer, the team reformed under the name Fireteam Wolf, in memory of the Spartan III team Connor and Tala were originally going to be part of, Team Wolf Pack. The team helped train the Spartan IV recruits on the Infinity along with other surviving Spartans. Connor helped test the Mjolnir Gen II Deadeye helmet, but still kept his Mark VI Rogue helmet. Fireteam Wolf took part in the initial Battle of Requiem, in scouting and offensive missions against Promethean forces. After leaving the shield world, the team returned six months later and took part in the Second Battle of Requiem with the Spartan IVs. Connor and his teammates witnessed the deaths of Fireteam Castle, watching their Pelican get shot down. After the evacuation and destruction of Requiem, Fireteam Wolf is currently awaiting orders aboard the UNSC Infinity.[/spoiler]

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        • I am my Spartan.

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        • Leonidas.

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        • I'm happy as long as it's a Spartan III.

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