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originally posted in: Ghøst's Dream Vault
2/5/2015 3:11:30 PM
Oh you :3 well here goes. I don't remember dreams very often anymore so here's a weird one from last night. There's a couple things that are a tad fuzzy so bear with [spoiler]so first thing I remember is waking up in this small village in the mountains and it was mostly a farming community. But there was this warlord that acted similar to the mob towards the village. To keep everyone afraid he would send this thing all the villagers called the Yeti but it didn't look like a yeti at all it look like a very large cartoon gremlin thing. So when he sent the yeti everyone would hide as best they could. I ended up hiding in a hut with Ghøst and he hid under the coffee table and I hid in the curtains. He ended up seeing us and tried to bust through the glass but for some reason he couldn't and we just started laughing at him and he walked off ashamed. From there I go into another dream I can't really remember what happened inbetween. I woke up in a stain glass teepee on my campus. When I walk out these stain glass teepees are everywhere. I never asked anyone what was going on though because it seemed normal I guess. I walk towards the front of the school. Once I'm there there are lots of my old classmates from high school just sitting on the steps looking out towards the parking lot. I see my partner from economics last semester and we start talking about how sick our relatives are. And after a while I walk to my car and then I woke up. The end. [/spoiler]

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