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Edited by Gabe: 3/4/2015 3:57:16 AM

RAID: The Black Iron

[i]Phobos, as seen from Mars.[/i] [u][b]The Black Iron[/b][/u] Named after the Cabal's black blood (which may or may not contain iron like human blood) and the metallic appearance of most of the raid. This raid takes place on Phobos, one of Mars's moons. The moon is hollow and the Cabal have used this as an advanced research facility for their armies; Mars's very own Area 51, perhaps even Cabal's own [i]Death Star[/i]. You must infiltrate the facility and weaken the Cabal to hinder their militaristic advancements. [u]1. Goliath Encounter[/u] After landing on Phobos you are immediately greeted by an advanced Goliath tank. While having some visual similarities to the Goliath like the one in the mars strike, it is invincible and cannot be destroyed. It carries a deadly arc hull that kills at a touch. All you can do is get on your sparrow and race ahead as it chases you shooting in your general direction. You weave through the valleys and tunnels of Phobos's porous surface. To end the encounter you must take the correct route which leads to a canyon which your fireteam jumps across on sparrows while the Goliath falls to its doom. You arrive in front of the facility's entrance and begin the Black Iron raid. [u]2. Reactor Encounter[/u] The facility itself is dark yet clean. The floors and walls are dark blue steel. Pipes that carry a black oil pulsates a white light that lead you down the hall into an enormous open room. The shape of the room is that of the inside of a cylinder except with concave curved and smooth walls. The walls are clear, showing more intricate pipes of black oil. In the center is a reactor. To begin the encounter you turn on the reactor, which electrifies the walls showing energy running through the walls and at the same time circular ceiling opens up and cabal forces pour in. After defeating your first wave of Cabal your Sparrows come online and you must charge the reactor by riding on the concave walls via centripetal force. In doing so, the room slowly turns and descends as if it were an elevator. More Cabal forces pour in at the same time but the ceiling gets further and further as you descend. The enemies get stronger the deeper you go. Only 2 sparrows are online at a time and rotate through the guardians so you must keep switching who is charging the reactor. If no one charges the reactor, the reactor overheats, and after a certain time it explodes killing everyone in the fireteam. After fully descending the reactor stops, its ceiling closes preventing Cabal to drop in. It turns pitch black for a moment, then a faint light turns on revealing a single door which opens slowly. [u]3. Exiled Vex Encounter[/u] Your fireteam goes through the door into a small hallway that is dimly lit. It's not long before the hallway turns into a cavern. Stalagmites and stalactites cover these enormous caverns; the galaxies' rarest crystals can be found here, too. When you reach the other end of the caverns you find a large hatch. In doing so, you receive a hindrance: [i]Chill of Phobos[/i]. Your weapons have frozen up and jammed. You are forced to switch to your solar weapons if you want to survive the incoming horde of Exiled Vex. When you reach this hatch a single Vex Goblin shoots at your fireteam. Your fireteam laughs as it is quickly demolished. You chuckle along for a second but the smile turns into a façade of dread. You look at the dead Vex and notice this wasnt your typical "brass" Vex Goblin. It looked refined white in color, not unlike the Precursor Vex, but unlike any Vex they did not spill the white radiolaria fluid. Instead it was black oil. The hatch opens, leading to another enormous room of caverns with another closed hatch on the other end. Little did your team know, opening the hatch had initialized the dead Vex's reconstruction protocol. The Vex you had killed then puts itself back together except in doing so, it created another Vex. You cannot advance onto the next room without destroying all the Vex. So without a choice, your team demolishes this pair to unlock the next room, now with 4 vex at your tail. What was four soon becomes 8, then 16, then 32, 64, 128, and so on. Before long you are overwhelmed by the amount of Vex. Without a way to stop the insanity you reach the 11th room which contains an already opened hatch on the other side that leads to the next area. Your fireteam scrambles onward now ignoring the exponential army of now dark Vex at your behind, for even a team of Gjallahorns would barely dent this army... Why are there Vex in a Cabal base? Why did they look different? Why are they exiled? [u]4. Psion Mind Encounter[/u] The countless calculations and beeps of the Vex behind you echo as you escaped a certain death. The last hatch had closed behind you and you are back to a metallic hallway. Much like in the beginning, the hallway is of blue steel and more pipes of black oil pulse a light that leads you forward. Cabal guards patrol the halls but they are quickly dispatched of. You finally enter a large room. The pipes that had been there from the start all lead to this room. They all lead up, like a series of vines reclaiming what was once theirs. It culminated to the center of the ceiling where a large Psion was being fed this black oil, straight to its brain. It hung there dormant. Shooting it will activate its shield and begin the encounter, detaching the walls from the floor and leaving your fireteam into a large floating circular platform. Falling would be certain death. When the encounter begins Cabal jump up onto the floating platform trying to stop you and your team: the intruders. After defeating a wave, the Psion Mind [i]summons Guardians[/i]. You freeze. You think about all the lives of Fallen, Vex, Cabal, and Hive that you've forcefully taken then look up at yourself standing before you. They are exact replicas of your own guardian, although darker, almost as a silhouette. Are they real? Or just a figment of your imagination projected by the Psion Mind? They will mirror whatever you do across the center of the platform. If you move forward it moves forward. If you shoot it, it will shoot back at the exact same time. The fireteam is entirely shocked, most likely thinking back as you are, but that only lasts less than a second before gun fire breaks the silence. Shooting your own doppelganger will cause it to shoot you which gives you the hindrance: [i]Possessed by the Mind[/i] as soon as you are hit. During which you cannot control your own guardian, instead it will begin walking toward the edge. Your fireteam must shoot you if you're possessed to break the Mind's control. To not become possessed you must shoot someone else's doppelganger and hope that the your fireteam isn't in the doppelgangers crossfire. When the doppelgangers are gone, you gain the temporary aid: [i]Will of Light[/i] in which you can use to penetrate the shield and damage the Psion mind. After a certain amount of time, the Psion becomes enraged, summoning doppelgangers that are independent of you, firing at you whether or not you fire back. Defeating the Psion Mind will detach it from its pipes, leaking black oil onto the platform, which disintegrates and your fireteam falls deeper into Phobos. [u]Final Encounter: Chimiera, the Deviser[/u] A layer of debris break your fall. You look around and find remains of Fallen, Vex, Hive even Cabal and what looked like Human skeletons. Among this you find countless green and blue engrams, the gear of guardians who had failed before you. It was a large wide hall with a large door at the end of it. To the right was a series of Cabal floating inside cylindrical tanks with wires and tubes coming out of them. The first time you've seen Cabal without their armor. They floated there, likely in hibernation and unaware of your presence. The tanks themselves had enormous bases, presumably gravity generators to accommodate the Cabal outside their armor. To the left of this hall were assembly machines, some of them them with partly assembled robots. Some of these robots looked like [i]Vex[/i], very much like the unstoppable Exiled Vex you had no choice but to run away from. The machinery had Cabal etchings on them, and so did the bots. Chills went down your spine when you came to a realization. [i]The Cabal had created their own Vex.[/i] Maybe not intentionally but it was clear they were trying to manufacture their own bots to fight alongside them in their resolve to conquer the galaxy. You think back to the black oil the Exiled Vex spilled when they were destroyed. Were they called Exiled because the rest of the Vex race had rejected them? You ponder as your fireteam took this moment to regroup and rest before opening the final door. (Continued below)

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  • Edited by Gabe: 3/3/2015 4:00:31 AM
    [u]Final Encounter: Continued[/u] You step through into an enormous chamber. The walls were made of white metal alloys and so were the floors and the ceilings. It took a good minute to run from one end of the room to the other. It looked like your fireteam had stepped into a giant cube of nothingness for everything was just pristine and clean. Everything but what lay at the other end of the room. After passing a certain threshold, the room begins to shake and the entity disappears. The entire room itself then begins to morph and mutate. The ceiling disappears revealing light clouds in front of a blue sky. The floor turns to grass and the walls turn into a beautiful landscape full of colorful flowers and trees bearing the sweetest fruits. Your fireteam enjoys what felt like five seconds of bliss, before it all instantly died and the five seconds of bliss turned into an eternity of nightmares. The flowers turned to ashes, the trees into fire, the fruits into deadly remains and the landscape into a lake of fiery lava. About a hundred meters in front of you and your friends stood the Cabal mastermind, [i]Chimiera, the Deviser.[/i] [url=](Cue epic music to be played for the remainder of this raid)[/url] He looked like one of the Cabal in the cylindrical tanks. Most likely out of its suit and able to cope with this gravity. He was surprisingly thin and very dark in color. His eyes were small, but his mouth was large showing many sharp teeth while the upper lip made an upside down 'V' shape exposing most of his upper gums. He was a cyborg, his left leg was mechanical and so was part of his chest. He wore brass-like armor, very similar to the Vex and wore a semi circle crown, very much like a Goblin's and had a pair of horns, like a Hobgoblin. The similarities to the Vex ended there. Cabal forces roll in trying to expel your fireteam. Before long the room will morph into the series of the following 6 different rooms. The order of these rooms will be random. Each room is a trial your fireteam must complete. One player at random is chosen to receive the damage buff you get from completing the said trial. This buff will only be applied only when damaging Chiemera. If the chosen player dies during their assigned trial, everyone dies. Once you get the buff, you will not be chosen again to get the next one. [u]-1- The Mountain of Strength[/u] The room morphs to the side of a mountain. Your fireteam must escort the chosen one to the top of the mountain while fighting off Fallen forces. You cannot use your grenades here. When the top is reached, the chosen one must grab the [i]Chalice of Strength[/i] to receive [i]Strength of Toland[/i] [u]-2- The Valley of Valor[/u] The room morphs into the bottom of the same mountain. You must escort the chosen one to the other side of the incoming horde of Vex. Don't worry, no Exiled here. However, you cannot use your jump here. When the other side is reached the chosen one must pick up the [i]Chalice of Valor[/i] to receive [i]Valor of Osiris[/i] [u]-3- The Desert of Endurance[/u] The room transforms to a punishing Desert. Your health will slowly diminish and you must escort the chosen one to the other side of the desert area while fighting off Cabal before your health is completely diminished and kills everyone. When the end is reached, the chosen one must pick up the [i]Chalice of Endurance[/i] to get [i]Endurance of Eris[/i] [u]-4- The Cave of Truth[/u] The room turns into a familiar cave. You must escort the chosen one to the end of the cave while fighting off a horde of Hive. However, you cannot use your primary here. When the chosen one reaches the other side they must take the [i]Chalice of Truth[/i] and receive [i]Truth of Omar[/i] [u]-5- The Forest of Integrity[/u] The room is transformed to a forest. Lots of cover here while you escort the chosen one to find the [i]Chalice of Integrity[/i] You cannot use your secondary here and you must destroy all the Fallen to get the chalice to spawn after which you must find it. When the chalice is picked up, they will receive the [i]Integrity of Pahanin[/i] [u]-6- The Glacier of Purity[/u] The room transforms to an icy plain. You cannot use your heavy while you escort the chosen one to the other side of the glacier. 4 majors of each Knights, Vandals, Colossus and Minotaurs will reside here. When the chosen one takes the [i]Chalice of Purity[/i] they will receive the [i]Purity of Kabr[/i] At this point your fireteam will have the strength of legends, and are able to take down the final boss. Chiemera will shoot at you while Cabal forces try to take you down. Your fireteam unloads all their weapons on the Chiemera and the Cabal until Chiemera is disintegrated into a fiery ash. The room turns back into a white cube. Your fireteam cheers as they receive their rewards. You then return to orbit more shaken than when you went into [b]The Black Iron[/b] Please bump if you like this so that other people can read this. Feedback is welcome! Thank you. Check out my new raid: [url=]here[/url]

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    190 Replies
    • i think the next raid/DLC will be located on mercury, based on the rumor that they had a mercury storyline but cancelled it before the release of the (i forgot which one) DLC

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    • Necrobump

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    • Want, want, want, want, want, I will delete my Gally, fatebringer, and all other exotics for this raid [spoiler]not really[/spoiler]

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    • [url=]Bump for new raid[/url]

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      3 Replies
      • Cabal raid. Nope. nope nope nope. N. O. P. E

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        3 Replies
        • Pretty good...

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        • I think an interesting raid would be one in which all the rooms are pitch black and you have to use the ghosts light to see, making it intestine and more horror like

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          • Edited by AlteraLateralus: 10/29/2015 9:44:13 PM
            I've always imagined a cabal raid would be a hundred percent mechanical, as opposed to the other raids, which all take place in dank caves with biological elements. One section could have the raid group ascending a machanical obelisk, completing gear based puzzles to unlock rooms, stairs, elevators and platforms. Think Mario 64, Tick Tock Clock, but with blood and The Carlton.

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            • Its gonna be on an ice planet or up in the sky

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              1 Reply
              • I have a few issues with the psion mind encounter. A) the term mind in Destiny is usually related to Vex. Not Cabal. B) how come falling off means certain death during the fight, but when you kill the psion, the platform disappears and that's how you advance? C) Will of Light is already the name of the perk on TTK raid weapons that make you do more damage to Taken.

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                3 Replies
                • Bungie, please form this into an actual raid for the next DLC! The raid sounds really enjoyable and the Cabal are the only enemy that need their own "end game" mission. The only thing that I didn't like, was the fact that we would [i]have[/i] to use Solar weapons when we get the [i]Chill of Phobos[/i].

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                • Bungie: Too cool. We can't do that

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                  • So for the doppelganger part, if you dance, will they dance as well?

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                    • bump

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                    • Bumperino

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                    • Sounds good but... the bugs in this raid will be harder than the raid itself.

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                    • Bump for later ease

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                      • Make this happen bungie!

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                      • Bungie needs to hire you ASAP

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                      • Bump

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                      • NECROBUMP

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                      • Bump

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                      • Bump

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                      • Hire this man bungie

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                      • 11/10 would play

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