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Edited by I SLAY Z0MBIES: 1/31/2015 1:26:11 AM

Thanks for the support. Too much negativity.

The negativity is too strong. Thanks for the positive feedback. Honestly didn't think i'd get this many responses.

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  • Thank you for your service.

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  • Edited by IcedCaesar81: 1/30/2015 7:56:23 PM
    Hooyah! Semper Fi brother. You did your job now play some damn games and tell'em to shuddap! ;) EDIT: FYI the couch can be much more cozy...

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  • Try to make a one night a week dedicated to couple things. It works well for me.

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  • She might feel you are pushing her away... How long are your tours when you were gone?? And how long were you home before the first thing you wanted to do was play a video game instead of wanting to be with her?? That's how she might see the situation. Overall I am in no way a professional to talk to on a subject like this, but I am proud that you've taken steps to talk to someone outside of game forums.

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  • Better way. Let the team go to middle area and when they down the swordbearer, pick up the sword and run to right side. Make sure to let a Titan follow you. Tell your team to fire at Crota then go up there. By the time yore slashing Crota the Titan should drop a bubble 3-4 feet behind you. You will be safe. Rinse repeat 3 swordbearer and you're done.

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  • How about remembering the term quite professional and not slinging this shit out. It makes me sick to see someone on here spewing ptsd shit on here. How about grab your nuts man up and deal with it like an adult and quit bringing shame on the military.

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    16 Replies
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      I feel ya a bit, I use to have problems with my wife when it came to video games, real life sucks (other then her) so I easily loose myself in video games. The way I solved my problem was everyday I spend at least one hour with her, either we play smash bros or Mario kart together or we just watch t.v. It's important that you have your destressing time but it's also important that you make time everyday for your loved one so they don't feel as if they are not important to you I'd suggest starting off by offering to go for walks in the park, watch her favorite shows with her or find a game she really enjoys and play it with her. Just try to spend at least an hour a day with her with your attention on her Just my 2 cents I hope it works out for you man thank you for your service to our country

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    • First off, thank you for your service . Secondly, sorry some of the people commenting on this forum are no class idiots. I'm recently married, and my wife isn't exactly excited that I play a lot of destiny either. I had a similar situation where the wife was getting pissed off when I was playing a lot and not paying much attention to her. We're good now , all I did was pay more attention to her, take her out to dinner more , spend a bit more time hanging out with her, and play after she goes to sleep. No video game is worth sacrificing a personal relationship. Just try and do nice things for her , and be more involved in her life . Happy wife = happy life . Also, talk to people with similar problems to you, there are alcohol and ptsd support groups that can be super helpful . Aa groups have helped me in the past, try it out. You might be surprised how much it helps to talk that shit out. Good luck.

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    • Bro don't worry about it this game has even been given out to the more intense cases of PTSD as a helpful thing because it's not like the old SOCOM games. My friend plays this religiously and before he wouldn't even walk outside or talk to me and now he communicates cusses goes out for drinks just like before lol. Oh and depending on other responsibilities you may or may not have it could be that the missus just wants to spend time with you. I would honestly just say delegate your time.

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    • Thank you for your service and everything you have sacrificed. While I cannot give adequate advice for this situation, I wish you luck, in both your PTSD and destiny situations.

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    • It's not you, women just always want to be the center of attention. Here's what I do with my wife; watch TV or movies for a few hours daily, take her out on dates, surprise her every now and then with flowers. Once she feels shes getting the attention she wants she won't even complain when you decide to go on a gaming streak for 12 hours or more. This works for me and hasn't failed me yet. Put her before video games and you shall be free. Good luck mate and God bless you

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    • How is the Destiny forums a good place for this kind of thing? Seriously, get help if you need it... I'll never understand.

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    • Tone down on the caffeine and eat healthy more and eat floury stuff less.

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    • I've never heard it called Alcohol Use Disorder. I'm an alcoholic and have been sober for two years. Destiny definitely helps keep my attention away from wanting to drink.

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      2 Replies
      • Sorry you are going through this. Your life seems out of balance, but you understand this and are coping. Gaming is better than drinking. That being said, gaming for 7 hrs straight is a little much. You need to take breaks and have a weekly schedule. Raid and Nightfall Tuesday and Wednesday's. Game around her schedule. Sit down with your wife and watch a tv show that she likes then leave and game for a few hours. Treat this like a business negotiation. It will work out as long as each side does not get unreadable.

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      • Look for help. Go to your local VA. Seeking help on these forums is toxic.

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      • I will start this off by saying that I can only give advice based on the information provided, so bear that in mind as you read this. First off, sorry to hear that you are struggling with PTSD and Alcohol issues. Good to see that you are turning the alcohol issues around and working through this silent enemy of our veterans. Second, While yes you do pay the bills and provide for your family, spending seven hours a day playing Destiny is depriving your wife/girlfriend of something that she really needs: love and attention. I understand that you really enjoy playing Destiny and that it really does help you with your issues (God knows It can be cathartic) remember that your wife/girlfriend may want to be a part of helping you through it as well. Ask yourself this: is your video game more important than your woman? I know this is a shitty thing to ask, but you asked for advice so there it is. Does she not have the right to ask that you devote some time to her? Does she not have the right to want to spend time with you while you [i]aren't[/i] staring at a T.V. screen? When she says that you are pushing her away, that says to me that you are spending an excessive amount of time gaming, and that she is getting tired of being ignored for Destiny. Sounds also like she made you sleep on the couch for the same reason. You absolutely have the right to sit and game for hours and hours and hours, but understand that if that is what your priority is, she has EVERY RIGHT to leave you to find someone who will pay attention to her. Again, brutal, but those are the facts Marine. So yes, in a way, you are totally wrong. Perhaps you could moderate your video game time. Instead of setting aside some time to spend with her, set aside some time for [i]your game.[/i] Our significant others are far more important to us in life than a video game, and if you treat her right she will be there for you for a long time. She can help you through your issues more than any game, and remember, that even though you are suffering through some trialing times, it is just as difficult for her as well. While she may not experience it the way that you do, she is experiencing it [i]with[/i] you in her own way. PTSD is very real, and it is a terrible thing our veterans have to deal with. And alcoholism is a tough road to recover from, but it sounds like she wants to help you through it. Turn off your game and be with your woman, because it sounds like she wants to be with you. You ended your post with Semper Fi, I'm sure that you know that it means "Always Loyal" or "Always Faithful." Think about that.

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        4 Replies
        • I salute you sir

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        • Relationships are about compromise, not right or wrong. Unfortunately.

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        • My wife and I are fellow gamers, so my gaming doesn't tend to cause problems in the house. I am noting a bit of a disconnect while playing Destiny though. The issue I find is that instead of us playing games next to one another while talking and communicating, on Destiny I am often on the mic engaged with other players. With this happening, my wife and I are no longer playing separate games together, but instead me playing a game with her on the side lines. Playing games for 7 hours on a Saturday should not cause an issue, but if it is seven hours every day you are cooking a recipe for marital disaster. Ensure that you take plenty of time outside of the game to spend with your wife. As a fellow combat veteran, I understand how gaming works as a coping tool. Just remember that if you have problems with compulsive drinking, compulsive tendencies in other activities are no less dangerous. Moderation, moderation, moderation. Be mindful of your activities and always question yourself as to whether you are being healthy in the way you do things. Keep your head up, and make sure you take care of your family. Remember that being the provider for your wife means more than just food, shelter, and stuff.

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        • Unfortunately, if u want to keep her, the woman is always right. Play while she's sleeping? Idk

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        • you're [b]NEVER[/b] going to win an argument against her when it comes to video games. [b][u]NEEVERR!!!!!!!!![/u][/b] So i would suggest conceding to her will and sit down and have an actual conversation. It's going to take compromise so that you both get what you want. Not posting on the forum looking for support when it should be the both of you supporting each other. Thank you for what you've done WRT your service.

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        • Ok brother ,first I'm an 8 year army vet with 3 deployments also have PTSD. Let me start out by saying good job for giving up the booze. I have been a gamer for a long time. My wife and I have made comprises. She understands that the sounds a combat have a calming effect. Because she understands this she gives me a couple hours a day to play in relieve peace as long as after dinner every night I sit and spend some time with her. Now I am older around 40 as is my wife so sitting down and watching reruns of friends is our idea of my advice is look for the comprise if she is truly the women you love. If she's not then don't make it about a game. Remember you are a US Marine and that means you never quit. This apply to all aspects of your life. Remember brother we were forged to be stronger than our enemies and right now I think you are more at war with your PTSD than your women. Be strong and if you need an ear us brother vets are here.

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        • To everyone saying keep shit like this off of a game website is completely retarded, from what I have read is that there is alot of veterans here (myself included) and are willing to offer help a support to a brother in need, of you don't have anything encouraging to say then, please, keep your man pleasers closed. You guys swooned over bungie when they gave a guy with a TBI the fate of all fools, but smear this man that raised his hand in a time of war do go to a far away land TO TAKE THE GOD DAMN FIGHT TO THEM SO THEY WILL NOT BRING IT HERE. Have a different opinion? Good for you, but before you decide to degrade our service members, go suck start a shotgun first okthnxbye.

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        • My suggestion is to make sure to schedule time to just spend with her. My fiancé and I have this same problem from time to time. I'm a regular Joe though with none of the issues you have. We set aside days when I can game, and when I'm just going to hang out with her. This keeps us both happy.

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        • Thank you for your service. Sorry that PTSD followed you back home. No great advice from me. As a rule, you don't take away a coping mechanism, ever. That stated, 7 hours can be a lot. She loves you and no doubt has your well being at heart. Don't lose sight of that.

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