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7/5/2008 8:21:37 PM

Short, Scary Stories! 2 [Updated, 4.15.09]

This thread will have some stories from the books "Scary Stories to tell in the Dark" and "More Scary Stories to tell in the Dark" Enjoy. [quote]The Big Toe A boy was digging at this edge of his family's garden when he saw a toe poking out from the dirt. He tried to dig it out of the dirt, but it was stuck to something. The boy gave a great tug and the toe came out of the ground. He then heard a groan and something scamper away. he showed the toe to his mom. She said, "This'll be great to add to the soup tonight." So, the mother cut the toe into 3 pieces and put them into the soup. Later that night, after the boy ate supper, he felt tired and went to bed. he was awakened at midnight by a groaning in the street. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e?" it groaned. The boy got very scared. But he thought, "He doesn't know where I am, it won't find me." Then the groan again, but it was in front of his house. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e?" the boy tried to sleep, he thought it was just his imagination. But then he heard the front door open, and he heard the groan again. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e?" The boy heard footsteps slowly move through the kitchen into the dining room, then into the living room. He then heard footsteps slowly climbing the stairs. Closer the footsteps came. They were right outside his door. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e?" The do0or opened. The boy was shaking with fear. He listened as the footsteps moved closer through the dark room to his bed. Then they stopped. "Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e?" The voice groaned...[/quote] The next few posts will be made by me, they are were future stories will be. I'm not trying to bump this thread, I'm only making it so that you can see more stories on this first page. [Edited on 01.01.2011 11:22 AM PST]
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  • This is a true story. Me and one of my freinds were at my house playing a video game called drakengard. In the game a girl gets turned into something and screams an inhuman scream. Later that night we heard that scream and the game was not on.It sounded like it was coming from outside the window.So what do we do.......we eat cookies!!!! Seriously it is true every word of it. In the creek by my house there is some old clothes that are hanging from a pole....noome knows why they are there.ther is also some evidence of an old camp thet seems to be abandoned.

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  • PART 2 the war was ended but Ryan soon found himself in the Middle east again during the gulf war although he was in Pakistan with another team unidentified. there was a mortar on the nearby base and they followed it back too the warehouse ( if i wasn't clear last part the kids fought for the Na-zis) anyway so they saw the warehouse and heard nothing the went to check it out except for Ryan "lets go" a marine replied "Uhhh i can't" "Why" "just go will give you cover fire" "ok" for the next few minutes nothing...Until that ever so familiar scream he over came his fear and charged the warehouse. nothing it was just dark he turned his flashlight on. he saw a blood trail and heard dragging noises he look and saw his men dragged by nothing then he turned again to see a little German boy spoke German to Ryan in German he said hello "hi to you too" Ryan replied in German "you speak German well" said the chilid "what is this place?" asked Ryan. "Welcome to Hell" said the boy and disappeared. Ryan became freaked out and ran towards the door locked all locked. he saw what looks like little kids with blindfolds walking towards him he was now afraid.he was exploring an area he a large fire place he saw a girl then he saw here face chare into ashes to reveal bones he ran to a large empty room with a window then he saw kids coughing in it and realized it was a gas chamber all around he saw kids dieing little did he know hell has just BEGUN..... PART2 end

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  • Video games are destroying todays youth.

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  • Okay I have a story this is mine not from a book THE SOLDIER In early 1990's towards the end of the cold war. The United States had a special forces team in the Arabian desert. To help fight the Approaching Commies well in the very end there was word of retreating Russians. During the raid there was a team compiled of Americans & 2 Arabs. The Americans were Ryan Loniero, Bruce Stinner, Robert Franklin. The Arabs we Aziz and Laden. it was a small Russian warehouse somewhere in Pakistan. when outside the men noted loud shrill screams from within the warehouse. They were thinking Arab prisoners. The plan was to have 2 men storm the main warehouse door another charge into the door that leads to the 2nd story office the last was to enter the side door. Ryan lead the group so him and Aziz storm the main door Laden and Bruce stormed the side and Robert got the office. when they did it nothing was found. But Rob broke the silence over the radio when he said sir get up here. they went to check it out all they saw was 4 Dismembered body's probably Russian. they called Bruce and Laden on the radio. they said they have seen nothing but heard strange noises. then a blood curdling scream and gunshots were heard over the radio. Aziz rushed out Yelling " MY BROTHER!!" "Bruce, Rob get him will ya i'll radio command" 'Okay" he next all he heard was screaming and guns over the radio "Run captain'!' Bruce yelled. So he did when he was found 3 days later he told the story the said probably Russians. but before he left he saw a name of the warehouse with a bloody hand print. he searched librarys and found out that during WW2 Russians would executed German children there and then desserted it after the war. One of the kids was an african shamans chilid and was captured and brought to germany then again to that place before they slaughtered him he cursed and said the next russian to enter would release the spirits to fight the -blam!-s again PART 1 ends

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  • John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy." Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS" There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons. "This is Joson" the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!" So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall. "HE GOING TO KILL US" said the demons "I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill. "No! I must kill the demons" he shouted The radio said "No, John. You are the demons" And then John was a zombie.

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  • The Applesaucer's grammar attacked the once peaceful town of Buenos Aires. No one lives in what some people once called the latin paradise. NUFF SAID!

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  • I am post a story okay? NOTE: I DID NOT WRITE THIS IT IS FROM A BOOK A univeristy in the south some where has a frat members of the frat would a initiate a fellow member by making them go as far as possible into a "Haunted House" with only candles 2 new members were being initiated. One candle blew out on the 2nd floor then the next on the third. Although the students did not come out. so they others thought they reversed the joke on them and that they would show up tomorrow. They didn't so they told the Dean the kids were not arrested but the frat was ended. Now around the time of the disappearances a member of the frat would mysteriously die or go insane. One frat members was quoted "I am usually okay but today i feel a little peculiar"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] alexn2012 Isn't that plagiarism?[/quote] not when he is telling you where it came from. Only if he claims it as his own

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MrSpinkleswirth *points flashlight under chin* Once upon a time, there was a floodian, he awoke to find himself in the middle of the Halo 3 Forum, and he could never leave! muahahahahahahahaaaa!!!![/quote] Me?

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  • New story.

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  • John heard his mom and dad talking, there were strangers in town.He heard them talking agian,the strangers killed Mr.malcom. They told john to lock the doors after they left ,his mom grabbed a pistol and his dad a shotgun.They left John locked the doors.Hours later he hears scratching at the door and the cries of his mother and father.He looked out the mindow to see them with red eyes and sharp teeth drenched in blood.Mother and father want to come in but john knows he cant let thim in.

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  • "The World Ends This Christmas" Santa has eaten every cookie in the universe... and mankind can no longer manufacture them... The end.

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  • Jenny smiled at the woman sitting across from her at the airport. "Your first trip?" She shook her head. "Just for Amy."The woman nodded toward the stroller parked in front of her. "She is a good baby, she never makes any noise."Jenny smiled thinking about how scott likes healthy white babies(cannibal).She thought she would snatch the baby while the mother was away.The woman said" I have to use the restroom will you mind watching my baby for me?"Jenny said sure and smiled.The woman left and jenny ran of with the stroller.When jenny got outside she hollared for a taxi.When the car pulled up she got inside ,left the stroller, and closed the door.(she took the baby with her it was in some blankets)Jenny looked at the baby, and gasped, its eyesockets were empty and her skin was shriveled.Jenny asked the cab driver if she could leave amy in the cab for a few minutes while she ran some errands.

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  • Dennis Pratchett couldn't wait to see his children.A year ago his wife, elizebeth, filed for a divorce and took them away from him.But today was friday and the workday was almost over!He finished up his work and left the office.As he left his boss crongragulated him on his effort today.He smiled as he drove home,when he got there he went into the basement.He entered the room smiling."God, I've missed you," he said, and rushed over to embrace the two small skeletons placed in their chairs, while a third ,larger one looked on.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Deady Dad One evening I was walking to school. On the way there was many many pieces of bubblegum. When I finally walked into my classroom. I realized in shocking horror what had happened. The National BubbleGum convention was in town. Too the ordinary onlooker this may seem like a very nice occurance, but not for me. Bubblegum killed my father at the age of 44 he ate too much and it stayed in his stomach and killed him. Ever since I had been traumatized due to the mere thought of bubblegum. I couldn't stand it. I packed up my things and was sent on a plane ticket to Bel Air. First Class yo this is bad drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass? Is this what the people of Bel Air living like hmmmmm this might be alright. The plane landed and when I came out there was a dude looking like a cop standed there with my name out. I ain't trying to get arrested yet I just got here I sprang with quickness like lightning disappeared. I looked for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. I could tell that this cab was rare but I said "Ah forgot it, Yo homes to Bel Air." I came up to a house about Seven or Eight and I yelled to the cabbie "Smell ya Later" I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel Air.[/quote] lol [Edited on 07.05.2008 6:10 PM PDT]

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  • There was a floodian who read scary stories in threads. He died.

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  • These stories aren't nearly as good without the creepy as hell illustrations.

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  • I hope this one lasts as long as the first.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] steelboom490 Room for One More A man named Josh went to New York City on a business trip. He stayed with his friends in a apartment outside the city. They talked about life in New York and Michigan, where Josh lived. When Josh went to bed, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He heard a car pull up into the driveway, and saw the headlights shine through his window. He wondered who would come this late. He looked outside and saw a long, black hearse, with many people inside of it. The hearse driver looked at him, and said, "There is room for one more." Josh stayed in his room, and the driver drove off after a couple of minutes. The next day, Josh went to one of the many office buildings in New York City for his business meeting. He went up the elevator to the top floor, and went to the meeting. After the meeting, he went to the elevator to go back down. The doors opened, and he saw the elevator was very crowded. "Room for one more.", he heard a man say quietly. Josh looked at the group of people and saw the Hearse driver. "No thanks, I'll wait for the next elevator." Josh said. The elevator doors closed, and the Elevator started it's journey down. Josh heard a scraping noise, and many screams and shrieks. The elevator cable had snapped, and the elevator had fallen all 50 floors to the bottom of the shaft. Everyone died.[/quote] There was an episode of the twilight zone like this, except it was a plane instead of an elevator.

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  • One evening I was walking to school. On the way there was many many pieces of bubblegum. When I finally walked into my classroom. I realized in shocking horror what had happened. The National BubbleGum convention was in town. Too the ordinary onlooker this may seem like a very nice occurance, but not for me. Bubblegum killed my father at the age of 44 he ate too much and it stayed in his stomach and killed him. Ever since I had been traumatized due to the mere thought of bubblegum. I couldn't stand it. I packed up my things and was sent on a plane ticket to Bel Air. First Class yo this is bad drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass? Is this what the people of Bel Air living like hmmmmm this might be alright. The plane landed and when I came out there was a dude looking like a cop standed there with my name out. I ain't trying to get arrested yet I just got here I sprang with quickness like lightning disappeared. I looked for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. I could tell that this cab was rare but I said "Ah forgot it, Yo homes to Bel Air." I came up to a house about Seven or Eight and I yelled to the cabbie "Smell ya Later" I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel Air.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HAZMAT SNIPER *throws out milk* "dry cereal for now on."[/quote] EGAD! No more milk!? Just use soy. :)

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  • *throws out milk* "dry cereal for now on."

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  • Once upon a time, John awoke at 6:00 am. The sun was just rising. He went to get a bowl of cereal before work. He ate his breakfast with minutes to spare, and drove off to work. At work, John was vomiting uncontrollably. He vomited up his lungs, heart, stomach and all internal organs. Why did he die? (The milk that he put in his cereal was SPOILED! OMGZ! EWW! CLUMPS!)

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  • now I'll never go back into Halo3 forum,because of the last story.

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  • i know, right? That'd be a mess! Anyway, i'll post the second story in a bit. [Edited on 07.05.2008 12:44 PM PDT]

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  • Well, as long as you don't call it your own, I guess it's ok...just wanted to clear that up in case you have to answer to higher authority :)

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