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6/21/2008 1:20:38 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 6/20/08

The first ever Weekly Update to feature trigonometric functions. It's like summer school! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14347] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MrSiR8642 I see there making new maps. It would be pretty kool if bungie made a map from the very start where the 7 foot tall half ton guy aka spartan 117 masterchief came from.From what Ive read in books he came from a military camp raised for combat. It would be cool if they made a map off of that [/quote] That sounds pretty interesting. Going back to where it all began right?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MrSiR8642 I see there making new maps. It would be pretty kool if bungie made a map from the very start where the 7 foot tall half ton guy aka spartan 117 masterchief came from.From what Ive read in books he came from a military camp raised for combat. It would be cool if they made a map off of that [/quote] They Did Its Called The Pit...... Sorry For Double Post.

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  • lukems and shishka are losers........ you broke the BR, i hate bungie. come out with an update that fixes it and i wont hate you as much. an all dominate weapon cant really exist, all weapons are different and they all do different things but the halo 2 BR was a good balance weather you liked it or not. it had to be in skillful hands to be as dominate as you claim, and if everyone in the game has a good BR then the game is once again balanced. of coarse when there is a nub like lukems playing, then of coarse they will die many times. but that would be the case in any scenario. that is the same principle behind a good team swat game. everyone is given a one hit kill weapon that has a reasonably high rate of fire but (in a good team swat game) there is no one dominate person because everyone is balanced. the halo 2 BR with its ability to 4-5 shot across map forced players to play smart and not run out into the open. making the halo 3 BR less accurate and have a shorter range allows people as bad as bungie employees to run around without fear of death because they broke the most awesome gun in the game. thus, halo 3 will require no skill and you can all go back to running around shooting the -blam!-est gun in the game, the assault rifle.

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  • Uh Guys Another remake? I Know I know you guys want halo 3 to have every one of your games in 1. but seriously.....I feel like the only one whose been in love with all of your maps...except snowbound. Blackout was great for me people just dont know how to appreciate things your other remake was good to but now its like :/ im just tried of it . But i'll swallow my pride and spend my lunch money on your new maps like always :/ Love- A Fan Whose Played Halo 1 Before Halo 2 and 3 P.S. I Can Haz Mythic sign?

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  • Thanks for clearing up on the BR spread.. I'm not exactly satisfied with what you changed now that it's been explained more in depth, because it forces Halo to be a more close range game, but who am I to complain. I can go make my own game. But, on a less frustrated note, I really like the looks of Cold Storage. I hope the other new maps are just as cool. I'm gonna go play campiagn now.

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  • im goinmg to send that guy from the waaaahmbulance a message. TTU VAPOR, i r gon talk to u and taek u out for ice creem yung man.

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  • the maps arnt worth it and wtf i thought big cheez14 was a bungie member y doesnt he have recon

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  • look at venom vaughn452

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  • I should point out, that Dan wasn't slammed for his ideas, he was slammed for his freaking out over an accidental deletion of a thread that was getting locked. You'll notice that we did explain why things are the way they are and why they aren't going to change. Of course, a few of you probably don't like that. That's fine, you're welcome to discuss that. Even Dan. However, what isn't tolerated is the kind of temper tantrum that Dan had. Especially from someone who is generally a well regarded forum participant; if he expects to be taken seriously he can't lower himself to the status of a common troll. You guys need to understand that you cannot have it both ways. When you have such direct access to us as developers, you are going to occassionally hear answers you don't like. This is one of those times. It doesn't mean we "hate the competitive community", it means you think the game should be designed differently than it is ([url=/inside/jobs.aspx]jobs available![/url]). And that's great - we welcome such critical analysis. In the end, though, we have to go with what we think is the right call for every Halo 3 player, not just your corner of it, be it MLG, Big Team Battle, the BR or AR, the pistol, the big maps, the small maps, the CTF, and the straight Slayer guys. Of course, I know and you know the Internet doesn't work like that. Everybody thinks they speak for the majority, and that they're right and everyone else who disagrees with you is a total moron. So, all I ask for is a little civility and understand that maybe, just maybe, we have good reasons for the way we do things. I'm not saying we don't make mistakes, or that we're always right, or that you're always wrong, but I am saying that we aren't out to screw you, and you shouldn't always assume that. Okay? [i]...accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.[/i] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] telengard Wow, real cool to slam one of your loyal fans Bungie! I think the success has gone to your head. Do you guys think it's cool to single out and make fun of the people who buy and support your product? ~telengard[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] gt hunter707 Dan Bauer isnt actually crying, he's laughing at you bungie. You guys sure do know how to push away your customers. Well for instances what is the most played game on xbl? Maybe you should listen to your community, instead of mocking them. I support Dan Bauer, and to the community of halo 3 check out there podcast! Remember Bungie we are your customers![/quote] If you had a customer that said to you, "F U GT Hunter707! and F Your company!" because you accidentally gave them a cheeseburger with mustard when they clearly asked for Dijon, is that really a customer you want to have? I would gladly hand them the address and phone numbers of all my competitors at that point. Daggart

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  • I see there making new maps. It would be pretty kool if bungie made a map from the very start where the 7 foot tall half ton guy aka spartan 117 masterchief came from.From what Ive read in books he came from a military camp raised for combat. It would be cool if they made a map off of that

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  • You guys need a translator for every negative post you've received regarding the BR. When people say, "New BR Sux my 7337ness," what they really mean is "Thank you for creating a more balanced game, in which I'm forced to use more than two weapons, memorizing merely two sets of tactics. This balance has taught me much humility, and I have become a more well-rounded player because of it." Seriously, Halo 3 has the most advanced network-based collision detection for an FPS out there, which is why people consider it a sport of sorts; the fact that players are even able to recognize this false BR injustice is a testament to it's greatness.

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  • nice update

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  • yeah that guy live in my home town... so props for the 806

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  • Wow, real cool to slam one of your loyal fans Bungie! I think the success has gone to your head. Do you guys think it's cool to single out and make fun of the people who buy and support your product? ~telengard [Edited on 06.22.2008 10:54 PM PDT]

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  • whambulance is fail. vapor's always been a very helpful and supportive member of the halo and mlg communitys. not a cool thing to do.

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  • is it just me, or does the new map remind anyone of half life 2.

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  • I'll be there at the Comic-Con.

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  • this update proves that bungie ignores the competitive community and that more btb maps and ar's are the way to go. just look at the halo 3 forums over at mlgpro and everyone has no faith in u guys since u killed blackout and cold storage looks like its been butchered also. imho halo 3 has a couple maps that are actually good but the best isnt even made by you guys. onslaught is better that what you have put out in 2 map packs and the maps that shipped with the game . [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JL aMaTo That was a total dick move at the end of your update. It's astonishing to me that a grown -blam!- man would resort to such childish behavior. You won't but I think you owe Dan a full apology for your actions.[/quote] and why would u put what u did at the end of the update? total dick move edit:a quote from Tyson Green (halo 3 multiplayer lead):randomness is a poor substitute for tactics and skillful execution [Edited on 06.22.2008 7:15 PM PDT]

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  • Why do we have to hate on Luke? he probably is just doing his job.\\ By the way: Bungie shouldn't all of the original maps for Halo and Halo 2 have come with Halo 3 in the first place? [Edited on 06.22.2008 3:43 PM PDT]

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  • new maps awsome im hoping to get a job as a multiplayer map designer in bungie

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  • Are these pics for possible New Maps for near future

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ThPerfectDrug [QUOTE]Why is it okay for the BR to be inherently random, when it isn't okay for the melee system to be random? Heck, why not make the entire game based off of an RNG (random number generator) like WoW? Oh wait, the br already is. [/QUOTE] compare it to real life, dude. the outcome of someone getting punched isn't random, so it shouldn't be in the game. However, at a long enough range, a real burst-fire weapon's bullets will spray and potentially miss their mark. it's random in real life, so why not in halo?[/quote] OK so now people want halo to be more realistic, that's funny dude. Every time I had a discussion here about the melee system and I was talking about how unrealistic it was, most of you replied gameplay =>realism. ANd know when you think it's the other way around you're saying that realism=>gameplay. And what you're saying isn't even true, I mean it does happen in real life, but only at greater distance. A distance you often never get to see in halo 3. So why put in this system when you know things like this waste memory on your game?

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  • after reading this, i get the feeling that my whole life is a lie. well, guess i'll go back to Halo 2 so i can be with the REAL(read: long range weapon) Battle rifle.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mchief111 LOL am I the only one who noticed the "Dude, you really need to..." reference to the old Chill Out description?[/quote]No dude, I got it too. I lol'd

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  • A truly epic day in the life of banhammers: one more forum addict griefer down, seven million to go. 7/7 will be here before you know it.

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