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6/21/2008 1:20:38 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 6/20/08

The first ever Weekly Update to feature trigonometric functions. It's like summer school! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14347] click for full story [/url]

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  • Will cold storage be playable for the public like downloadible o something plz tell because i looks sweet. p.s i cant spell downloadible lol

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  • check this out!

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  • oooh pretty screenshots. cant wait to kill people there.

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  • Oh come on chill out was my least favorite map in halo ce

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  • cool

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BlacFyre Yay! More Halo 1 remakes! Now, [u] would you kindly [/u] do something about the hit boxes? My friends and I got into ranked games last night on Halo 3, and... after trying to kill a guy who withstood two full clips of sniper ammo (from me, anyways, all headshots), three grenades, and at least three clips of BR ammo... ALL to the head... we gave up.[/quote] Lol, that's not going to work here. >.> Cookie if you get the reference. [Edited on 06.26.2008 5:32 AM PDT]

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  • i cant wait to see the new forge items and hopefully they added more FX orbs

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  • I usually never read the weekly update because its usually a big wall of text i dont feel like reading but the pics of the new map are cool! :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Robbie Beast [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DEEP NNN The point is for Bungie to find out who the most important people to please are. A very vocal minority who may or may not be professional or the average Joe who really does want to have fun in another time and place. Perhaps these "skilled" players who seek changes are a bigger percentage of the population than I would guess. If that is the case they will either get what they want or Halo 3 will wither away.[/quote] No thats not the point, the point is to make a good game that any player can pick up and enjoy new or experienced. [b][u]You damn bungie kids[/u][/b] think your the more important part of the community simply because [b][u]you spend more time on the forums, well i spend more time on the game[/u][/b]. Many Halo 3 players wouldn't even realize a change in the BR simply because they don't play it as much as much or because [b][u]they're busy playing Team Slayer where the majority of fire fights are with AR's[/u][/b]. I dont understand why so many players are so defensive towards a tightening of the BR spread... its not going to change the game in Matchmaking nearly as much as on a competitive level simply because MLG has BR start and the only other weapons that aren't power weapons are Carbines and Maulers, thus drastically increasing the importance of the BR.[/quote]Maybe I sound like a kid but I'm over 50 years old. Looking at your Service Record we have a lot of similarities in Halo 3. Perhaps you've got more than one GT though. I only have one. Imagine that. There have been times that I haven't been on Bungie's most favoured list, that's for sure. I tried to take them to task over the unannounced dropping of Clan support from Halo 3. I don't like everything they do or don't do. The point is enjoyment as you said and I said but differently. If the players are happy in TS with the AR then what is the impetus for Bungie to make changes to the BR? [b]As I said, I'd rather Bungie continue to use it's resources for maps and Forge-able items than make changes to the BR.[/b] I am observing all of this with interest because I wonder if Bungie will move on your request. I might learn something from it. I looked at maybe your BR topic on MLG and it wasn't getting raves over there, when I looked at it, so why would Bungie listen to it?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Robbie Beast [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DEEP NNN The point is for Bungie to find out who the most important people to please are. A very vocal minority who may or may not be professional or the average Joe who really does want to have fun in another time and place. Perhaps these "skilled" players who seek changes are a bigger percentage of the population than I would guess. If that is the case they will either get what they want or Halo 3 will wither away. .[/quote] No thats not the point, the point is to make a good game that any player can pick up and enjoy new or experienced. You damn bungie kids think your the more important part of the community simply because you spend more time on the forums, well i spend more time on the game. Many Halo 3 players wouldn't even realize a change in the BR simply because they don't play it as much as much or because they're busy playing Team Slayer where the majority of fire fights are with AR's. I dont understand why so many players are so defensive towards a tightening of the BR spread... its not going to change the game in Matchmaking nearly as much as on a competitive level simply because MLG has BR start and the only other weapons that aren't power weapons are Carbines and Maulers, thus drastically increasing the importance of the BR.[/quote] Another great point.

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  • So is this like a new map for Halo 3?.... or like a map for the new upcoming halo game?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DEEP NNN The point is for Bungie to find out who the most important people to please are. A very vocal minority who may or may not be professional or the average Joe who really does want to have fun in another time and place. Perhaps these "skilled" players who seek changes are a bigger percentage of the population than I would guess. If that is the case they will either get what they want or Halo 3 will wither away. .[/quote] No thats not the point, the point is to make a good game that any player can pick up and enjoy new or experienced. You damn bungie kids think your the more important part of the community simply because you spend more time on the forums, well i spend more time on the game. Many Halo 3 players wouldn't even realize a change in the BR simply because they don't play it as much as much or because they're busy playing Team Slayer where the majority of fire fights are with AR's. I dont understand why so many players are so defensive towards a tightening of the BR spread... its not going to change the game in Matchmaking nearly as much as on a competitive level simply because MLG has BR start and the only other weapons that aren't power weapons are Carbines and Maulers, thus drastically increasing the importance of the BR.

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  • great up date as usual, made good reading thanks as always

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  • hey luke have 1 question: Where 's the FAQ or article about Cold Storage [Edited on 06.25.2008 10:57 AM PDT]

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  • loved the update, i'm a math kinda person so that appealed highly to me. idk where else to take this but theres been a problem recently with people betraying and quiting out on purpose to lose exp, so my friend and i were brainstorming and thought we might mention an idea and see if it catches your eye. we thought if someone is booted out of a game for betraying they could get a temporary one hour ban from halo 3 live, and for quiting out, a one hour ban from that specific matchmaking gametype. let me know what you think whenever you can. thank you. ~BRINX~

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MadroKurgan The whole point is to make the game more fun and less frustrated for the skilled player. To rely on precision, instead of the roll of dice. [/quote]The point is for Bungie to find out who the most important people to please are. A very vocal minority who may or may not be professional or the average Joe who really does want to have fun in another time and place. Perhaps these "skilled" players who seek changes are a bigger percentage of the population than I would guess. If that is the case they will either get what they want or Halo 3 will wither away. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MadroKurgan Halo 1 MP was the perfect example of this. It wasn't nearly as polished as Halo 3, but was more fun and less frustrating - When i died, it was due to my failure instead of the games fault.[/quote]Never played the multiplayer much. I started with Halo 2 so downgrading seemed unfathomable. What I've seen was too boring to look at. The textures, colour, lighting and contrast were difficult to bother with. I would have loved it and then dropped it when Halo 2 came out, that's a certainty.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DEEP NNN Request denied.[/quote] Say's who, you? The whole point is to make the game more fun and less frustrated for the skilled player. To rely on precision, instead of the roll of dice. Halo 1 MP was the perfect example of this. It wasn't nearly as polished as Halo 3, but was more fun and less frustrating - When i died, it was due to my failure instead of the games fault.

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  • People who's salaries and lifestyles depend on the game, MLG pros, probably are worrying about having a weapon that doesn't meet their expectations. Or perform consistently perfectly, it's this consistent inconsistency that annoys me. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AnAtomicFart We need to face facts, Halo is a game, dont get me wrong, it's very fun but u dont need to worry about a Halo gun functioning like a real gun as much as u need worry about simpler things in the game to improve overall experience..[/quote] [Edited on 06.25.2008 6:22 AM PDT]

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  • It seems interesting that u go into so much detail in explaining bullet trijectories and aim compensation requirements in Halo 3's gameplay.. We need to face facts, Halo is a game, dont get me wrong, it's very fun but u dont need to worry about a Halo gun functioning like a real gun as much as u need worry about simpler things in the game to improve overall experience. I shoot real guns for fun and lets face it Halo cannot mimic the physics of real firearms and i dont care as much about that. I care more about improvements to simpler aspects of the game. For instance, the so-called beat down fix is no fix at all because a majority of the time one of the players involved could not possibly be able to beat the other down, but they somehow do. Also, the shotgun is horrible in shotty snipes, not cuz of campers or projectile trajectories, but simply because of a glitch in the system. I have had many instances where i should have easily been able to take care of a foe just to be robbed of my kill because of this glitch. I know many people who have simply quite playing Halo due its glitches because it gets so aggrevating that the game becomes simply unenjoyable. I'll never stop playing the game, but I do wish these glitches would be fixed so the gameplay would be more enjoyable...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Robbie Beast Firstly, to lighten the mood, feel free to watch this video, its a guaranteed laugh and is relevant to the issue at bar. [url][/url] [b]As a side note for all readers, i am not just a random Halo 3 player, I am very skilled and have placed well in both Live MLG tournaments and Online MLG Tournaments and have made almost 3000 dollars on Halo 3. I have a 50 in TS, TD, MLG, and LW. Just to verify that i am good at this game and im not just some kid who's frustrated because their aim sucks and they lose BR fights all the time. Now to the nitty gritty.[/b][/quote]Well expressed but I disagree. You're still only one person just like me so I've decided to cancel out your request because I don't believe it needs to be changed. I'd rather Bungie expend it's Halo 3 resources on more maps and Forge-able items. I didn't like seeing the humorous video right now because even though I have a sense of humour you've used in what I'd call stressful times between the Halo 3 masses and a certain type of personality that wants Halo 3 to be something it was perhaps not intended to be. I don't like being branded as a Bungie apologist just because I like the status quo regarding weapons. If Halo matchmaking were given to "professional wanna be/semi-professional/professional" type personalities to control, there would only be three hand held weapons in the game. Shotgun, Battle Rifle and Super Sniper rifle (Halo CE pistol). It'd make for good professional competitions but it wouldn't be Halo 3. As for realism. The Halo Universe is a mix of realism, sci-fi and fantasy. Halo 3 is a good reflection of that world. Other vendors of others games may make what you are looking for. Request denied. [Edited on 06.25.2008 7:48 AM PDT]

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  • i know this sounds of the subject but can you download the picter frome my file share calld join the evil then tell three people to download it i dont want recon i want to be on bungie favirots i think that it would be the coolest thing that you could do for me if you do exept download the picture JOIN THE EVIL and then tell 3 people to download it and so on and so on just like that movie what im trying to say is i want to see how kind people are on Xbox live and what thay would do for a guy thay dont even know the world needs to be kind or its going to be hell

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Robbie Beast I talked to the mod, he said when all this BR stuff calms down ill be able to repost the thread without it being closed.[/quote] Cool. The BR issue needs to be discussed too death like the Melee system was, then who knows, maybe we will get some action.

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  • I talked to the mod, he said when all this BR stuff calms down ill be able to repost the thread without it being closed.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Robbie Beast Firstly, to lighten the mood, feel free to watch this video, its a guaranteed laugh and is relevant to the issue at bar. [url][/url] [b]As a side note for all readers, i am not just a random Halo 3 player, I am very skilled and have placed well in both Live MLG tournaments and Online MLG Tournaments and have made almost 3000 dollars on Halo 3. I have a 50 in TS, TD, MLG, and LW. Just to verify that i am good at this game and im not just some kid who's frustrated because their aim sucks and they lose BR fights all the time. Now to the nitty gritty.[/b] The majority of the supporters for the tightening of a BR spread are those of competitive Halo players that feel the spread only hurts competition, and adds a random factor to the mix, I happen to be in this group. "And randomness is a poor substitute for tactics and skillful execution." Quoted by Halo 3's Multiplayer Lead Tyson Green Majority of the supporters for keeping the BR the way it is are those of the general/casual players that prefer if the BR stayed the same for fear that the BR would become all powerful and would ruin the game by making the rest of the weapons useless in a sense. Both sides have valid arguments but i would like to delve a little deeper into this, especially with the information released in Bungie's 6/20/08 update. With the latest update, Bungie further expressed that the BR functions as intended, and that the spread acts the way it does to serve out two reasons. One, realism, making the weapon act in a way that is more realistic as to how bullets travel, and two, to prevent creating a "universal" weapon.. or a weapon that everyone will prefer to use.. thus eliminating the use of other weapons ( spiker, needler, plasma rifle, etc... ). First id like to address the realism issue. I feel that this should not be brought into the decision of how the BR acts simply because there is no point in arguing about realism in a game that takes place in a completely unrealistic world, especially if that could impair ones ability to enjoy the game. The target of a game should not be to make us think its real.. but to allow the player to enjoy themselves, the two often contradict each other in certain cases. I for one was a Socom player while Halo 1 and Halo 2 were out and something very similar happened with this group of games as well. Socom 1 and 2 were thought of as amazing games, the bullets hit where your crosshairs aimed for the most part, and individual skill was huge, but even the most casual player could enjoy playing it by just picking up an f90 and spraying 60 bullets at a guy or grabbing a grenade launcher... but when Socom 3 came out they added a bullet spread to almost every weapon, trying to increase the realism and in the process almost completely ruined the franchise in a competitive sense (I took part in the gamebattles ladder for this game for multiple years and was considered Top 10 best Leaders/Gunners/Snipers towards the end so believe me when i say this). The only thing that was really fun and took skill to do anymore was quick sniping and jump sniping, which they eventually patched about 2 years after the games release due to the fact that jumping and sniping wasn't realistic. GTA 4 is another prime example, its filled with things that make the game realistic but it also makes sure to keep the player entertained. I mean, you cant go around running people over whenever you want in real life, and you cant just drive 5 blocks and suddenly the cops no longer chase you. You also would be dead if you got shot 6 times.. But come on lets face it, GTA would suck if that was the case. Secondly, "there is no designed one-weapon-to-rule-them-all in Halo 3 and that is a decision made by design to encourage all of the aspects of the sandbox to be used in gameplay. The bullet variation in the Battle Rifle’s three-round bursts is a design choice that further defines the weapon's role in the Halo 3 sandbox." i feel this idea is slightly flawed. If we take a look at a game like Rainbow Six Vegas, it has a massive amount of weapons a player can choose, but the universal weapon for almost all competitive players is the FAMAS, it is an extremely accurate weapon if used right, but that does not stop many of the casual players from using other weapons. In most matchmaking games i play in Halo 3 the majority of players will prefer vetoing for BR starts, and in AR start games most players will pick up a Carbine/BR if given the chance. I very rarely see a person dual wielding, let alone using the spiker/plasma rifle/smg simply for the fact that the AR serves as the best close range weapon in most cases... but this doesn't stop those select few that prefer to dual wield or use those weapons, and i don't see how making the BR spread tighten would reduce the amount of usage of these other weapons. It is said that the distance between a person affects the BR spread, well i often hit a person every time close up with the BR with every bullet registering and i still lose the fight because the AR/Melee combo just kills faster. Even if the BR spread were tightened i would still switch to my AR when a close up fight is going to emerge. And finally, i read the Math Class section in the latest update, and though some of it was hard to understand, it was easy for me to retain this statement "The Chief’s helmet is approximately 0.094 world units wide, [b]so if the shields pop, that bullet – aimed and fired accurately – under reasonable network conditions yields a kill.[/b]" I for one could show multiple examples of a player taking 1, 2, 3, even 4 extra well placed bursts to the head when they are down sheilds on a green bar host, and I'm sure many other players could as well, especially with the addition of the Team Swat playlist. All I'm saying Bungie is that although your intentions for the BR are good.. the reality is your causing frustration to a lot of people (Mostly those of the competitive community) and i feel a middle ground for all players could be reached. Im not saying make the BR a hitscan weapon or making it super uber godly and 4 shot people cross map, I'm just saying that the spread needs to be tightened so when in mid/close range BR fights the more consistent aim wins every time. So why not try it in your next update... i think the response towards a tightened spread would be unanimous but then again i cant speak for everyone.. I'm just voicing my opinion. Also, people stop saying that Halo 3 level means nothing, instead say, Halo 3 level doesn’t mean everything. Thanks for reading.[/quote] The BR dilemma explained perfectly. Kudos on the well thought out, professional manner in which you stated the ever so controversial BR issue. All we can hope for is that some of the BUNGIE devs who have a hand in actually programming the MP weapons takes note. [Edited on 06.25.2008 4:13 AM PDT]

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  • If having a 3 round burst is so problematic with the BR for the net code to handle (90% of the time all of the BR bullets don't register), why not make the BR a single fire weapon, ala. like the Halo 1 pistol, with the same fire rate as the Halo 1 pistol, but having it a 4 shot kill? That would make many a competitive player happy.

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