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Edited by Viral_Assassin8: 1/12/2015 2:25:24 PM
Hello Bungie. I doubt anyone has posted on this specific topic more than I. This is my fifth time needing to find this forum topic and as you know (because you read the responses) that I've been Un able to even [b][i]accsess[/i][/b] Destiny. Before I go to the trouble of leaving my specs I'll let you know what week has consisted of to just try and play the game I bought from you guys and done everything suggested. First 3 days of the week we're spent cache clearing, port forwarding, modem resting, calls to the ISP, calls to IT friends, calls to you (if you had a number to call), phone calls to Microsoft about xbox live, and I also powered down everything completely for one of those days. The last four days of the week were spent uninstalling your game (as per your recommendation) and installing it again...[b][i]twice[/i][/b]. Let me she'd some light...[b][i]IT TOOK TWO DAYS PER DOWNLOAD[/i][/b] and would you like to know the result of these? I still get wasp. Wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp wasp. I'm not going to be asking no money back. I'm kindly demand it. I can not play your game and you are not offering anything to fix so our business is done. That is the line. If I find can not play your game for more then 4 months? That's ridiculous! Outrageous! Many other descriptive words! None of this would be a problem if you just solve the really? You have been notified by thousands of customers about this (months ago I might add ,almost how long Destiny has been out) , customers that can't even play your "working" game. If it works, prove it. Show me on my console that Destiny can and will work. Console : Xbox One Connection type : Wifi Gamer tag : viral assassin8 I hope you fix this, not for me but for you. The future of this game I'm grumbling around you and you guys are having cold feet or some sort of panic attack and your doing nothing. [b][i]YOU HAVE THE WORST REVIEWS OUT THE LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS. LITERALLY HUGE PORTIONS OF GAMERS (NOT EVEN JUST DESTINY GSMERS) DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW A COMPANY OF YOUR STATUS COULD NOT ONLY RUIN A GAME SO BAD, BUT INSULT AND ABANDON EVERYONE (NOT JUST YOU SELF, NOT JUST DESTINY GAMERS) AND ALL FORMS OF COMMUNICATION AND REFUSE TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU NAILED AN EGG TO THE WALL. [/i][/b]

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