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Edited by m00ninite: 4/14/2015 6:32:22 PM

Keeping ALL raids relevant. You can do it, Bungie.

Let's get this straight. The petitions to upgrade the raid weapons are slightly off base, but on the right track. We all love our Fatebringers, etc, but simply upgrading these weapons to 331 does not solve the larger issue. What really needs to happen is a max level version of VoG to be released. Keeping EVERY raid relevant as end game content. This would also apply to Crota's End (and VoG again) once House of Wolves is released, etc. Since currently there is no natural progression for players to complete VoG and then Crota's End, I see no reason why Bungie would not want to keep their raids meaningful for top end players. All raid gear offered, regardless of which one, would offer the top end gear and max level weapons. Are you guys seeing yet another purpose to this yet? Gear customization! Since it's clear that Bungie only wants to offer a single set of gear per class in each raid, keeping multiple raids in the mix means that players will now have options for their max level characters in their gear choices. Mix and match raid sets, or simply hold onto them to use as situational items depending on the enemies you face. I really think that most players would get behind this idea, so let's not let it get lost in the fray of class warfare and cries for buffs and nerfs that plague these forums. Please [u]bump[/u] and [u]upvote[/u] to support so Bungie can see that there is a knowledgeable and reasonable community that wants the best for the world of Destiny! [b]Edit[/b]: Seems like lots of agreement so far, but don't be shy if you have more to add or want to contribute to the idea! Thank you all for the support, we're off to a good start! [b]Edit[/b]: Already made it to TRENDING! Thank you everyone so far for the input, let's keep it going! Also, I love the counter-points so let's hear it! [b]Edit[/b]: Wow guys! I left work, went out to dinner, and came back to FIFTY MORE UPVOTES!!! I'll do my best to respond to all of the comments that provided some larger feedback or opposing views, but big thanks to everyone who's come and contributed. [b]EDIT FOR RESPONSES[/b]: Okay everyone, so in particular, I am finding the best arguments against this that the raids should be setup as a progression rather than all raids being moved to max level at some point. I find it hard to disagree with this view as well, but the problem I see is that Bungie so far has made it seem that they don't want it to work that way, just based on vendor gear alone. Now if that was to change I would have to think that a progression would make sense. Part of me still would love all raids as endgame, but I wouldn't complain if it was set up the other way. At least we all seem to agree that in current state it needs some work! [b]MORE![/b]: To those who are worried that raising the cap of VoG would hurt Bungie's ability to continue to sell the new content, we've had some more good ideas discussed. For players who don't buy the new DLC, the raids don't change. However, in our current situation, those who defeat Crota would receive a token that would let them go back and "upgrade" VoG to max level. Seems legit! [b][i]Top 3 Trending Topic, thank you everyone![/i][/b] [b]Growing Pains[/b]: A few comments now in regards to what happens when there are 4-5 raids to complete each week? Does this not become overwhelming for players and there be too much to do? To that I say this: Right now, Destiny is VERY completionist because there is so little relevant content to actually do. If there were 4-5 raids available, each dropping top tier content, but simply with different choices for perks, styles, etc, then maybe players wouldn't feel the NEED to rip through 100% of all available areas. Some would, yes. Others may work through 1 raid at a time until they've gotten everything they want out of it, and then move on to master the next one. It's hard for me to say that adding this variety for players at endgame would be a bad thing just because of the notion that players should always be able to completely clear all content on a weekly basis. [b]Thank you, thank you, thank you[/b]: Thank, YOU. Lots of great arguments here from everyone on both sides. Lots of awesome compromises, and great insight. I'm not going to keep adding infinite edits like some posts, but I will continue to remain part of the conversations that are going on because I definitely think we're onto something. Thank you again to everyone for the support, and please continue to share with your friends for more upvotes so Bungie looks at this closely. Fight on, Guardians! [b]PS[/b] - At about 400 upvotes and over 300 comments, I really hope DeeJ gets to read this when he gets back. Some awesome ideas from everyone. [b]Edit[/b]: Anyone think that now with VoG dropping v2 exotics, that is enough "relevance"? I'm happy about the change, but not completely. [b]Edit[/b]: Keep this bumped for DeeJ! [u][b]TLDR[/b][/u]: Great ideas from all around. Either make max level versions of old raids available to those who have already completed the latest raid (keeps non-DLC purchasers out of end game as business model intended), or correct vendor gear issue so that it never surpasses raid quality gear (forces natural progression of content). Pros and cons to all arguments of course, but it's been a great discussion. Keep the bumps comin! (Thanks to everyone for the continued bumps.) [b]HoW Update[/b]: SUPER excited for House of Wolves. Love all the new info. Looks like we may get upgraded VoG weapons and gear at some point following the release. If that happens then I see no need for a third raid. We would still get 2 at max level AND have a 3 player horde Arena mode. LOVE this. Slow but steady, Bungie.

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  • Bump!!!!

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  • Bump!!! Are you listening deej!?

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  • upvote & bump

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  • Yes. Bump

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  • [b]Danger Long Post: [/b] I like some of what has been said but I keep reading post like this and ask my self, why? I can understand wanting to feel like needing to keep stuff "fresh". I can some what understand wanting to keep older weapons. To make all raids have a "Max Level Mode" is just a little odd to me. But to do this for customization? Really? First I think of the Perks. What is plus damage to oracles going to do for you in the next DLC? Disrupting Hive Wizards a plus vs Fallen? Hence the flow of new gear. New raid, new perks to help with that raid, thus keeping the flow of gear going. Raid gear is built for said raid. So with "max level raid" people are going to need more raid sets then just current. Who here likes to keep VOG gear for hard mode runs. Now times that by the number of DLCs we know about. All that just so you can keep up with the next level version of your raid. Ok, lets take off the perks then. Will light level 32 VOG gear be helpful when running light level 34 VOG? I assume that it will just be hard mode at max level not a two step like current raids. Is the gear going to survive the jump? Or are we left to grind the new raid, get the new raid gear, THEN go back to our older raids to get back to the same look. Solve Customization: Cosmetic slots. Put gear in slot to use the look but not the stats. Get the Item once and done. Like most games thy want people to enjoy current content. Hence the vender jumping the light level. Raids are never going to get harder for you. We get toned down to the raids max. So new mode VOG will always feel like hard mode VOG. The challenge of the old raids is still there. But tossing out new gear so that after you beat current raid hard, you can get old gear to change the way you look is a path not needed. All this is not taking into account if thy keep going with the raid materials for upgrading the gear. So get Vanguard gear and level it. Get raid gear, get raid materials and level it. Beat hard mode, taking from the idea that it would be needed to unlock new raid level. Then go to old raid and repeat the gear and materials steps till max level. Thats a good chuck of work for a player wanting a old helm. And a bit of code for Bungie to give us the items/raids. Not counting in if the new raid modes are harder then our current hard mode. Like how hard mode added new elements to the normal mode. That be a lot of work after some time. Weapons will come and go. Hell we could next DLC get a solar hand cannon with pierce and a burn affect. I can get wanting the old gear you loved when you first got it, that you still call you "go to item". But the longer that weapon becomes "top tier" the less other items get to shine. Soon we will all be farming the old stuff or the new stuff will be so OP that thy just start to feel silly. Like AR with Wolf Pack. I can see something like a item that upgrades your gear but even then the old raids will still be left out. Destiny is not a start from "A" and work to "F" game. Old content will have some thing that people may want but most will just go "remember that one time in VOG". As the game progresses it will always leave something in the dust. Sorry for the long post, and sorry if I missed some comments that may have ideas on what I see as a problem.

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    3 Replies
    • That's what the radiant shards were supposed to accomplish, believe it or not. The problem with upgrading gear being pushed up is the raid has 2 key things. Max level gear and primaries that have an additional damage type. A 331 vision of confluence makes this raid a cake walk. The defense on the armor makes a bigger deal than the random additional perks. The new shard type is a sad attempt at making us still play VoG. Since all vendor gear requires Ascendant Materials. So as much as I hate to side with Bungie. I can see why they have the system in place and potential challenges in implementing a new system.

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    • Absolutely! Bump!

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    • Simply make vog drop radiants and all legendary at 323 like vex, is no sense have a fate at 331 and vex 323

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      • Edited by JBO: 1/20/2015 3:52:30 PM
        I think once HoW has been out for a while this may happen. It would make sense to fill the gap between HoW and comet. It will allow people to get upgraded versions of weappns they love and everyone won't have to wear the same armor. If they do this AFTER HoW has been out and sold millions they wont be losing out on sales and by the time Comet drops there will be a lot of variety in the game. BUT....we're gonna need more vault space haha. Seriously though I hope this is their plan because it's a big gap between HoW and comet and the added variety would be very good for the game.

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        • Bump

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        • I agree completely. I was pissed at the fact that I had to grind every week for one piece of gear to get me to level 30, then the dlc drops and all of a sudden you can buy 31 from the vanguard... That was a swift kick in the nuts to me. Now I'm in that limbo of praying for new raid gear...

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          • I completely agree with you. But let's start basic. While I love the gear customization idea (like transmog in WoW), let's at least make it so that VoG has a purpose to be run every week. Personally, VoG is a lot more fun to me than Crota. So I would like all gear and weapons to be relevant. It'll keep players unique.

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            • Bump!

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            • Very good ideas in this thread. I'm all for anything that expands the amount of gainful activities in Destiny. If people are arguing that any of this would be "too much to do" that I say, what a GREAT problem to have!! bump bump bump

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              • Bump!

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              • Bump

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              • Wish they would add another tier of gear, like heroic gear or something (wow had this), basically it's the same as current gear with just a tad better stats and different looks (either to differentiate between elites and casuals or make them reach a higher level cap). And these 'heroic gear' would only drop from raids that have the nightfall modifier and maybe an epic modifier (think that's the one where more mobs has shields, I can't remember which) as well?

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                3 Replies
                • Like. I really enjoy VoG and would love more incentive to run. Two chances of exotics is good reason yes but something else is needed.

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                  • Imo they should stop selling vendor gear that makes your old gear obsolete, and make it so that you *have* to do VoG to get 30, then crotas etc. Make each of the raids sort of a stepping stone towards progression. Not just "o hey I can buy my way to blabla level and skip all of this content!" Would make sense to me

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                    6 Replies
                    • Edited by Goro: 1/20/2015 3:22:18 PM
                      Bump, Exotics 2.0 in VoG should have been included from the start. I am not completely happy

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                    • Agreed

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