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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
12/21/2004 1:06:43 AM

The flood are spreading

I was walking home from school with my friends, all a glow with christmas spirit, when 20 infection forms dashed around the corner in front of us. We tried to run, hoping that jumping over the creek would save us from this madness. My friend Morris tried to clear the icy waters, but slipped and fell. I watched as the flood devoured him mercilessly. I have just arrived home now, and as I sit, huddled in a dark basement room, telling you this, I can hear the screams of my neighbors meeting the same fate. Beware, the flood are coming!!! And on christmas Eve, when you see santas sleigh floating across the sky, stay away!!!! Gravemind is just using it to spread the flood, like in amber clad. Well in order to make some changes here, I've re-opened membership to all who wish to join. Feel free to pm me for some tips and a synopsis, and have fun! Ohh yes, the general rules still apply. 1. No covenant 2. The Flood are not in the Ark, and likely will not be 3. Control your own character, and refrain from making him a Spartan [Edited on 6/17/2005]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • night walks up to the giganticdoors "well i guess we should go inside."

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  • "So, what kind of food do you clones eat? I'll take some pizza if I will have to wait here for awhile."

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  • ArchDuke followed Night into the building. So, what do we do now? he asked.

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  • (Sorry, just getting an education.) The soldiers led Halifax, Locks and Shishka into one ship, and Zuranamee and Shishka clone into another. Halifax sat across from Locks and waited to see what Shishka clone had planned. Shishka clonesmiled at the soldiers then said, "I understand your actions, I would take me in too if I were you. But do understand that if any of us are mistreated I will hold you responsible." The soldiers looked at each other with confused expressions and Shishka clone took time to notice his surroundings. 5 guards were on his ship, and 6 on Halifax's. [i]This shouldn't be too difficult[/i] he thought.

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  • (halifax. post. please. now.)

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  • night waves as he sees the spider land. "i beat you all here you slow pokes"

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  • "Smalls, you get your skinny under fed ass in this ship right now!" I can hear him mutter over the radio as he and the rest comply. Soon they meet me within the enclosed cockpit, and Erika sends the spider flying at high speed towards the control room. "We'll have to get a gunship to retrieve those hogs later on.." We look into the stormy distance, and notice the dark shadow of the control room, towering hundreds of feet in the air. The ship rockets through the thunder and rain. "We've entered the control rooms perimeter", I note, looking on one of the many maps. The spider flies over top of the oak forest that holds a radiius around the tower, before lurching up in an ark and climbing high along the pillar of the main structure. "Land the ship on the top bay, Erika." The spider reaches the soaring heights of the tower, almost touching the thunder clouds, and lands steadily on the marble floors of the upper landing bay. I notice Night already standing by the great arched doors, waving at us through the rain. "The bastard beat us to it.."

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  • night bounces across the wide open planes destroying sentinels and the majors every chance he got. as he got closer he could see the doors they had to enter. "holy -blam!- that is a big door"

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  • Smalls stooped down and tied another peice of cloth around his forehead. He couldn't stand to think that the horrible wound was showing. Looking up he spotted King, dropping down to pick them up in the hijacked spider. It was flying. Smalls groaned, there was no way in heaven and earth he was flying around in that thing. "King! There is no way in heaven and earth I am flying around in that thing!", He screamed into the comm.

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  • night opens a private channle to king "not me im goin in there the old fashoned way right through the front door. ill meet you inside buddy." maby as a after thought "good luck." night closes the cnannle and turns off all his comm gear. this was going to be fun

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  • I look through the window over the wreckage of machines that Eriak had anihilated. "Nice work Erika...shoot, if you were a human, that would just about deserve you a drink." She laughs over the radio.." Sorry sir, but I'll stick with eating information.." I turn to leave the room and find an exit out of the spider, but Erika calls for me to hold. "King, I found something interesting about this spider. Ever wonder how it arrived on the field so quickly after detection? This piec of metal can fly." I step back into the cockpit with a confused look. "Show me." Instantly, the machine lurches once more, and I steady myself to avoid falling over. I make my way to a console, depicting the machines transformation. Over the picture, it shows the legs slowly erect to full length, the ship begins to rise higher. A surge of electricity fires up in the engine room below, and tiny jet propulsions emit from the bottom of the legs. The long machine slowly lifts off the ground, the legs folding up gracefully until only the body of the machine remains, wings emerging on the right and left. "King, this spider can equal the speed of our gunships." I look out the large window, and see the two hogs parked in the distance. "If you use this spider, you'll reach the control room in less then ten minutes. This ship should avoid detection, the machines would never expect us to travel in one of their own." I pull out a big grin, and wave the radio as I stich it to the hogs frequency. "You boys stay where you are, I'm coming to pick you up."

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Zuranamee (k halifax i'm back where are we?)[/quote] (uhh...we were captured. Let Shishka clone take care of it though.)

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  • I don't know

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  • (k halifax i'm back where are we?)

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  • I wish I could continue in here, but it seems I lose track of where I am, why I am or who I am.

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  • (sry i havent been posting for awhile) Monkey ducks under the seat as the hail of bullets hits the 'hog. " aargh, too bad i lost my helmet."he sighs and watches as King boards the huge spider machine. Then suddenly the machine stopped shooting at us an obliterated the sentinels that were following us. "WOHOO" shouted Monkey as the spider machine turned on its counterpart, destroying it. Then there were several huge explosions as the Alamo's archer missiles vaporize the remainder of the swarm. "finally we arent being shot at."exclaims Monkey as they continue on ther journy to the Library.

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  • The spider begins to back away slowly in an attempt to gain sight of us again. It under belly fires out random pillars of fire, scorching the ground in a blind move to decimate our vehicle. I notice a small hatch to the left of the back mechanical leg. "Drive straight Morris, try and keep the thing topside!" I slowly stand up atop the roof of the hog, pulling out a hookshot. "See you fellas in a few minutes....oh, and try to stay alive for a little while longer." I aim the shot as near to the hatch as possible and blast the propelling chain. It hooks on to the metal grating nicely, and begins reeling me quickly towards it. The chain stops at the hook, and I hang helplessly there for a few minutes, while the spider desperately lurches and scurries across the plain. Struggling to get a hold of my weapons, I blast the grating into shreds and climb into the hatch. The inside of the machine is covered in a maze of wires and consoles, shaking with every movement. I aggresively work my way towards the middle sanctum of the spider, turning on a flashlight in the darkness. Finally I come across a ladder, and climb a floor into the cockpit. The entire room is filled with automatic computers, and a large tinted glass pane portraying the action outside. I notice the hog bearing out from under the legs and heading North, the machine mechanically turning towards it and opening fire. "How do I control this sucker?" I find a random computer and begin accessing the weaponry system. "Erika, I'm sending you the console numerical codes, maybe you could help me out," I radio into the alamo. "One moment it. This -blam!- is ours! What should we do?" I order her turn the spider around and veer away from the hog. Erika trains the guns on a cloud of sentinels heading towards the hog, and blasts them to the ground. [Edited on 5/14/2005]

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  • (Well...that was nice of you.) Halifax nodded and held the door open for Zuranamee. He jumped in with the Flood spores close behind and quickly shut the door. They reached the bottom floor and opened it. "Hello Halifax," Shishka said, "So good to see you for the first time." Halifax groaned, "Gosh dangit, if he wants me so bad, why doesn't the real Shishka come and get me?" Shishka smiled, "Because you aren't worth his time." Halifax laughed, "Right. He has failed to kill me or my friends quite a few times. I don't think he'd let go of a grudge that easy." Shishka shrugged, "Perhaps I don't know his true intentions, but I do know that he told me to detain you, and I shall do that right now." Just then Shishka clone poppped out from behind a pillar, "What the...Guards stop him. That Shishka is an imposter who is trying to help these people! Take him out!" Shishka frowned, "Wha---who are you? What are you doing here?" Shishka clone stepped forward, "I am the one who is supposed to be leading these soldiers, and you knocked me unconcsious earlier and took my place." Shishka growled, "You lying little whelp. I shall teach you a lesson you won't forget!" He charged forward and launched a right handed punch to the face. Shishka clone caught his hand and twisted it, locking it he held Shishka in place, "I suggest you don't try that again." Shishka looked around frantically, "Soldiers! Can't you see that I am the real one? I am your leader!" One of the soldiers quipped, "I can see that you are getting your butt kicked." Shishka glared at them, "You fools! This man is an imposter, seize him!" Shishka clone threw Shishka on the ground, "Don't listen to him, he will help these people escape." The soldiers nodded, "I think we should detain all of you until we get this straightened out." Shishka clone grimaced then nodded, still holding Shishka on the ground. "You can let go of him, we will take over from here." Shishka clone nodded again and let go of Shishka. He walked over to the others and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll get us out of here as soon as possible."

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  • ((Okay Idiots. Watch, Read, or Jump in. I get mean easily and you don't want to see me mean.)) I look around. Halifax was right, it was to easy. My mouth creased open. "That Smell, I've smelt it before." Instantly a thousand Flood Spores came running up the elvator shaft. I duck pulling Halifax down with me as they soared over Our heads. "We don't have time. We need to get down and escape!" The Elvator doesn't open. I press the button thousand of times before it finally opens.

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  • "Yes sir." Morris grabs the wheel and tries to steer and not get shot at the same time. Swerving like mad to dodge the steady stream of bullets spraying out of the spiders guns they drew closer and closer to the giant legs. Soon mortars began hitting the ground left and right almost tipping the hog but by some miracle they reached the underside of the spider and morris slammed on the brakes. The shooting stopped at once and the spider tried to move away. "Orders?"

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  • I look back and laugh at smalls. Glad to have you back Smalls, and by the way, it looks like you crawled out of someones ass." He throws a nasty smirk at me, then juts his head out the side and vomits. "Keep still back there, we'll have time to give you some of Freelancers vaccine later." I boost the hog to its full speed and tear straight towards the nearing spider. The machine guns perched above the spiders head train on the vehicle and spray an array of bullets. I shove Morris down below the seat, just as the front of the vehicle is massacred. Keeping below the steering wheel, I bear straight towards the legs of the towering machine. "Morris, take the wheel and drive towards the under belly of it. I'm gonna try to board the damn thing"

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  • (halifax, control me for while, i'm really busy and don't want to fall behind. Just dont make me look stupid.)

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  • I got blacklisted by the Disembodied you didn't see my post. Here's what it said: "Ok, I'll forget you shot me three times" Archduke began driving back towards camp when all of a sudden the warthog fell into a pit. Ccjamp and Archduke climbed out of the warthog as it bursts into flames. "Well, that sucks." Ccjamp said. Ccjamp felt something grab on to his leg. It was a flood form! Ccjamp kicked his leg against the rocky wall and it's guts splattered everywhere. "That was close" Ccjamp said. All of a sudden hundreds of flood forms began crawling out of a hole. "Oh this is not good" Arch and CC said at the same time. They both tried to scramble out but the rocky walls were to high and steep. Ccjamp, weaponless armorless, yelled to Arch "You keep these things under control while I find a way out". Archduke called for backup and began shooting the forms with shotguns. Ccjamp began looking for a way out of the pit.

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  • ArchDuke sat in his hover hog waiting for ccjamp to move. A setinal floated by.

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  • hey you nearly ran me over you crazy ass

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  • Smalls wakes up. Grumpily. "Holy Moses! Can't I get a wink of God foresaken sleep around here! All the bumping and bumping and bumping! I oughta' kill you all!" THe sickening flood infested wound had receded down to only his forehead, instead of consuming his entire face as it had done before. He realized he was in a worthog, and there were hundreds of sentinals ahead of him, preparing to fire. "Oh...uh...Are we gonna die?"

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