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Edited by DMifflinXbox: 12/30/2014 2:31:26 AM

The Hidden Gems Within the Scout Rifle Kingdom

I prefer using my trusty Vision of Confluence


I use other pre-DLC scout rifles


I'm using new DLC scout rifles


I'm trying out B-Line Trauma


So I've always been a hunter looking for the best scout rifle in the game. The obvious choice, which I stumbled upon after VOG raid completion, was the Vision of Confluence. Even the name makes you feel smart. But lately I've been gifted, very luckily, with a wide variety of new, DLC scout rifles. The Badger, NitC (which, for those that don't know, is Nail in the Coffin), and B-line Trauma. And I must say they are all good. The NitC is good all around, and with your perks, can be even better. It'll get you through battle the way most scout rifles usually do: at a distance and with time for precision shots. The Badger, the heavy hitting, slow firing rifle, is definitely for use at range. But the B-Line Trauma, is where the magic begins... It is probably the fastest firing scout in the game. It trumps VOC in ROF, and now damage, I presume. It has excellent handling, and I would go as far as to call it the best VOC replacement around (VOC 2.0). It...just shoots so fast and you'll kill quickly in the crucible with a few headshots. I mean, this rifle is either equal or faster firing than MIDA, probably faster, and its damage is on par with its fellow scout rifles. Given, VOC will always have a place in my heart, there will have to be a replacement, unless they can buff VOC, which I pray they find the heart to do. I think the crucible sells it, and if you want a good scout rifle that can perform in ways faster than ever before, try out B-Line Trauma. (Edit: Please do comment if you have a scout rifle that's dear to your heart. I love to hear about them. Also what perks you look for or have that make your scout's good/loveable.) [b]Show the love for scout rifles and bump/like this thread if you have a special someone (Scout rifle) in your life. [/b] Edit 2: Wow, thanks everyone for their comments! I love that there are so many that love scout rifles so much. Sorry if I skipped your beloved one, I was just trying to show my new favorites. I'll check out your guy's guns and see if I find something interesting. Thanks again! Edit 3: I forgot to mention my B-Line is random rolled, not from crucible. Its got grenadier and Luck in the chamber, with some decent middle tier perks. The crucible one is meh, so be wary. And Mida is hands down a great exotic scout, but being exotic its entitled to be a bit more fine tuned than the legendaries. The poll is geared towards legendaries, as MIDA has a monopoly over the exotic scout rifles. Edit 4: Thanks for all comments. After looking through them I've enjoyed seeing everyone's opinions and picks. I guess its made me rethink some things. B-Line does trade impact for fire rate, but its really a good kicker. The Rapier that the crucible sells is a monster right out the box with its perks, and B-Line sadly settles for Mulligan and idk what the other one was. The one from IB, Gheleons Demise, is considered good by most of you, and the vanguard NitC, Badger, and old A1 have earned thumbs up from most of you. MIDA reigns king of exotic scouts, as it is the only one. Long live scout rifles and the brave humans, exos, and awoken that stand behind them. Bring on the comments!! [b] 2 days in and more of you responded than I ever thought would. Thank you all for making this community great, and long live scout rifles!!![/b] [b]Over a thousand, no, over 2000, NOOOO, OVER 3000!!! votes for Vision of Confluence as people's most favored scout rifle! The love for that gun ain't dead yet![/b] [b]Well over 5,500 votes and 750+ comments/replies!!!??? Thanks so much you handsome scout rifle community! This conversation has changed the way I look at this community and I hope you've enjoyed the discussion. Keep it up, cause I aim to be your expert authority over anything scout rifle related. Have a great week guardians. Amen.[/b]

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  • Edited by AristonSparta: 12/27/2014 4:39:19 PM
    VoC's solar though...

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    • I have B-Line, haven't maxed it yet. The RoF is pretty unbelievable, but I still like MIDA the best in terms of overall feel.

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      • I'm hoping to get Badger CCL soon. I never was a huge VoC fan.

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        • Mida

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        • I'll stick with VoC nothing drops wizard and centurion shields faster, but honestly I normally only use it for solar burn week now that thorn has stolen my heart, she's bae

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        • I've got the calling with firefly and explo rounds. Check it out on my warlock :)

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        • Got a NitC with Rodeo and Firefly as well as option of ER or APRs. Pretty happy with it, though as seems to be the OP's case the VoC is difficult to forget. I still use it when I need Solar damage or when my NitC is on my other character and I don't feel like going through the rigamole of switching it.

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          • mida on a hunter with gunslinger trance and chain of woe is my go to. I haven't maxed it yet due to receiving the 2.0 version recently. although I'm finding that chain of woe doesn't increase the reload speed so I'm going to try something else in its place.

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            • Nitc, got firefly and last shot xtra dmg

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              • Saterrienne Rapier has outlaw/firefly like the old vanguard bought A.1 so I'm slowly saving crucible marks to try it out.

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                • Another NITC (nail in the coffin) Or Vision of confluence

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                  • Gheleons demise 2.0 with explosive rounds and fire fly

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                    • [quote]So I've always been a hunter looking for the best scout rifle in the game. The obvious choice, which I stumbled upon after VOG raid completion, was the Vision of Confluence. Even the name makes me feel smart. But lately I've been gifted, very luckily, with a wide variety of new, DLC scout rifles. The Badger, NitC (which, for those that don't know, is Nail in the Coffin), and B-line Trauma. And I must say they are all good. The NitC is good all around, and with your perks, can be even better. It'll get you through battle the way most scout rifles usually do: at a distance and with time for precision shots. The Badger, the heavy hitting, slow firing rifle, is definitely for use at range. But the B-Line Trauma, is where the magic begins. It is probably the fastest firing scout in the game. It trumps VOC in ROF, and now damage, I presume. It has excellent handling, and I would go as far as to call it the best VOC replacement around (VOC 2.0). It...just shoots so fast and you'll kill quickly in the crucible with a few headshots. I mean, this is either equal or faster firing than MIDA, probably faster, and its damage is on par with its fellow scout rifles. Given, VOC will always have a place in my heart, there will have to be a replacement, unless they can buff VOC, which I pray they find the heart to do. I think the crucible sells it, and if you want a good scout rifle that can perform in ways faster than ever before, try out B-Line Trauma. (Edit: Please do comment if you have a scout rifle that's dear to your heart. I love to hear about them.)[/quote] i have the B Line and love it but the Mida Multi tool is my go to. Greats sights. Crit hit everytime bc im so used to it and it deals more damage bc its exotic. Rate of fire on bline is faster but the multi tool just takes down the big guys better

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                    • I used about 20 motes of light and rerolled my iron banner gheleons demise to get zen moment and fitted stock, i like it over vision now.

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