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Edited by BNGHelp4: 3/2/2015 5:28:48 PM

[BUNGIE] Solutions for Xbox One Re-downloading Update

[b][UPDATE 2/25/15] The 1.1.1 Update contains a fix for this issue. If you have not installed this update, please exit Destiny and re-launch to take the patch. If you are still encountering this issue after updating Destiny and following the troubleshooting guide, please let us know.[/b] [b][u]PLEASE NOTE:[/u] This post is ONLY for the Redownloading issue. Please do not post offtopic as it pushes down posts of people who are still experiencing this problem; players that do this will be removed from the thread.[/b] Hello all, We have been investigating the issue where Xbox One players experience a re-download of a 76mb update every time they play Destiny. We have a few troubleshooting options that [b]we highly recommend players attempt in the order we present them[/b]: [b]Check your internet connection[/b] Are you on a wired or wireless connection? If you are on WiFi or mobile hotspots, we recommend using a wired connection to complete your installation, as sometimes this update is due to the connection failing or hiccuping during the update. [b]Clear your cache[/b] Clearing the console's cache has been the most successful way of getting out of this state. Please see below for more information as there are [b]two ways[/b] to clear the cache on your console. Once it is cleared it will resume your update. -Launch Destiny on your console (Do not press A to play) -At the sign on screen (the screen that prompts you “Press A To Play”) press and hold the following buttons for ~10 seconds, or until the game launches : Right Bumper (RB) + Left Bumper (LB) + down on the dpad -[b]PLEASE NOTE:[/b] This button command should only be used on the “Press A To Play” screen OR -Completely shut your console off -Go to Settings -Go to Power & startup -Press Turn Xbox off -Once the console is completely off, unplug the power cord from the back of the console and let sit for ~5 minutes -Power the console on and re-launch Destiny [b]Re-launching the game after playing a different game[/b] This issue could also be caused by game installs overlapping each other on your hard drive. Sometimes this can be sorted by simply closing Destiny and launch a recently played game (that is NOT Destiny). Please follow the steps below: 1. Launch Destiny 2. Close Destiny 3. Launch recently played/downloaded game 4. Play for a bit (20-30 minutes is recommended) 5. Close recently played/downloaded game 6. Launch Destiny At this point, the update will pop up and follow through, and the issue should resolve. Players who own the disc copy of Destiny have reported that their issue resolved after borrowing a friend's disc and attempting the update, or cleaning the disc. We realize this issue can occur with digital copies, and this solution may not be ideal. [b]We are aware that these steps may not resolve this issue, and if none of these steps help then re-installing the game may work.[/b] Your progress and characters are saved server-side on your account, so you do not need to worry about losing progress if you uninstall. Please know that Bungie is investigating a report on people who cannot resolve this issue with the steps provided. We thank you for your patience as we investigate.

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  • Edited by netherslayer777: 2/19/2015 8:34:43 PM
    I've noted that it never updates the same until you clear the cache or quit Destiny. It goes like this: A small 1 - 2 mb then you get to 57% then it gets to around 60%, speeds up and either finishes downloading or stops with wasp at 64% A 800 something kb update which finishes at 33% then goes to 50%, then starts speeding up Then finally, you reach a single 76 mb update I know that wasn't too clear, but the point is, why isn't this 'update' uniform? Why is it so weird? This is an error on your part Bungie!

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  • It doesn't work, CA NE MARCHE PAS, j'ai tout suivi à la lettre et je ne peut toujours pas jouer au CD que j'ai acheté dans le commerce à cause de ce put...n de code wasp. ça s'appelle de l'arnaque car j'ai payé pour jouer à un jeu physique et la connexion obligatoire m'empêche de profiter de mon achat, peut-on se faire rembourser ou offrir la version digitale, car sans solutions je vais devoir revendre mon cd à perte et mon season pass téléchargé sera aussi perdu. Si d'autres joueurs français sont dans le même cas, vous pouvez me contacter pour faire une action collective en justice pour obtenir réparation auprès de Bungie, puisqu'ils ne donnent pas de solutions !!!

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  • This is how I fixed the wasp and 76gb problem. First turn off all devices that are using wireless connection. This includes phones, iPads, and other systems, besides ur xbox one. Then unplug the Internet for 30 secs. Plug it back in and try destiny. It should work on the first or second time.

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  • Fix my problem please it keeps giving me this stupid -blam!-ing update fix your servers to learn how to make a -blam!-ing game right

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  • I was playing fine for like 2 minutes and I got the stupid wasp error fix your shit and stop blowing off PS4

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  • I have not been able to play destiny for more than two months because of this constant update. None of these solutions help this problem, and yet Bungie has not fixed this simple problem. Its been more than a month since this tread was posted, and still nothing. They update exploits like nothing but this update gets no attention, come on Bungie get your act together, your losing customers. I really enjoyed playing destiny but not any more. I refuse to let this update download 100 times with no success. Maybe one day this issue will be addressed, but its very unlikely. So thank you Bungie for not fixing this update, and making this an unplayable game, truly.

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    • Grrr... Still getting it EVEN after I did all of this and even uninstalled and installed it again is their any other way possible to fix this error code

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      2 Replies
      • Still getting wasp! Why oh why won't you fix this issue Bungie it's getting old! RUNDAS112 XBOX ONE WIRELESS/WIRED

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      • Same problem on my Xbox one. Nothing works, problemi is still here

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      • That's £60.00 you owe me then Bungie.

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      • I have google fiber 1gig a sec plan with their set up my nat is good everything is good on my end ive been running average of 700 mbs a sec so dont tell me its my internet i need help i keep getting canary catapillar and weasle im beyone sick of this i keep posting on the help section and not a single bungie response just a bunch of assholes ripping and trolling the forums so mister BNG are you gonna lie like deej or can i finally get some help from you people you already double charged me for two digital collecters editions and it wouldnt transfer to xb1 so i had you go buy the legendary for that one ive spent an excess of $300 dollars on this game and have been playing since beta and constantly get dropped stop saying its my nat or asking for my isp or shit like that be honest and tell me if your working on your servers if your not youre losing a customer and i expect a full refund for the three games and my time wasted

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      • I bought my son an Xbox 1 for Christmas and the game Destiny. Man up Microsoft and start providing a service...destiny "is not fir for the purpose"! Not sure of the consumer laws in the US but here in England you should be refunding by now....The disc is stating that there is a software error. Can I take this back to the supplier?

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      • Bump

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      • El bumpo

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      • I've tried every solution here multiple times. Including the 7 hour reinstall time. I reinstalled the game and the first thing that happens is Wasp, because of this update issue. What is the update even for, and how can I actually fix it? I only got my Xbox One for Christmas, it's my first console system, and this is the only game I have right now to play and I haven't been able to for weeks now. Why is this "update" even a thing?

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        • Going on 30 hours and 200+ Wasp errors now. I'm averaging 2 a minute seems like. This is ridiculous. Why is this still a problem on the XBOXONE? BrianWrightWS6 XBOXONE Wired

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        • Edited by Panda Twurp: 2/18/2015 3:43:32 AM
          You have responded to an earlier comment of mine directed towards this wasp error. I have now gotten it three to five times since then and it has worked out after eight hours of pressing the a button on my xbox one. It has been two days this time, and unfortunately I think it's not going to resolve anytime soon (I'll probably be put into the category of people not being able to play at all). Maybe my suggestions here will be futile, but here goes nothing. Instead of tasking your team of developers and other various employees to work on heavy ammo glitches and even the Iron Banner each week, task them with fixing these error codes instead. I mean your whole team (excluding sales reps etc.), Bungie. Please try to fix the things that enable players to not play this great game you've created (I have no clue how many hours I've spent raiding and playing with my friends and other alums met online!). I hope all is well for me and others, in time (probably), of course. Panda Twurp Xbox One

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        • This is -blam!-ing ridiculous!! Fix your shit already!!

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        • WELL OVER 200 WASP errors now, I have no other way to vent other than here or throw something at my TV!

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        • It's -blam!-ing February. Late February. You guys just running away with people's money or you gonna -blam!-ing fix this shit. I want my money back

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        • none of these steps did anything. andi cant login to play because i cant get past the download. this is some of the worst gaming experienes i've had. the game is so pretty. but it has very little mmo qualities. and the server issues and all these short comings make it just horrid.for the money you ask for this should be better. you should want it to be better.

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          • Bungie im tired of your s**t I've been try to do this update for 8 hours now and ive tried all of the troubleshooting and resetting my internet multiple time and I'm very p****d off because I've wasted my hole f*****g day trying to play your s***y game that has a f*****g update every f*****g day, fix your s**t

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            • 24 hours now of WASP Really? This is ridiculous! And yes, I have tried EVERY waste of time step suggested.

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            • BrianWrightWS6 XBOXONE Wired Going on 18 hours since I could sign in because of this, ridiculous.

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            • This isn't working. The troubleshooting isn't a fix. I still have to redownload everyday. Takes me an hour or more of this troubleshooting BS just to get it to work for the day. It's beyond frustrating. If anyone actually found a way to actually fix this problem can they please post how they did it.

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              • Bump.

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