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Edited by Exileant: 12/22/2014 2:00:28 PM
I didn't argue your point, see you ASSUMED you knew the details of the loan system before asking... You know what they say about assuming, right? The loan system would simply be a screen right under the trade option, click and poof just like trade you put in your (Icebreaker) for say.... 1000 glimmer. for you there would also be a time slot, 12 hours up to a week. Once agreed upon the swap is made, and the weapon is exchanged, and like a glimmer booster or a weapon upgrade once the time is up, it vanishes. Or rather snaps back to to the original owner automatically. there for nobody is crying that they didn't get their weapons back and people have a way to be a credit to the team without the flaw of abandoning the stage because one or 2 people cannot cut it. That works for everyone and didn't require much effort in the way of coming up with. When you over think things, you tend to fail. Now then, for (YOU), parts may come easy but for a lot of us no matter how many hundreds of enemies we kill over the others, no matter if we constantly score the final hit on the boss, nor if we do the most damage by an incalculable number, we are STILL only rewarded Assendant ENERGY. Perhaps a shard here and a shard there, still not enough to do any kind of real leveling. 200 Energy to 15 shards is not a question of not working for it, it is a question of chance not being on your side. Like with people who only get the "Chatter White" Shader and "Aspect of Glass" ship form Hard mode of the Vault. So if I come down with a Hawkmoon or a spare Monte (that I have NO use for) I can sell it for the shards I need. For people who cannot find energy shards, due to chance or heck, because they have a family and cannot spend years growing to their couch and neglecting their families for the sake of colors on a flat box, I can level the weapon up for them before I give it to them, for an added amount of what I need, seeing as I can find so many shards. And even more so, it fits in with the story. Materials are supposed to be in short supply, we should be sharing what we have. We are all supposed to be helping each other fight the Darkness together. Most people have turned into out right holes because they think a little level increase makes them top crap, to the point of leaving one another down in simple things like strikes. They have no reason to be helpful. Money is the root of all evil, and it also tends to temper evil people. Long story short, it may stop this games community from turning to that of DC Universe Online where even within your league, good help is hard to find because nobody wants to share a thing. It would also keep prices from going overboard. "25000 Glimmer?! Gak face of Git will loan me one for the week for 3000. No sale friend..."

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  • Edited by FoxhuntRadio: 12/22/2014 2:21:58 PM
    And as far as ascendtant materials go, if you need shards, do what everyone else does, buy armor with your vanguard and crucible marks and break it down for the are essentially buying the shards that way, if you dont have one, make another character or two, that will double, and triple the amount you can get each really ain't that hard to get what you need, you just gotta know how and do it the right way......if you need help and are on ps3, add me, I'd be glad to help and I know many many other people, most of us are day 1 and beta players, who would be glad to help as well

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  • Surly wouldn't turn down the help. I was a Beta player as well. Send me a message with your Net name and I will. Mine is as displayed here. We can play some time. As for the vanguard marks? I use too much Vanguard to salvage like that. between building on all 3 characters and buying worthwhile weapons.... I am frequently at a negative balance.

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  • My psn is the same as my screen name here as well......and if you have 3, then a shortage right after the dlc drop is understandable lol, I'm down to about 60 shards from over 200 and my energies are starting to drop rapidly as well....but that's why the VOG is still relevant

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  • I didn't assume anything, I actually clearly stated that any system to prevent loans from turning into theft would be vastly overcomicated.....we are trying to get a trade system implemented, which in of itself is vastly complicated, so to try to add a loan system would make it twice as difficult to achieve, and half as likely we ever see it.....secondly, my suggestion was even trades, so if you have 200+ energies and 20 shards, and your buddy has 200+ shards and 20 energies, by all means, trade him your energies for his shards.....but trading exotics for anything but exotics would lead to exploits and again cause more problems and ruin the whole idea and game

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  • Edited by Exileant: 12/22/2014 2:58:53 PM
    Well I just proved to you it wasn't that complicated. Also even with Exotic for Exotic there is room for Exploiting. That is the risk you take when you do business. If I wanted to trade you a Red death for your only Suros Regime, and you accept because you just started playing, then you have just been fleeced in the worst way. There is no way around people being new and or not reading or doing research. Now you can implement a warning system that says, "CAUTION UNFAIR TRADE!!! DO YOU STILL WISH TO PROCEED!?" for the person with the most valuable item, but in cases of double items and I just want some shards that is kind of redundant... My 5th Suros is Exotic, all shards are legendary, they will never equal my Regime in terms of class.... but it is my 5th, so to me it is worth 25 cents. It is a matter of perspective. There are things where you just have to let people go and make their own decisions. God doesn't like ugly, so if you are intending to rail somebody the age old term "What goes around comes back around", is not just a pretty set of songs by Justin, and it will. That is really the only policy that is fair for everyone that you can set. Tried and true "Buyer Beware" I will say this though, as much as I want the ease of it all in game, I prefer it to all take place in a forum style set up here, as I enjoy the MOSTLY uninterrupted stage play. The lack of hard lagging is nice. And I have enough errors with Baboons, Bees, Horse Flies, Wood Ticks, Carpet Worms, Summer Ants, Ginger Beetles, Hyper Silverfish and Daddy Long Legged Footloose Roadhouse Tyratubananawolf Spiders, Shank you kindly...

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