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Edited by LJ: 12/23/2014 11:24:26 AM

The Khvostov exotic version

I would love to see a exotic version of the Khvstov white auto rifle (the first one you pick up). It's a great looking M4 like gun, and I really want to use it again. Maybe it can be called "An old friend" or something. The weapon model is there, why not upgrade it? I really like your guys' ideas about upgrading it like you do with the Necrochasm. Maybe there should be a long upgrade quest that gets this thing to its max. Bump if you agree. Loving how you guys are coming up with perks and everything. Glad you guys like the idea! Check out SorrowSong's idea below v

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  • Just bringing this back to life. Remember someone posting it ages ago and found the post..

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  • 2014 bump

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  • I summon the community, I summon the criers and the shamers, those silent and those heard I summon the [b]NECRO BUMP[/b] and all that comes with it Let this thread live by my hand

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  • Edited by kklathan8613: 12/23/2014 10:10:56 AM
    Updated and made more pretty. More updates to follow. Will improve readability later on. My idea is to make a quest ( bounty) chain which starts from the Gunsmith. The first quest unlocked at level 10. The story which is unlocked over time is that the Khvostov is a weapon which was taken from the corpse of a Guardian by a Fallen Kell as a trophy who used it to execute captured Guardians for many years before discarding it in the Cosmodrome when it was nearly worn out. Quest 1: “A Forgotten Weapon” Required Level: 10 --- Step 1: Get the quest from the Gunsmith --- Step 2: Return to the Cosmodrome and search Fallen for an "ancient modification kit" --- Step 3: Defeat Sepkis Prime at the end of the Devil’s Lair strike for an “unstable energy” --- Step 4: Return to the Gunsmith. Result: Khvostov 7G-02 upgrades to Uncommon rarity and is renamed Khvostov 7G-02U, range upgrades to 17 from 12. Quest 2: “Bigger is Definitely Better” Required Level: 18 --- Step 1: Get the quest from the Gunsmith --- Step 2: Journey to Mars and defeat the the Goliath tank for an "Oversized Barrel" --- Step 3: Journey to Venus or Earth and defeat a Fallen Walker for a "Oversized Breach Plug" --- Step 4: Take these parts to the Gunsmith and then --- Step 5: Spend 5 each of Primary, Special and Heavy ammo synthesis. Result: Khvostov 7G-02U upgrades to Rare rarity and is renamed Khvostov 7G-02R, range upgrades from 17 to 20, Aim Assistance upgrades from 48 to 55 At level 20 the Gunsmith will offer you a quest called “ A Fork in the Road” which you can turn in to either The Speaker for the Light path or Ikora Rey for the Dark path Quest 3 Light – “ Light Becomes You” Required level : 20 --- Step 1: Seek out The Speaker --- Step 2: Infuse the Khvostov with Light- Purchase from The Speaker a Blessing of the Light for 10 Motes of Light --- Step 3: Show the Khvostov that it can save Guardians - Revive a Guardian 20 times with the Khvostov equipped. ---Step 4 Allow the Khvostov to deliver retribution – Kill 50 Fallen Majors with the Khvostov. Result: Khvostov 7G-02 upgrades to Legendary rarity and is renamed Lighttouched Khvostov 7G-03L “Touched by the Light this ancient weapon is healed of its past hurts” Quest 3 - Darkness. “No, Vengeance is MINE” Required level: 20 Step 1: Seek out Ikora Rey --- Step 2: Just a little bit of Darkness – Complete the Chamber of Night mission on Heroic for a piece of “Corrupting Darkness” --- Step 3: Return to Ikora Rey - Gift the Khvostov with Darkness, pay 10 Motes of Light to infuse the Khvostov with the “Corrupting Darkness” --- Step 3: Give the Khvostov a taste of vengeance – Earn 1000 points from killing Fallen with the Khvostov (Majors are worth 20 points, normal mobs are worth 1, works out to 50 Majors) Result: Khvostov 7G-02R upgrades to Legendary rarity and is renamed Khvostov Bloodletter 7G-03D “Corrupted by Darkness this weapon seeks relief from its past in the blood of its victims” Doing either will give you the Legendary version of the Khvostov. The stats will be the same but the names will be different. For the Exotic you need to take the Khvostov to the Gunsmith who will send you to Xur to purchase a “Swirling Vortex” for 5 Strange coins. You can then take the Vortex to either The Speaker for the Light path or Ikora Rey for the Dark path. Quest 4 - Light. “Redemption is upon us” Required Level: 20 --- Step 1: A moment of decision weighs upon you – Take the “Swirling Vortex” to The Speaker. --- Step 2: The Khvostov seeks redemption from its sins - Grant it by slaying it's former owner. Journey into a level 26 Epic version of The Devil’s Lair strike and kill Dak'Rilla the Undefeated (a Kell) who appears in when Sepkis Prime is at 15% health. Dak’Rilla gains bonus damage when it is close to Sepkis, you MUST defeat Dak’Rilla before you kill Sepkis Prime. --- Step 3: Return to The Speaker to reforge the Khvostov in Light. Result: Depends on your previous actions, see below. Quest 4 - Darkness. “Madness is Just Another State of Mind” Required Level: 20 --- Step 1: A moment of decision weighs upon you – Take the “Swirling Vortex” to Ikora Rey. --- Step 2: The Khostov desperately hungers for the blood of its former rivals – Satiate that hunger by traveling to a level 26 epic Version of the Scourge of Winter mission and defeat Draksis who is joined by another Major Talgoth Frostheart - a Servitor who buffs the damage of Draksis when they are close by. --- Step 3: Return to Ikora to drown the Khvostov in Darkness. Result: Depends on your previous actions, see below. If you went light both times you get: Lightforged Khvostov 7G-03L “Purified of its past this weapon spreads a message of Peace and Understanding from the barrel of its gun. Our peace that is, over your dead body.” Exotic Perk: Flames of Retribution. Rounds do Solar Damage and cause a brief DoT on the target (2 ticks) that does minimal damage. Increased chance to stagger with precision hits (basically High Impact Rounds perk). Targets under the effect of the DoT take increased precision damage from all sources. If you went Dark both times you get Bloodcrazed Khvostov 7G-03D “Mad with Bloodlust this weapon seeks to paint pretty pictures upon the wall. Oh so pretty pictures, all in red.” Exotic Perk: Bathed in Blood – Rounds do Void damage over-penetrate targets. Precision kills cause the target to explode, doing no splash damage but marking nearby enemies for a moderate length of time (8 ticks) and staggering them for a brief time. Marked enemies take increase precision damage from all sources and have an increased chance to stagger from precision damage. If you went Light once and Dark once you get: Soldier’s Khvostov 07-03S “Uncaring of good, unheeding of evil this weapon seeks only one thing: perfection in its craft; spreading death. En masse.” Exotic Perk: Relentless Pursuit – Rounds do Arc damage and explode upon impact. Precision hits increase the damage of Precision hits for a brief time. Precision kills return 2 rounds directly to the magazine and dramatically increase reload speed for a brief time.

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    41 Replies
    • I think it would be cool if it upgraded with you. Since max level is 40, every 8 levels it gets an upgrade

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    • 2
      I think there should be materials and options and "paths" to upgrade any weapon in destiny. With the rarest, most legendary quests and materials being used for the ability to make a weapon "exotic" and give it the unique, OP charm that some exotics have. Then I can feel like I worked towards my 4 gjallarhorns, rather than just sit and feel bad that I had to scrap 3 for useless crap.

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    • the gun is great for pvp

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    • Khvostov is a russian assault rifle so the exotic would be what? Ak-47

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    • Like this so much, I gotta put a bump on it.

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    • Actually, they should've given the Khvostov an upgrade process like that of Husk/Eidolon/Necrochasm. That would've been pretty cool.

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      1 Reply
      • I had a 6 man team in the crucible all using it and winning! Love the idea! Bump

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      • Edited by brewsntattoos: 12/23/2014 2:40:17 AM
        i still have mine and once in a while i pull it out cause it sounds so different from all the other weapons. people in my fireteam have called me out for using it cause they know the sound. anyways, whenever i ads, i just keep thinking this weapon is so awesome, with it's cracked scope and such. it's seen some action. it's actually the only weapon, that, i wonder what kind of stories it could tell. the others, not so much. i want to give it some tlc.

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      • I've been wanting this to happen for so long. I still use it in PVP and it outguns almost everything else. I hope it'll be extremely rare and you can only get it by keeping your old common Khvostov. I ordinary thought of name like "Nostalgia". Or "Deja-Vu" but I really like "an old friend"

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      • Amazing idea

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      • Bump

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      • That would be cool. I like the name too. Or something like "First Love"

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      • Amazing idea and a great name. I would love to see this happen. Bungie could definitely put that in the game when the house of wolfs comes out.

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      • Bump Great idea.

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      • Bump

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      • Have it be able to upgrade into an exotic Rectalchasm

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      • Did you see this guys idea for a new, heavily upgraded version of the Crypt Dweller? It's towards the bottom of the post in the last big paragraph. apparently it's something he is looking to do wit hDeeJ, so it's pretty exciting!!

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        1 Reply
        • Love this, took some ideas from fellow forumies. Anyways: [b]KHVOSTOV 7G-00 "VIKTOR"[/b] Auto Rifle "An old friend who waits for those that will lead us to victory." Perks: -Kinetic Damage -Fire Selector: toggle between full-auto, single shot semi-auto, and three round burst. -Unflinching: this weapon is easier to aim while under fire. -Interchangeable perks: Flared magwell, perfect balance, field scout (max magazine of 42) -VIKTOR: Reloading this gun after a kill has a chance to create an orb of light. Additionally: While in full-auto shots that miss have a chance to return directly into the magazine, in semi-auto precision kills grant ammo directly into the magazine, and in burst-fire kills grant bonus reserve ammo. Quest: Vanguard Mentor Missive from competing bounties. -See Cayde-6, the Hunter Vanguard. Cayde has reports that the Fallen are pillaging a Golden Age weapons cashe in the area where you start the game. Go there and obtain the VIKTOR blueprints and a Khvostov if you don't already have one. This area is filled with a resurgence of Fallen, and a pair of Captains for bosses. Kansis and Franzis. -Take the plans and gun to the Gunsmith. He looks over the plans and rifle, and sees it needs auto rifle parts. Dismantle four fully upgraded rare or higher quality auto rifles for parts. -Take the parts to the Gunsmith when you have them, and get a Repaired Khvostov (rare). He says the workings may be fixed, but the gun is still dark and cold. It needs something more. -Go to the Speaker. He looks at the gun and says by only doing a great feat surrounded by light will the rifle shine anew. Get 42 major or ultra kills in a raid with one of the Speaker's class items equipped. -Return to the Speaker and receive a Illuminated Khvostov (legendary). Then Speaker says the Gunsmith requests your audience. -The Gunsmith says he found the plans had more to them than met the eye, and discovered the final component is presently impossible to obtain. He suggests the Cryptarch may know more than he does. -The Cryptarch knows of the Vex, and the Mind that searches time for humanity's lost secrets. Find it, and take back what's yours. -Kill the Recursive Mind, a Pretorian, in an epic version of the Nexus strike. It appears once the Nexus Mind is close to death. Obtain the Fire Selector Component. -Return to the Gunsmith, give him the component and an Exotic Shard to obtain the VIKTOR.

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        • Bump

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        • such a good idea man i love the look of that gun as well BUMP!!!!

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