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originally posted in:Beautiful Black Guardians
12/20/2014 6:18:14 AM

Are You A Black Guardian?

Hello #Destiny, Does anybody else here play as a black or dark skinned guardian? Or are you black irl? I have a black male human warlock, a black female human titan and a blueish-whitish female awoken hunter. I'm also black in real life and I've kept that tp myself until now. This makes things awkward for me if someone starts using racist language or making racist jokes. Most people are not like this but now and then some young kid will start the racist jokes or someone will throw around the N-Word willy-nilly. I'm looking to find people who are either like me or more tolerable and accepting of people like me.

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    My female characters are two light skinned cuties

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  • If I'm speaking the same language as you, everything else does not matter. Age are more a difference then skin color or nationnalities.

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  • Grrrross

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  • I personally don't care what color you are. All I care about is are you good at the game? Are you fun to hang with? And are you a dick? OK well the third one helps with my crew. We have people of all races in my clan. We all have fun and joke around. Idiots and morons aren't welcome and I drop the ass kick on those who insult and degrade others in my clan.

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    • Petition for Xur to sell chicken and waffles

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      4 Replies
      • My guardian isn't black. Still haven't gotten that shader to drop...

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        3 Replies
        • Part of the reason I've not done crota's end yet is because I just can't muster the patience to deal with all the sexist, racist, and homophobic chatter in voice chat. VoG was a pain in the ass, having to leave many raids at bad times because of the afore mentioned reasons. Ask em to quit and it's always met with increased volume.

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          • Either that is a picture of you, or it is horribly stereotypical and offensive to at least women, and probably most black people. Or both. How is that relevant at all?

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            2 Replies
            • I've been reading some of your responses below, how can you say it's all about culture and diversity if you want to make a largely all black clan? I know it's not your intent but it seems like you are being a separatist.

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              12 Replies
              • And if I make a white gaurdian clan I'm a racist bastard......

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                37 Replies
                • I have no problem with people of other races, though I prefer to play white characters myself. Simply because I am white.

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                • I prefer to be called a Bluardian.

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                • I'm a Human, the amount of melanin in my skin shouldn't be an issue.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Ive got an obsidian mind, does that count?

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                  • Dark child of light, and you're black? What a leap. lol jm man

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                  • Good god she is sexy.

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                  • at least its not as bad as it was in HALO. I also have African blood and the same holds true for my JEDI (warlock). anytime you want to run a couple of games let me know.

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                    • Personally I'm a fair skinned Asian. And I prefer to be characters that resemble my skin tone. However. It shouldn't matter. And race shouldn't be an issue

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                    • Black painted exo.....

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                    • You need some lotion

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by XiX GhOsTx XiX: 12/21/2014 8:30:37 PM
                        Why do people start topics like this? They rarely end well. I don't care if you're black, blue, green, white, orange etc. If you enjoy playing Destiny, are respectful and decent at the game then you're good in my book. I will however boot someone (of any race) with a quickness if every third word out of their mouth is n*gga or anyone making any kind of racist jokes. Keep that crap out of the game and realize that you're with a group of random people that may or may not share your beliefs.

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                      • Edited by dee: 12/21/2014 4:59:52 PM
                        I live in Germany in an area with a lot of US army bases, so I grew up with a lot of blacks and got to learn a lot of black culture, history and the hip hop lifestyle. I don't know why exactly, but the first character I created was a black female warlock (probably cause I'm digging black women :D). I tell some racist jokes too from time to time, but only in company of friends that know how to handle it or know that I'm not a very serious guy. When it comes to online gaming though, I'm very careful with the things I'm saying. I'm turkish, so living in Germany for me is almost the same shit as being black and living in the US. We get a lot of racist heat too nowadays and also kind of created our own subculture (mostly with/through rap/hiphop). We are called "Kanake" by germans (which means scum in that context), and I think that comes close to being called the n-word.

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                      • The only color on your guardian that matters is your amour shader, any one who insults people based on race is simply ignorant and not worth the effort to insult back.

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                      • I play with black guys who throw the nword in every sentence. I know a bunch of them in real world, they do the same. Why? I don't know. Makes them more gangsta? Listen to some good rap music, it all n***a this n***a that. What's the big deal? If you're offended, sorry to break it to you, but you joined a racist, misogynistic and homophobic subculture, gaming culture. We are all anonymous and that gives us freedom to act the way we want. Solution. Use Google, look for all platform gaming clans and guilds. These people require you to disclose your real name, age and use of voice communication (teamspeak, ventrilo, etc). They will screen your application upon approval. Many of them form friendships that expand beyond gaming, they meet in real world to have fun. I'm a member of a few of these groups and I play ps4 and pc games with many members of these groups. Suffice to say I'm not at mercy of a broken system destiny and many other games have.

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                        • Ive got a sick tan. #Yolo

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