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12/12/2014 1:56:27 AM

Bungie Weekly Update - 12/11/2014

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12465]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/11/2014 [/url]
#Destiny #News

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  • looking for nightfall/heroic story mission/crota's end 29 hunter psn:adawg_14

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  • Bungie..great TRY,please get rid of those stupid cards u have to go on the computer to read,please don't release something u think is DLC that has an hours worth of content,and one new mission area but advertise it has gloriouse amounts of NEW content.I seen 2 new content things that wasn't based on old content you nerfed to keep people grinding away to get to that gloriouse level 32 2 levels,the time and effort u must have put into this game...WOW is all I can say...I happened to buy destiny with the 2 expansions If there aren't more promised,and more content added to the dark whatever before u try to add another DLC I will most definetly trade this game in and never think about it again no matter how many bullshit lies,and false leading trailers u show...I truly believe Hactivition had something to do with the Disgustingly thin amount of content,and game play add on u did this time,i hope anyway...because shit the game wasn't a full game when u released it in the first place...when I played the BETA I was so impressed and OMG!! ONLY because I thought "shit this is only a taste"? well im all in then,I DIDNT KNOW I WAS SEEING 80% OF THE FRIGGING GAME!!! I mean what in the ripped off crap is going on hear?and your still going on about...ohhh wait till u see,this is a ten year this rate if this is the product I can expect to see over the next 10 years,and the content your game wont sit on my shelf past the 2nd DLC if u SERIOUSLY can sit there with a straight face and call this a DLC,or even a -blam!-ing add-on.Am I the only one who noticed that bungie only added one frigging area besides the new pvp maps?and 3 new story missions that are sickeningly lacking,I mean if that girl went in there with 6 people and only she came out alive SHE SUCKS AND I COULD PISTOL WHIP HER AND SHE WOULD GO RUNNING SCREAMING SHE FOUGHT THE DEVIL AND WOOO IS TO THOSE WHO CHALLENGE THE PERSON WITH SAID PISTOL!!Usually im not this upset,but what in the HELL bungie!! DO NOT TAKE ADVISE FROM HACTIVISION!! don't go silently down that swirling porcelain shitter,and u will if u don't FIX THIS RIP OFF!! I only held on this long because supposedly there was 12 new planets and blah blah,NOT EVEN ONE!! not even another for your other DLC either...I think we can all safely stop calling the crud u released DLC and just admit we all got suckered into paying for a game in pieces.I am truly disgusted,and to the president of bungie...I promise u wont go on my account and find iv played the DLC for over 100 plus hours,and anyone who did was trusting that this was some sort of fluke and trusting in bungies good name to make it right,or unlock the door to the real game and DLC. I personally think that Hactivision was scared destiny would tru,p there jugernout call of duty...wich is wayyyy over played anyway and going under fast WITHOUT any help from a good they talked you into doing something STUPID!! and as for the guy who made the comment about inflation and all that horse games were 50 bucks,i remember a time when brand nw games were 49.99...and that wasn't that long ago now ther averaging 60 buck,then add on expansions,dlc and the like,shit bf4 I spent over 100$ on to get the full game if u add in the premium,wich just adds maps and shit,trust me when I tell u that they are making there freaking money,look up the stats games are grossing more then frigging movies now theres absolutely NO excuse in the garbage u released content wise bungie.3 damn levels worth of story?I MEAN REALLY?REALLY REALLY? wtf!! I am disgusted with the direction this is heading,and iv been a die hard fan,u can count me out of any more bungie products until u get this right.This has been a TERRIBLE year for console games.Devs are looking to get rich off that one game with crappy content and glitch buisy nerfing guns to make the average sheeple happy instead of fixing the MAJOR problem...WE DIDNT GET WHAT WE FRIGGING PAID FOR BUNGIE!! YOU RIPPED US OFF!! I wish I could get all my money back for it...what a damn waste,I truly hope u add content to this,and I don't mean in the form of another 20 expantion...I mean fix it from the ground up,release content enough to make it a real damn game,then do DLC's.NOT segment the content that's already on the disc so u can charge us piecemeal for game access.then maybe years from now when the orginal games fully released and you have made trillions add some DLC.I agree with everyone else hear I am done pre-ordering,i will wait from now on till the games out and I can see if its worth spending my money on.fool me once,but never again.

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  • Vog norm fresh I'm a level 31 hunter looking for 29 plus on 360

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  • Australian clan ( NEW, Ps4 ONLY ) The Vongola Guardians Click the link or look up our clan name ! Noob or not everyone is welcome :-) Friendly and helpful crew for raids/nightfall/weekly Hs/crucible. 1. Go to the and sign in using your Playstation account information. 2. Go to "clans" on the left side of the screen and search for "The Vongola Guardians". 3. Click on the interact button below your name and select "join clan". 4. When you're on the page click playstation clan to join and you will be accepted.

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  • Vog on hard. At oracles on Xbox one. My gt is EmptyTaco69 (Currently with two players)

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  • Australian clan ( NEW, Ps4 ONLY ) The Vongola Guardians The only way to sign up to the clan is by going to the bungie website via a computer. Mobile phones don't work but an ipad might I'm not too sure as I don't own an ipad. So click the link or look up our clan name ! Noob or not everyone is welcome :-) Friendly and helpful crew for raids/nightfall/weekly Hs/crucible.

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  • Edited by boBO728635: 12/22/2014 5:40:17 AM
    Lvl30 warlock lfg vog hm at atheon ps4 add bobo728635

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  • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12465]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/11/2014 [/url][/quote]. Lookin for 2 more people to do the VoG raid, message BlackKevin11 if you want to join, must be 27 or higher

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  • Ok so I play on Xbox 360 and I was told by one of my friends that he had a lvl 85 warlock on PS3 (I know he is lying) but no matter how much I try to tell him that it is impossible for him to be accomplish such a feat. Am I just crazy or am I right about the new level cap in PS3?

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    • Edited by Caius2000: 12/21/2014 10:01:21 PM
      It would be cool if bungie added an arena were guardians could fight against story enemies and other guardians at the same time and you could bet on the team you think would win

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    • Can 2 profiles on the same xbox share the dlc content?

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    • Mmmh wait to upgrade patience n time for 1 shard, 7.5k glimmer blah blah or just buy a new one for 17 of these strange coins i have in abundance, smash my old one up and get an exotic shard!? Geeee let me think!! Bungie please sort this out!! Its only one update and you've already ruined the upgrade system!!

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      • A question for all of you who complaing yet remain on forums and playing destiny? Why do you? You say its because you paid 60 or 90 bucks but you're telling me you really can't just admit that it was money down the drain? Has that money you spent left you without a dime? No one is getting a refund for a bad game. They are still getting solid numbers,not as big as release date numbers but still solid, and as such they're making money and that's what they care about. Money because that's why they made the game. Sell the game and get what you can. Something is better than nothing. Bought digital version? Lesson learned, Next time get your lazy ass and go to a store and purchase the game. Bought the pre order. Not their fault you were stupid enough to do that. They just did some effective marketing that you bought. Bungie is a business and businesses exist to make money as such they are succesfull to their endeavor. Now I will admit I did not know much about the game. I got it as a part of the white PS4 bundle. After playing a while I realized this game wasn't for me so what did I do? I stopped playing and bought another game. WOW go figure that because you bought a game you do t have to continue using it. However I've done some research and read and viewed and yes destint is not the game as it was marketed. But there is no law against that and it will jot get you your money back so take your losses and move on. That being said Destiny is a 10 year series....not this Destiny 1 but instead a series of games such as Destiny 2, 3 and so on which yes you will have to purchase. So dont expect for everything to be addressed and fixed as they will eventually focus on destiny 2 which is already in the works. So as long as they make money they will improve what they want and maybe just maybe if they have a decline in Revenue will they address your concerns. Or maybe they wont and go to destiny 2. Remember Microsoft Vista. Big hype but terrible operating system. Millions complained and what happened, windows 7. So maybe this is what they think of doing. Addressing issues in future releases. So the question remains if you don't like it why are you still posting and playing? Did those 60 dollars really break your budget? And to those who love the game how do you feel that you will have to purchase destiny 2 to "BECOME LEGEND" and successive games after that? FYI: I am not for or against destiny. Did I like the game no. Solution stop playing it. Maybe I'll pick up destiny 2 maybe I won't . I can spare 60 bucks. So what are your thoughts haters and lovers alike?

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        • Australian clan "NOT ONE OF US" is looking for other Aussies or people online roughly the same time to join in on raiding/weekly H/nightfalls. Noob or not everyone is welcome :-)

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        • Thanks again bungie and destiny for kicking me to orbit as I was about to deliver a killing blow to a strike boss. I keep trying to give you a chance but crap like this really makes me return to this game less and less frequently. Get it together. It's not that hard.

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          5 Replies
          • Does using the emblems for Eris Morn give you any sort of bonus bump like IB emblems? Just wondering, thought I'd ask :)

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          • I know this has nothing to do with the update but I just got the husk of the pit in the cosmodrome but it's only a level 10 weapon. Is that it no upgrade no nothing? Xbox1 gingrbudda

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            • Apparently the Iron Banner's "exclusive crucible playlist" is a fancy term for "twilight gap marathon".

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              • I do hope for the love of Bungie that "Destiny 2" isn't going to be on last gen consoles..

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                • Why can't we just use old shards to buy new shards. This shit will take forever to upgrade 3 separate characters. For example: 2 shards for one radiant shard. Fair enough. Not all of us have the time like the loser who made 6 characters in a week to get to lvl 32. And not to say that I don't already invest too much time already.

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                  • entao eu comprei meu destiny com as dlcs e n consigo jogar eu paguei 220 reais o jogo e as dlcs e n consigui jgr pf fazem alguma coisa

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                  • So I've been wondering for a long time.. is impact the damage or the knock back?

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                    • One manning Crota's End like a BOSS LOL.

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                      • Way to go yet again.....another week and another big disappointed titan and warlock. Sigh I love playing the game but it has from what it looks with everything finally sunk. 33 min solo whole raid, anyone looking for something can't get it, caps far to low for cost of items, really was hoping for a good weekend as finals finished.......

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                        • おいゴラァァ!!味噌弾持ちあげろよ おう、あくしろよ とりあえず土下座しろ おう、ヨツンヴァインになるんだよ あくしろよ

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                        • Hey hoss. Where is our update. Monday? Thursday? Friday? Can you guys pick a schedule and stick to it. FFS. Also DeeJ, how do you... As a 'gamer' playing Destiny, not have more to say about this game than your infrequent updates. Are you limited to Updates only? YOU should be much more involved in the community, and your threads should be in the news feed. I mean I know you reply to others posts. But every thread you make should be in the feed.

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