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12/12/2014 1:56:27 AM

Bungie Weekly Update - 12/11/2014

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12465]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/11/2014 [/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Bump

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  • Well this is my final regard to this financial pit, I refuse to support either of your companies. good luck in life because You have ruined an enjoyable part in mine.

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  • Bamp

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  • I remember the days of Atari 2600. No whinging tw4ts back in the day. Think yourselves lucky you have this type of game now x

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    21 Replies
    • Lol, these updates are always plagued by the a seemingly endless blight of (mostly) comments irrelevant to the topic at hand. Same story with all my most played games: Destiny, Battlefield 4, Dragon age, inqusition. I can't find relaxation and enjoyment from fellowship and convo with other players via online message boards without seeing just annoying complaining and demands from other disgruntled players. Who, by the way...will drive themselves insane for weeks trying to play a game that they aren't enjoying. pvp disconnects 30 secnds after starting every time, no matter what? and theyve been trying to connect over and over for weeks, alll this customer service waiting on hold, adjusting settings....and i feel for them, i do. but, hang the hat up. im not wealthy whatsoever. So, be smart. if the top 3 most likely fixes fail, return it within 7 days. past that, JUST trade it in. with Battlefield 4, every mssg was "FIX IT FIX IT. game is brokennnn." gawd, cant i just discuss recoil technicals without seeing my fav past time be denounced every 3 seconds? MY GAME wasnt broken. People complaining about destiny having connection issues? Mine doesnt. Never has. (only rare exceptions). Neither has Battlefield 4. actually, 98.6% of the time, its a problem on the player's end. I dont want to read THESE BIG ANNOYING "IM BREAKING UP WITH YOU, DESTINY!" messages!!!!!! NOBODY CARES IF IF YOU ARE UPSET. GO TO TECH SUPPORT. THOSE PEOPLE CARE. But as far as DISCUSSING IT...not interested, It amazes me!!!! if you are unhappy, just vanish. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with this...i remember how i used to feel when it happened to me when i was alot younger. But, if it makes you so angry, you need to take a nice long break away from videogames for awhile, trust me. Bungie cares, but they aren't really calling the shots. Or reading these comments. AT ALL. Bungie is working on the next project. Those who aren't, wtf r they gonna do? dlc #2 for free? comon! DLC is nothng new. I rarely buy them out of principle. I cannot believe you people are not over the hype yet. I know it hurts to find out, but these companies exist to make money. Fools. MONEY. Fortunatley, These companies compete for OUR support, sales. So, the lowest prices, best products get all the girls. When your expectations are soooo skyhigh, NOTHING would have satisfied you. We thought, "oh, bungie, makers of mona lisa of gaming....published by massive AAA publisher." ...Then, all the hype/ads. it was PERFECT storm. and look...broke RECORDS for most sales. basically, REVENUE. hhaha, people make these big announcements how they onkly want "money"...uhmmmm durrrr no shyt! obv dude. same with hosptitals, insurance, so many. They arent artists who create games. Listen, There are so many kids who want to be "game makers" without realizing that theyll be quitting before they learn binary, or their first line of code. we know so little about how it TRULY works, some people sound soooo ignorant. Have you not noticed the same tone of appeasement? How they are politely saying "SHUTTTT UPPP, we can only do what our bosses demand of us, and our boss is NOT YOU." They must be so tired of the slanderous ignorant diction from children. *** Bungie made Halo with a core group of unknown, unproven develpers. Nobody bothered them, they just made something from love. THEY GOT LUCKY and stumbled upon a battle engine that was amazing and fun. (like halflife engine). its used and re-used...even in destiny. But, what else are they capable of? It's like, if you denied them that engine, and start from scratch, itd be another avg game. Hey, most devs NEVER even find that chemistry. we should have been more skeptical, it was a new thing. new dicttaorship publisher. You see, kids. it is just like in music. Everyone know Greenday? alright, well...greenday made their best music (which is the case with 99% of any music group) BEFORE they are signed to a MAJOR label. They were signed from very early on, but by local and small publishers. Why need a publisher like bungie needs activision? ...because at the end of the day, if your job is making art, you need funds to promote, produce, etc. that artwork to maximize its success. did early greenday as teenagers, all stoned and playing punkrock hav the money themselves to grow? even to produce cds...the most basic investment, requires a "deal with the devil." Totally uninfluenced art in its purest is great (THAT is why the first few albums of bands are always better, they arent yet mainstream.) But, if you become a "sellout." then, the soul of the product is lost in the sake of money. Truth? These big production companies: EA, Activision, etc, etc...THEY are only focused on money. They didnt make the game, they dont care what it is, as long as it has the most earning potential. obvious to us older players, of course. But, the part that alot of you arent grasping is... Onceyou sign with one of the big-name companies, you also sign with a big-name cash check. The downide is (and he reason why bands turn to gabage once they sign with a big label) is that YOU as a developer, no longer have any say on how your own art is made. really. They know what you can do, they paid you all that cash. so they own you....They have a list and formula of what their reserchers have concluded to be the best ways to maximize profit, and it generally means widening target audience, to maximize potential buyers. So, open world is in? gota be open world. Dont like chopping up the game to be sold later as DLC? tough! itll make us more money. Bungie has more resources, but no creative freedom. THAT is the key. freedom but no resources? or resources but no artistic freedom? Guys, think. If you have already BOUGHT THE GAME. Why would activision authorize manpower (which costs money to them) to make you feel better about a game you already bought? Theyve moved on, moneys been made, theyre looking onto the next. wanan feel better? learn. nextime, keep it in your pants and skip the midnight release. wait a damn day and see if the game is good, i save myseklf all the time by doing that. Oh, and dont listetn to machinima....those guys are total morons. sorry, they are. nothign worse than an elitist "gamer." who thinks hes the final authority on a whole subject.

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      11 Replies
      • I'm willing to overlook the shitty mechanics, shitty "strike" and downgraded gear. What I can't overlook is the total bullshit you call a story. I'll come back for House Ow Wolves (Won't even touch the game until then) but if it doesn't have a story longer than 3 missions, and more in depth than just "Shoot X before Y" I will break this damn disc in half, and wipe my ass with the season pass. A story like the one you gave is the only thing that REALLY pisses me off right now. Diamonds, out.

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        38 Replies
        • I wish the face on Abyss defiant would talk. Deej can you make this happen

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        • If you want us to do Iron Banner - you need to have 36 light armor available!!!

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          14 Replies
          • Hey DeeJ, Bungie, or whoeveer! its me again here to let you know I'm playing skyrim over that crap won't be buying destiny 2,3,4,5, so don't bother. Activision treats you like an unwanted stepchild and you beat us around like we are one... Who's the multimillionaires here who made us a game well waste our life on never to become one? Ya -blam!- YOU BUNGIE IM PLAYIN COD AW! and or skyrim... I encourage all guardians to forfeit playing because you're just wasting your time!!!! Please don't. I mean for god sakes they didn't even put emblems in the multiplayer feed for headshots.... IDIOTS! I HOPE BUNGIE GETS CANCER AND ACTIVISION GET ANAL CANCER!

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            49 Replies
            • jai une remarque quand pour les 10 premiere equipe a avoir fini le raid le jour de sa sorti: comment est ce possible que certain de ces joueurs etaient deja lvl32 le 9 decembre???

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            • Dear, Bungie I have been playing your games for around 18 years, and I consider Bungie one of the best gaming companies around today. I am very disappointed with the way you guys/gals have handled the gear in this game. 1. Why is the gear one of a kind with limited upgrades, ie the gear is useless when you go to a expansion? Here is my suggestion: If you are going to make the gear worth the effort, then why not make the gear slotted and allow us to either find the upgrades, or make them drops. You can still make the players gain exp to unlock the slots, and limit the kind of special upgrades. 2. Why are the characters so shallow and paper-rock-scissor? Why not create a sub-class that allows me to combine abilities from the other 2 sub-classes for a sort of hybrid. You could limit the number of combined skills that are allowed to be paired. I understand that you guys are working on a lot of things... But I truly believe that these changes will enhance the game. I am getting a little tired of rince and repeat method you guys are using. I have faith in you guys though... So lets shake things up a bit with a little more creativity. Thanks Former Myth player...

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              2 Replies
              • Does anyone have an atheon checkpoint on Xbox one

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              • Here are some of the best ideas floating around at the moment. Feel free to add to the list . 1. A player ranking high score, kills etc. 2. Damage per second column at the end of missions, strikes or raids. 3. Guardian shop: customize shader colors, guardian and armor appearance, and change your action settings ex: dance, wave etc. 4. Customize ship color and incorporate clan emblems. 5. Ship battles. 6.Change guardians in tower and perhaps be able to pick a destination from the tower rather than go to orbit then pick. 7. Make a rondezvous area in the tower for people wanting to do raids. 8. Access to vault in orbit 9. An Archivist in the tower to check grimiore in game as well as on app. 10. Increase glimmer and vanguard/crucible cap or allow glimmer to be put in vault like supplies. 11. Increase vault size. 12. Be able to assign items to D-pad (ammo synth or weapons etc) 13. Possible match-making for raids and nightfall . 14. Skip cinematic feature. 15.New character's like, fallen knights or reanimated guardians for the VeX and hive tanks. 16.random Tanks drops. Not public Events 17. Rogue guardians for you to play as a new bad guy evil tower, missions ,ect and if you meet a regular guardian on patrol you could challenge them to a duel. 18. A first person sword like in Skyrim. Please copy and add on your ideal and repost

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                3 Replies
                • Can 2 profiles on the same xbox share the dlc content?

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                  • Edited by lostingreenbay: 12/25/2014 5:19:38 PM
                    Fix the goddamn rng.

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                    • Post!

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                      • Cheese crota 4am Tuesday Before patch

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                        • Some days I just wish I has better wifi :/

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                        • im level 32! ps4! ready to help kinder guardians achieve the rank of master one step at a time. follow my page or dm me to play with me! will help with all things needed to be completed.

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                          • Hi guys! I am starting up a clan and it's called 360 No Joke, it's a clan to group together Xbox 360 players and just have a good time, we can be serious if we get a group together but also don't mind casual playing, casual is what I do best! I would really appreciate any 360 players joining up, would be real good for the destiny community :) Cheers in advance! :)

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                            • FALLEN TRINITY!!! This group was formed after 3 players strangers at first rose together as a team to become some of the best. The most well rounded end game players who learn and share there knowledge. Still looking to learn more and grow in the world of destiny as it changes with us. New clan very active and we except all come weak and leave a beast!!! No guardian left behind. PS3 and PS4 looking for mainly ps4 users who are experienced with the raid. WE ARE GREAT PLAYERS!! looking for more to expand our raid parties. Check my credentials or any of my administrators!! send me a message and i will send u the clan invite.

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                            • Looking for clan members that play on a regular. Ask to join "The Bxsterds". All will be accepted. We have over 50 members right now. Just looking to get bigger and to help with raids and weeklies. Ps4 Add me. Final_Gaiden

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                            • Everyone Cheese crota 4am Tuesday Before patch

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                            • Cheese crota 4am Tuesday Before patch

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                            • Cheese crota 4am Tuesday Before patch

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                            • Cheese crota 4am Tuesday Before patch

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