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11/26/2014 12:56:28 AM
You must be an IB 30. It's ok, I'd feel sick if I had gotten my 30's via the welfare system. At least it's not some microtransaction purchase of gear, you actually had to play the game for the glimmer to buy your levels.

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  • Rip

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  • Such a dumb post from by someone who clearly doesn't have a clue how this game is. Next you will tell everyone that it's all skill to acquire raid drops. Getting to 30 via IB is in no way a welfare means of getting 30. You still have to grind countless of crucible matches and earning rep. Much more work and skill involved in crucible than there is in VoG. I've heard from others how they got their raid gear in 1-2 runs of VoG. So please, don't think all high and mighty just because you were lucky enough to get all your raid gear, it took me 8 runs for a chest piece, I still needed gauntlets and boots so grinded out IB and earned my 30 that way.

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  • I just want to point out, killing atheon on hard, is about 200% more difficult than normal difficulty. As the difficulty levels suggest, This should make it more difficult to obtain the raid helmet, which if someone doesn't have an exotic helmet, or the raid helmet, they are not level 30. Personally if they sold any gear in my opinion it should have been the helmet, and it should have been ib lvl 5... just my opinion...

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  • Ok then, think whatever you like. Fact is getting to 30 with raid gear takes commitment, skill, and luck. Getting to 30 with IB is just luck plain and simple. You get to jump into a match made event and play it over and over until you get what you want, they even let you reroll perks. The raid has to be done without aid of matchmaking, the whole team needs to work together and know what their doing, and you need to get a lucky drop. Oh and to top it all off you only get to try once a week. Just admit what everyone knows already, IB 30 was only added because of the incessant whining of children who were mad they weren't getting what they wanted. All you need is to be in winning matches to rank up or get a lucky drop. Skill has nothing to do with it, and if you don't get it this match you can just try again, and again, and again...

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  • You are arguing against a system that required true dedication and hard work with "luck"? Argument indefinitely invalid.

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  • What dedication and skill? You get put on an unbalanced team and even if you go afk you get points. Even when you lose you get a token to get those points on your next win. All you gotta do is keep playing, and you can play as many times as you want. You don't gotta put a team together, you don't gotta do anything but log in. I guess you gotta pay the electric bill, but then again most of the people here don't seem old enough to have bills so idk.

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  • Edited by Spidey: 11/30/2014 3:44:06 AM
    Did you get that chest piece from the raid? No. You bought it from Xur with 15 coins you spent a total of 40 mins to obtain, if that. Technically, not even YOU are a "true" level 30. So stop whining about it.

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  • You know I'm wearing heart of praxic fire right? Xur never sold it, and I do in fact have a raid chest piece but again I'm wearing heart of praxic fire. Do you have any idea what you're talking about, it sounds like you may be new.

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  • Let me tell you a short story: -blam!- you.

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  • The level 30 gear you get from IB wasn't a drop, you had to win, earn rep and level up your IB rank. I was not talking about the random drops players get after each match. As I myself dislike playing PvP but I did it just for the level 30 gear that I could purchase.

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  • Here's the thing, you never could "buy" the raid gear. No matter what you had to get it to drop, and if it doesn't drop for you that's it for a week. We weren't able to jump back in another match and try again, we couldn't grind out all night and go buy gear. The raid drops are shitty I agree, but everyone who has a full set of raid gear put in weeks and weeks of work. I've been playing since day one and still don't have everything for my hunter to hit 30, does that mean I wanna go buy 30, no. I'm gonna stick it out, try again next Tuesday, and hope I get it. Then I'm gonna go do the hard raid and hope for a helmet, because I'd rather not be 30 then know I bought it like some pleb.

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  • Okay, let's break this down. Let's just say (for the sake of it) you only had one character. Now, you're no raid noob, with the right squad (assuming you have a set squad) you can beat VoG on hard in no more than an hour correct? So now, you're done with VoG. Where's this putting in work week after week? When you actually put in 1 hour for VoG. Now grinding IB, took me at least 12 hours to get to level 4 IB. That's at least the equivalent of 12 VoG runs on hard. For the sake of this argument we are having, I can admit that both ways to getting to 30 is putting work.

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  • Week after week comes in when you only get rewards once a week, well once on normal and once on hard but you can't do hard until you already have the gear to hit 29 or have a team willing to carry you.

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  • The actual amount of time put into it. Running VoG only on hard once a week gives you the same amount of drops as if you were to run VoG on normal first then doing it on hard. Once a week for 1 hour versus doing IB for at least 12 hours. As I was leaving for the holidays I crammed IB grinding in 2 days. I more than deserve my 30 as well as others. I basically did at least 12 VoG runs on hard for 2 raid pieces. Not to mention I wasn't getting those lucky and very much random drops after each IB match. With my luck, I wouldn't have gotten my raid armor in 12 VoG runs. No matter how you want to slice and dice it, IB 30s are very much earned.

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  • You act like it's easy to win a match. VoG is all about trial and error, your enemies are predictable one can even say you memorize everything they do. Now try that in crucible where player behavior changes every game. Ofcourse people will complain about VoG drops, each character can only receive drops from VoG twice a week and if you end up getting crap drops week after week then ofcourse people will whine. You still need to contribute to win a match in crucible, can't expect to win a match by doing nothing.

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  • Lol you're kidding right? So I assume you've never seen the People in the crucible who just hide in the corner and spin? Because you absolutely can do nothing in the crucible and not only win, but get the best drops. Oh and the addition of tokens when you lose just made it even more beneficial to sit in on matches and do nothing, because even when you lose you get points on the next win.

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  • Again, you still have to win to earn rep. Stop trying to act like your VoG 30 is better than IB 30. when it comes down to it, my IB 30 will slap your VoG 30 all day in PvP. A 30 is a 30, I can drop my level to a 27 in PvP and I'll still slap you around, why? Because I can and will. Oh I wait for the day when Bungie introduces custom lobbies in Destiny, so whiners like you who think they're high and mighty because you reach 30 by getting lucky drops in VoG can finally shut up and quit thinking they're better than everyone else.

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  • You don't, your team needs to win, you can sit in a corner fapping to your warlocks ass. Even if you lost in iron banner you got tokens so you only gotta win 1 in 5 matches. Also you can go 0 and 52 and get the best drops. If you try getting carried in VoG you'd be booted but since IB is match made you don't even have to make a party, just get lucky with the games broken team balancing.

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  • VoG is the real welfare, you don't have to do anything to get raid armor drops. I helped out a buddy's friend run his first VoG ever, he gets 2 armor drops plus aethons epilogue. Took me 8 tries just to get 1 chest piece plenty of chatter white which I don't even wear. I'm still going to do the raid so I can get the matching pieces and pray that I do get them. Think what you like, IB 30 is just as good and you still have to earn your keep. It feels like you're one of those players that sucks in any FPS PvP, and that's why you voice your disapproval, nobody else can be a level 30 but you right?

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  • You know we can see your stats right, you have a .74 kd in skirmish and .84 in rumble but yet you decide to talk shit about how pvp takes real skill right. Your level 30 has shit stats all around and like 2k kills in raid, but yeah you deserve to be 30, you're definitely what people think of as one of the people at the pinnacle of destiny skill. Git guud chump, before you go laying out challenges to people and hoping for private matches lol.

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  • Edited by Won Too Tree: 11/30/2014 3:02:44 AM
    Lmao.... I don't take PvP seriously but I can assure you that I will slap you around in a 1v1. Hmmmm.... Halo 2 has pretty much the same mechanics as this game, 1v1 me there?

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  • I don't take pvp serious and I don't even play unless a bounty forces me too, and I still am over 2 kd, you're at an average of .8 why would I even waste my time.

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  • I knew it, what a coward. Prove that your VoG 30 is better than my IB 30. I'll make your KD irrelevant when I slap you around and you not getting more than 5 kills.

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  • Like I said we can all see the stats, you know real actual numbers, non of this blah blah I'll kick your ass 1v1, and last I checked 0.8 < 2.0 sorry. Why would I go play halo 2 anyways, I'm on the far superior ps4, even your console choices are worse then mine. I don't even know why you thought you could talk to me, peasants don't get to engage the king. Learn who your betters are.

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  • Stats don't mean anything in a 1v1. You're lucky we're not on the same console. All you are is a lucky level 30 noob, who thinks he's above others because he got lucky with VoG drops. I feel bad for kids like you, who thinks they are entitled the whole to them and nobody else is.

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