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11/20/2014 11:06:32 PM

Arcblade is not OP in Crucible, please do not nerf!

I'll be honest, I'm a little sick of everyone bitching about arcblade when they've never touched the damn thing in their life. So I looked at my own stats to see how much I use arcblade and if it really is as OP as everyone claims. Here are the Crucible results for my [url=]bladedancer hunter[/url] and here are the results for my [url=]Voidwalker Warlock[/url] Now I did the math and these are the results: For my hunter, 15.7% of my kills are with my super, this is less than a quarter of my total crucible kills which means that for every 10 kills I get in the crucible, 1.6 of them are an arcblade kill. That's hardly overpowered when 36.4% of my total kills are with primary weapons. Now we move to my warlock, where Nova Bombs make up 17.2% of my total kill count. While granted this isn't much different it is higher, so percentage wise I get more super kills per game with my warlock than I do with my hunter, so that chucks the "Arcblade is more OP than other supers" idea out the window. On top of all this my hunter is my main and I have had much more experience with him, so I'm probably better with arcblade than I am with Nova Bomb, yet I still get less kills per game with it. This shows that, for me at least, Nova Bomb is a more powerful super than Arcblade. What's that I hear? I'm better with Nova Bomb than Arcblade? Well then that proves that Arcblade is balanced, cause if it was overpowered then I would definitely be getting more kills with it than I would with Nova Bomb because it would be a superior ability. Please let this put an end to the Arcblade nerfing threads once and for all. I'll admit I did post this on the Destiny forums as well but I realised it'd probably be more noticeable for Bungie if I put it here.

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  • Hey what's a nechrobump?

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    • The only thing that is OP is Hungering Blade and its not even "OP" its just... WTF? why full health after an easy kill?

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      • Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna bump, bump, bump, bump, bump I bump it off, I bump it off

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      • I'm a Warlock. Don't nerf Bladedancer. If people don't like it they can leave.

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        • Edited by Stop: 11/25/2014 12:51:27 AM
          First of all...that 2% means nothing, because your warlock gears could give you higher intellect so you can use nova bomb more often. Secondly, BD is op because they are the hardest to kill after super activated, also you can use BD individually with one hit kill while nova bomb can not P.s I have all three classes characters

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          • People always say it can take out the WHOLE team. 1) it is rare to ever get 3 maybe 4 kills with it. 2)I have literally taken out the whole team multiple times with Titan smash and nova bomb 3)takes more skill to hit RB that to yolo into a room and throw yourself on the ground

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            • The main thing most people actually complain about is not the number of kills over a match that can be obtained by a class, but the number of kills that can be obtained in one use of a super. After having looked at the medals for both your hunter and your warlock, you have 44 Gutted medals with your hunter, as opposed to the 4 Space Magic medals you have with your warlock. Just because you average the same number of super kills per match does not mean that you average the same number of super kills per super use. If you are going to try to provide a statistical argument to back up your point, at least try to get the facts straight. Based on that number you can make a better justification as to whether a nerf would be in order for bladedancer. As those medals would indicate, you average a Gutted medal once every 5 games with your hunter. as opposed you average a Space Magic medal once every 15.5 games. According to this evidence, it would seem that there is evidence to oppose your argument of bladedancer not needing a re-balance.

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              • If arch blade is not op then health after super activated for warlocks needs to be buffed

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              • I was playing a game of control on Firebase Delphi with my hunter. I had my arcblade super ready and I saw that most of the enemy team was huddled on the B point. My plan was to jump in from the window above the room and arcblade the whole team. But, in my excitement, I overshot my jump and landed on the far side of the room with the B point and the five enemies behind me. I ignited my arcblade super and just spammed the melee button while holding down on the left thumb stick. Without even rotating the camera to see the enemy, I killed every guardian in that room. The last two were in a Titan's bubble shield. I think it's a little OP. just a little. But, I think a fair way to balance the arcblade is to weaken the highly accurate lock on system that comes with that super. Warlock supers and Titan fist of havocs, even the gunslinger, has to be aimed at the enemy. You don't have to aim the arcblade because the system does it for you in ridiculous ways. You shouldn't be able to kill multiple enemies who are off camera. You shouldn't be able to kill an enemy in midair if you haven't pressed the jump button yourself.

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                11 Replies
                • Edited by chronious1: 11/22/2014 1:02:32 AM
                  I used to use arc blade for the fun factor but have since moved on. I got tired of chasing people down. I tend to die right after its use as well. It's not OP as people say, I'd die all the time before I'd get to people. Occasionally I'd get lucky and find a group all together. The better super is gunslinger since I can take anyone out from a good distance. Plus the gunslinger regens way faster than the arc blade so you can use it more often

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                • Okay lets compromise. When you get a kill with arc blade, you have 4 (maybe less) seconds to get another or it ends early. That way a blade dancer has to choose each target carefully and chain kills so they can keep going. And when an entire team gets wiped out from Arc Blade it's their fault for sticking together and not hauling ass from the blade dancer in the room

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                  • It takes 2 shots from a shotgun to kill someone using arc blade It's the weakest super out of them all. Warlocks have a nuke. Titans have hulk smash.

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                    • Ive used both and arcblade is definetly OP, if your 30ft in the air they will still be able to hit you, though its mostly the upgrades like extra duration or regain health on kill that make it even more OP in PvP

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                    • I play a blade dancer and hunters are the only class that they can activate their ability around the corner and then go reek havoc, LOL. everybody else's one and done with exception to the revive warlocks which at range still easily killable.

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                    • I'm tired of people complaining about the pvp side of this game in general, it's like they all think it's supposed to be 100% even all the time. The game isn't designed for everyone to be on a level playing, it's been designed to incorporate the different abilities of each class and the different weapons. If people are getting owned and then complaining about things being OP, then they don't understand how to play or adapt to the situation, plain and simple. This isn't a game designed to be like halo where it's a level playing field and everyone has the same weapons and abilities in every match, it's designed to be different to force people to adapt and change how they play depending on the situation they're facing. People need to stop complaining and step their game up.

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                    • I like how your experience and the stats you've gathered while playing crucible are supposed to be indicative of the entire communities experience. Maybe you're just bad with arc blade? Nova and Havoc require enemies to be huddled close to get big multi-kills but arc blade can travel halfway across most maps before running out. Limit the number of attacks or take away the auto lock on, and it will be balanced, but as it stands it's op as hell.

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                    • Experienced players can easily counter a blade dancer. The newbies who bunch up give blade dancers their big killing sprees. It's not OP.

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                    • I'm a hunter and yes it's op, I stick with golden gun because I'd rather shoot for distance than rapidly pressing my melee button and having destiny do the rest for me.

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                    • I hate to admit but the blade dancer is so easy to get multiple kills 4+ each time with the super. I play primarily as a Warlock however I made a hunter to see the difference and it confirmed it for me

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                      3 Replies
                      • Ok everyone let's not cry nerf and I'm a sunsinger and I have I agree blade dancer isn't op it takes 3 swings from a blade dancer to kill me. And I survive a fist of havoc 75 percent of the time if I Melee him fast enough to get my flame shield and same with a nova bomb. So yea the classes don't need a Bering because all of them are balanced and bungie even said it so you are supposed to feel overpowered but our really not. So think about before saying before cryin nerf

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                      • This and that it has 2 fatal flaws. One is you can run away from it, and two is they dont have resistance. So you can kill them with a shotgun/sniper/fusion rifle. And they dont get a refund of the super

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                        3 Replies
                        • Edited by a potato: 11/21/2014 8:08:54 AM
                          I'm leveling blade dancer (been max gunslinger for a while) and am absolutely floored how arc blade has not received a limit of 3 "attacks" like golden gun has. In a recent trip through the strike playlist I counted at least 7 or 8 shockwaves before I ran out of super bar, each one of those waves doing what my striker's shockwave (with only ONE use) does.

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                          5 Replies
                          • I use all three classes and I think my hunter has the best k/d and it is an inflated k/d. Its so easy to destroy people with arc blade. A shield and moving really fast slicing up anything. Multiple kills almost everytime I use it. At one point, I was surrounded by 5 people and then I activated bladedancer. You know how this story ends.

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                            • The only people who think Bladedancers are OP, are those who've never actually played as one. If a BD can catch you by suprise, or get to close-quarters with you, there's very few counter options other than another super (my BD got taken out last night by a VERY smartly used and well-timed FoH....well done, if you're reading...). But the skill involved is knowing WHEN to use it...and WHERE to activate it so that you can approach your enemies without being seen. Because if they see you coming at range, they can easily gun you down....or force you to use blink strikes to close the distance and risk burning up all your super time. I love Bladedancer, but the window of vulnerability is MUCH bigger than that of other supers.

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                            • I'm with you. My main is a Warlock. I've shotgunned 4 or 5 blade dancers in the face today. If anything my nova bomb is more OP.

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                            • It's not OP, you just get startled when you see someone running at you with a knife full speed, so it might throw off your aim.

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